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I have been with my Church for 80 years. Sometimes I have been saddened by mistakes made by men like me who work for it but more often than not, like today, I am happy to call myself a Catholic.

When I talk about my Church, I must congratulate two people: The first is my grandmother, who carried me to church when I was a baby, and dragged me there when I was young. There I learned to love the poor as my masters, because this is the Church of the poor founded by Jesus, the poorest of the poor.

The other person is the one who leads the local Church, my pastor, in this case the Most Rev. Thomas Wenski, current Archbishop of Miami. No, do not think that this is Cuban "guataquería" or flattery. Do you know why I do so? For having had the courage, demonstrated responsibility and, above all, transparency — that phrase that lately has become unusual for many people, and especially for those who lead — to present the Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2020 for all of us to study.

It is sad that I, a parishioner of my Church, should be the one to congratulate him! This should be done by the various non-Catholic institutions, the press and television, because he is probably one of the few to do so. We only have eyes and comments for mistakes, and we look away when we are faced with an unprecedented event. Journalism does not exist only to bring news of mistakes; it also exists to guide and teach the people about their leaders.

I also want to address you, readers, as parishioners of the many churches we have in this archdiocese. When the collection basket passes in front of you, do not look up to heaven and pray, so others may think you did not see it. And for those who seem like descendants of Washington because all that comes out of their wallet is a picture of him, please leave him alone and think of Lincoln. As you have been able to see, the very little that is given back to the Lord from everything he gives us daily is very well administered. Of every dollar you give, only 14 cents go towards administrative costs; the rest goes back to the needy, and many children, the elderly and the poor benefit from it.

I would like to point out that the archdiocesan newspapers, the Florida Catholic and La Voz Católica, share this information each year by publishing a summary of the financial statements, as well as the different operations that are carried out with these funds. It is time for Catholic and Christian businesses to advertise in these newspapers, which are practically produced with minimal resources. We should campaign for Catholics to sponsor goods and visit Catholic businesses to help each other. Naturally, all of them should place their ads in the pages of our newspapers in order to be recognized.

This article was first published as a column in the June 2021 edition of La Voz Católica.

Comments from readers

Isabel Font - 06/30/2021 07:16 PM
Thank you my dear friend for this wonderful blog and for reminding everyone that together, we help sustain the mission of the church and the mission of God. In these difficult times where its persecution and ours is so evident, it is more than ever necessary to remain united in prayer and action, supporting its every effort to defend the truth and the right to live in one nation under God, with liberty and justice for ALL God bless you
Valli Leone - 06/28/2021 01:44 PM
Thank you, dear Victor, for reminding us of the true mission of our wonderful Catholic Church. I, like you, am a Vincentian here in Saint Justin the Martyr Parish in Key Largo. The Lord hears the cry of the poor – – praise the Lord! What a joy and a blessing it is to realize that we are all poor and can often relate to the sinners’ leprosy as well. I thank God daily for my cradle Catholic faith and for the entire Body of Christ, with Pope Francis at the helm. His love and commitment to those most in need, in my opinion, is a true representation of Christ alive in the world today. Hopefully, we are trying to follow in His footsteps. Keep up the good work, my brother. Jesus never fails! ✝️⚓️💜

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