Church & School
Select Catholic Church
All Saints Catholic Parish
Annunciation Catholic Parish
Assumption Catholic Parish
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Parish
Blessed Trinity Catholic Parish
Christ the King Catholic Parish
Church of the Little Flower, Coral Gables (St. Theresa)
Corpus Christi Catholic Parish
Divine Mercy Haitian Mission
Epiphany Catholic Parish
Gesu Catholic Parish
Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
Holy Family Catholic Parish
Holy Redeemer Catholic Parish
Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish
Little Flower Catholic Parish
Mary Help Of Christians Catholic Parish
Mother of Christ Catholic Parish
Mother of Our Redeemer Catholic Parish
Nativity Catholic Parish
Notre Dame D'Haiti Catholic Mission
Our Lady Aparecida (Brazilian Apostolate)
Our Lady Of Charity National Shrine
Our Lady Of Czestochowa Polish Catholic Mission
Our Lady Of Divine Providence Catholic Parish
Our Lady Of Guadalupe Catholic Parish
Our Lady of La Vang Vietnamese Catholic Parish
Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Parish
Our Lady Of Mercy Catholic Parish
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Our Lady Of The Holy Rosary-St. Richard Catholic Parish
Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Parish
Our Lady Queen Of Heaven Catholic Parish
Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs Catholic Parish
Prince Of Peace Catholic Parish
Resurrection Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Parish
San Isidro Catholic Mission
San Lazaro Catholic Parish
San Pablo Catholic Parish
San Pedro Catholic Parish
Santa Barbara Catholic Parish
St. Agatha Catholic Parish
St. Agnes Catholic Parish
St. Ambrose Catholic Parish
St. Andrew Catholic Parish
St. Ann Catholic Mission
St. Anthony Catholic Parish
St. Augustine Catholic Parish
St. Bartholomew Catholic Parish
St. Benedict Catholic Parish
St. Bernadette Catholic Parish
St. Bernard Catholic Parish
St. Bonaventure Catholic Parish
St. Boniface Catholic Parish
St. Brendan Catholic Parish
St. Catherine Of Siena Catholic Parish
St. Cecilia Catholic Parish
St. Charles Borromeo Church
St. Clement Catholic Parish
St. Coleman Catholic Parish
St. David Catholic Parish
St. Dominic Catholic Parish
St. Edward Catholic Parish
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Parish
St. Francis De Sales Catholic Parish
St. Francis Xavier Church
St. Gabriel Catholic Parish
St. George Church
St. Gregory the Great Catholic Parish
St. Helen Catholic Parish
St. Henry Catholic Parish
St. Hugh Catholic Parish
St. James Catholic Parish
St. Jerome Catholic Parish
St. Joachim Catholic Parish
St. John Bosco Catholic Parish
St. John Neumann Catholic Parish
St. John The Apostle Catholic Parish
St. John The Baptist Catholic Parish
St. John XXIII Catholic Parish
St. Joseph Catholic Parish
St. Joseph Haitian Mission
St. Justin Martyr Catholic Parish
St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Parish
St. Kevin Catholic Parish
St. Kieran Catholic Parish
St. Lawrence Catholic Parish
St. Louis Catholic Parish
St. Luke Church
St. Malachy Catholic Parish
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Parish
St. Martha Catholic Parish
St. Martin De Porres Catholic Parish
St. Mary Cathedral Catholic Parish
St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Parish
St. Mary Star Of The Sea Basilica Catholic Parish
St. Matthew Catholic Parish
St. Maurice at Resurrection Catholic Parish
St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Parish
St. Michael The Archangel Catholic Parish
St. Monica Catholic Parish
St. Patrick Catholic Parish
St. Paul Chung Ha Sang Korean Catholic Mission
St. Paul The Apostle Catholic Parish
St. Peter the Fisherman Catholic Parish
St. Philip Neri Catholic Parish
St. Pius X Catholic Parish
St. Raymond Catholic Parish
St. Robert Bellarmine Church
St. Rose Of Lima Catholic Parish
St. Sebastian Catholic Parish
St. Stephen Catholic Parish
St. Thomas The Apostle Catholic Parish
St. Timothy Catholic Parish
St. Vincent Catholic Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Parish
Visitation Church
Select Eastern Catholic Church
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Ukrainian)
Heart of Jesus (Maronite)
Our Lady of Health (Syro Malabar)
Our Lady of Lebanon (Maronite)
Our Lady of the Sign (Byzantine)
St. Basil the Great (Byzantine)
St. Jude (Melkite)
St. Jude Knanaya (Syro-Malabar)
Select Catholic School
All Saints Catholic School
Annunciation Catholic School
Archbishop Coleman Carroll HS
Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy HS
Archdiocese of Miami Virtual Catholic School
Barry University
Belen Jesuit Preparatory School
Blessed Trinity Catholic School
Cardinal Gibbons HS
Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
Chaminade-Madonna College Preparatory
Christopher Columbus HS
Cristo Rey Miami
Epiphany Catholic School
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Holy Family Catholic School
Immaculata- La Salle HS
Immaculate Conception Catholic School
La Salle Education Center
Leadership Learning Center at St. John Bosco
Little Flower Catholic School
Marian Center
Mary Help Of Christians Catholic School
Monsignor Edward Pace HS
Mother Of Christ Catholic School
Mother Of Our Redeemer Catholic School
Nativity Catholic School
Our Lady of Lourdes Academy
Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic School
Our Lady Of The Holy Rosary - St. Richard Catholic School
Our Lady Of The Lakes Catholic School
Our Lady Queen Of Martyrs Catholic School
Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary
Seton Ridge Pre-school at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Agatha Catholic School
St. Agnes Catholic Academy
St. Ambrose Catholic School
St. Andrew Catholic School
St. Anthony Catholic School
St. Bartholomew Catholic School
St. Bernadette Catholic School
St. Bonaventure Catholic School
St. Brendan Catholic School
St. Brendan HS
St. Coleman Catholic School
St. David Catholic School
St. Gregory the Great Catholic School
St. Helen Catholic School
St. Hugh Catholic School
St. James Catholic School
St. Jerome Catholic School
St. John Neumann Catholic School
St. John The Apostle Catholic School
St. John Vianney College Seminary
St. Justin Martyr Preschool
St. Kevin Catholic School
St. Lawrence Catholic School
St. Louis Catholic Covenant School
St. Malachy Catholic School
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic School
St. Mary Cathedral Catholic School
St. Mary Star Of The Sea Basilica Catholic School
St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Pre-School
St. Michael The Archangel Catholic School
St. Patrick Catholic Pre-school
St. Patrick Catholic School
St. Rose Of Lima Catholic School
St. Theresa Catholic School
St. Thomas Aquinas High School
St. Thomas the Apostle School
St. Thomas University
St. Timothy Catholic School
St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary
Sts. Peter And Paul Catholic School
Select Priest: Catholic Church and School
Acevedo, Fr. Jaime
Aduseh Poku, Fr. John Yaw
Agudelo, Fr. Oswaldo
Aku, Fr. Edmund
Akwue, Fr. Francis C.S.Sp.
Alfaro, Fr. Jose V.F.
Alfonso, Fr. Yosbany
Alonso, Fr. Armando
Alvarez, Fr. Eduardo J. S.J.
Alvarez, Fr. Jose
Alvarez, Fr. Manny
Alvero, Fr. Sammy
Amórtegui Peña, Fr. Gilberto AIC
Anderson, Msgr. Andrew
Angelini, Fr. Joseph P.
Angulo, Fr. Raul V.
Araujo, Fr. Saul Holanda Martins
Arias, Fr. Jesús
Arickappalil, Fr. Isaac CMI
Arriola, Fr. James
Attah Nsiah, Fr. Paul
Auguiste, Fr. Celsus
Avila Vivero, Fr. Mario
Aviles, Fr. Juan Alberto
Ayala, Fr. Robert M.
Ayubi, Fr. Omar V.F.
Babin, Fr. Victor
Baker, Fr. John C.
Baky, Fr. Isidore
Bantou, Fr. Rikinson
Barajas, Fr. Abel
Barreto, Fr. Javier
Barros, Fr. Gustavo
Bartos, Fr. Kris
Bastien, Fr. Emmanuel
Bello, Fr. Jorge
Bellonce, Fr. Fritzner
Betancourt, Fr. Cesar Y.
Biriruka, Fr. Ernest
Blanco, Fr. Miguel Angel
Blandon Gonzalez, Fr. Guillermo
Brevil, Fr. Reynold
Brohammer, Fr. Ronald
Brutus, Fr. Ferry
Buonocore, Fr. John
Cabrera, Fr. Carlos J.
Cabrera, Fr. Rolando
Calderon, Fr. Angel
Calixte, Fr. Iguintz
Capó, Fr. Rafael
Capdepón, Fr. Federico
Cardozo, Fr. Orlando OP
Carmona, Fr. Fernando
Carvajal-Niño, Fr. Jorge A.
Casale, Msgr. Franklyn M.
Castañeda, Msgr. Oscar F.
Centeno, Fr. Yader
Céspedes- Serrano, Fr. Carlos
Chamorro, Fr. Hans P.
Chan-A-Sue, Fr. Andrew
Charles, Fr. Robes
Charles, Fr. Patrick
Charles, Fr. Pierre Listo
Chavez, Fr. Alberto J.
Chinoso Anibueze, Fr. Fabian
Cid, Fr. Roberto
Cioffi, Fr. Alfred
Contreras, Fr. Wilfredo
Corces, Fr. Pedro M.
Cordova Gonzalez, Fr. Victor
Cos, Fr. Rafael
Coucelo, Fr. Andrés E.
Cruz Baerga, Fr. Luis Alberto SchP
da Silva Oliveira, Fr. Edivaldo
Davis, Fr. Michael W.
de Dios Garcia, Fr. Juan
De Jesus, Fr. Julio
De Los Santos, Fr. Edgardo 'Gary'
De Nigris, Fr. Emanuele
Delaney, Msgr. John W.
Delgado, Bishop Enrique
Delgado, Fr. Jaime A. Guardado
Dever, Msgr. William
Diaz, Fr. Francisco Gerardo
Diaz-Guerra, Fr. Salvador
Diesen, Fr. Edwin
Do, Fr. Long Hai
Dominguez, Fr. Juan Rumin
Doyle, Msgr. Seamus
Duffy, Fr. George E.
Durango Agudelo, Fr. Pedro Luis
Ekechukwe, Fr. Alexander CSSp
Ekezie, Fr. Franklin I.
Ekiert, Fr. Ireneusz
Elyse, Fr. Esteker SMM
Escalona, Fr. Warren
Escamez, Fr. Juan M.
Espino, Fr. José Joaquin
Essiet, Fr. Emmanuel
Estrada, Fr. Enrique
Estrada, Fr. Agustin
Ezeuchenne, Fr. Eliseus
Favalora, Archbishop John C.
Fernández Triana, Fr. Julio
Ferras, Fr. Jesus ISP
Ferreira, Fr. Jose Francisco
Fetscher, Msgr. James F.
Fishwick, Fr. Joseph
Flanagan, Fr. Damien
Flores, Fr. Luis
Foltyn, Fr. Andrzej R.
Fong, Fr. Dariel
Freitez, Fr. Pedro C.
Frohlich, Fr. Attila
Galván Vargas, Fr. Manuel
Ganuza Arbizu, Fr. Félix SchP
García, Fr. Michael A.
García, Fr. Luis G.
García, Fr. Victor
García Fernández, Fr. Francisco
García Tamayo, Fr. Eduardo SJ
Garcia, Fr. Bryan A.
García, Msgr. Pedro
García, Fr. Marcelino S.J.
Garza, Msgr. Roberto
Glorie, Msgr. John
Gnanasegaran, Fr. Francis
Gomez, Fr. Matthew
Gomez, Fr. Juan Alberto
Gomez, Fr. Octavio
Gomez, Fr. Miguel
Gomez Valdez, Fr. David
Gonzalez, Fr. Elvis A.
González Guillén, Fr. Angel Andrés
Gonzalez-Betancourt, Fr. Adonis
Gordillo López, Fr. Carlos Andrés AIC
Govin, Fr. Lazarus
Grady, Fr. Michael J.
Greer, Fr. Michael J. V.F.
Grisales Bedoya, Fr. Sebastián
Grotkowski, Fr. Jan
Hería, Fr. Fernando
Hernández-Alonso, Fr. Juan Pedro
Hernandez, Fr. Francisco J.
Hernández, Fr. Victor Manuel S.J.
Hernando, Msgr. José Luis
Hilley, Fr. Stephen
Hogan, Msgr. Terence
Holoubek, Fr. Roger
Hoyer, Fr. Michael V.
Hualpa, Fr. Matias
Huertas, Fr. Alvaro
Huesca, Fr. Omar
Isern, Bishop Fernando
Jadotte, Fr. Jean
Jean, Fr. Franky
Jean, Fr. Lesly
Jean Louis, Fr. Joseph
Jean-Mary, Fr. Reginald
Jeanty, Msgr. Chanel
Jimenez, Fr. Eduardo
Jose, Fr. Henrick
Jules, Fr. Youry
Juszczak, Fr. John W. CSSR
Karenga, Father Paul VI
Kelly, Fr. Edward Michael
Kelly, Msgr. Vincent
Kent, Fr. Daniel R.
Kirlin, Fr. Bernard
Kish, Fr. Michael A.
Koo, Fr. Sukhun
Kottayil, Fr. Joseph
López Guevara, Fr. Jesús O of M
Lahens, Fr. Albert
Lambert, Fr. Peter
Largaespada, Fr. Luis R. V.F.
Laurent, Fr. J. Sterling
Lee, Fr. Jun Andrew
Lin, Fr. Yunping Peter
Lleó, Fr. Pedro M.
Logiste Félix, Fr. Eduardo OP
Londoño, Fr. Yonhatan
Lopez, Fr. Juan M.
Lopez, Fr. Jose Enrique
Lopez Salazar, Fr. Rodolfo
Lorenzo Puga, Fr. Andy
Loubriel, Fr. Harry
Louis, Fr. Feliere C.S.
Lully, Fr. Jeremy R.
Lynch, Fr. Michael T.
Maalouf, Fr. Joseph
Mago, Fr. Israel V.F.
Marino, Fr. Christopher V.F.
Maroor, Fr. Joseph
Martínez Romero, Fr. Carlos Armando AIC
Martin, Fr. Daniel P.
Martinez, Fr. Benito Enrique
Martinez Blass, Fr. Milton
Massi, Fr. Anthony
McCormick, Fr. Jeffrey B.
McCreanor, Fr. James J.
McGoldrick, Fr. John
Medina, Fr. Jesus 'Jets'
Medina, Fr. Rolando A.
Menéndez, Fr. José Luis
Miranda, Fr. Yamil
Miyares, Fr. Carlos J.
Montes Colón, Fr. Flavio
Monti, Fr. Robert
Moreira, Fr. Adelson
Morris, Fr. Gerald
Muñoz, Fr. Martín
Muñoz Diaz, Fr. Esney
Mulcahy, Fr. Sean C.
Mulderry, Fr. Anthony
Mullane, Fr. Thomas
Muodiaju, Fr. Samuel CSSp
Narváez Valenzuela, Fr. Alexander SJ
Nathan, Fr. Sahayanathan
Naughton, Fr. Patrick J.
Navarro, Msgr. Pablo
Nguyen, Fr. Joseph Long
Noda, Fr. Jorge
Noguera, Fr. Ronald
Nwankwo, Fr. Fidelis CSSp
O'Doherty, Msgr. Jude
O'Dwyer, Fr. Dominick
O'Dwyer, Fr. Thomas S.
O'Hala, Fr. Steven
O'Sullivan, Fr. Sean
O'Neill, Fr. Patrick
Ogboe, Fr. Parker
Okafor, Fr. Nichodemus
Omode, Fr. Cletus
Orejuela, Fr. Fernando AIC
Packuvettithara, Fr. George
Padickal Thomas, Fr. Mathew
Paguaga, Fr. Juan Carlos
Paniagua, Fr. José Luis
Pantaleon, Fr. David R. SJ
Pavon, Fr. Luis
Peloso, Fr. John
Peña, Fr. Giovanni
Peña, Fr. Cesar
Perales, Fr. Jorge
Perez, Fr. Hector Angel
Perez, Fr. Isidro
Perez, Fr. Luis Alberto
Perez, Fr. Hector
Perez Dudamel, Fr. Oscar
Pérez-Pupo, Fr. Joaquin
Petroff, Fr. Alberto Paima Bardales
Pham, Fr. Khiet Huu-Manh SJ
Pierce, Fr. Jesse Adam 'Paul'
Pierre, Fr. Lucien V.F.
Pierre, Msgr. Jean
Prendergast, Fr. Edmond A
Presilla Romero, Fr. Pablo Emilio
Puerta, Fr. Jorge I.
Puthusseril, Msgr. George
Quijano, Msgr. José Juan
Quilligan, Fr. Michael
Quinn, Fr. James A.
Quinn, Fr. Liam
Ramirez La Cruz, Fr. Darwin Daniel
Rausch, Fr. Dennis P.
Reeves, Fr. Mark
Rios, Fr. Juan Carlos
Rivera, Fr. Ricardo D. Sch.P.
Rivera, Fr. Alexander
Rivera, Fr. Luis R.
Rivero, Fr. Luis
Rivero, Fr. Jordi
Rodríguez, Fr. Joaquín
Rodríguez, Fr. Ivan
Rodríguez Artola, Fr. Alejandro J.
Rodriguez de la Viuda, Fr. Jorge
Rolon, Fr. Alfredo
Romanello, Fr. Carmelo
Rosario Prendes, Fr. Enzo
Russell, Fr. David G.
Saint-Jean, Fr. Fenly
Salazar, Fr. Juan Carlos
Saldaña, Fr. Jesús
Sanchez, Fr. Juan Luis
Sanchez Leandro, Fr. Juan Alfredo
Santana Cardoso, Fr. Hugo Laerte c.s.
Santos Higuera, Fr. Gustavo Andres
Saunders, Fr. D. Ryan
Sawicki, Fr. Piotr
Schwanger, Msgr. Kenneth
Sepulveda, Fr. Miguel
Siqueira, Fr. Leandro F.
Solana, Fr. Fermín
Solano, Fr. Julio R.
Somarriba, Fr. Marcos Antonio V.F.
Sosa, Fr. Juan J.
Souckar, Msgr. Michael
Soutuyo, Fr. Raúl
Sutinga, Fr. Peter Claver
Thomas, Fr. Santhosh
Toledo, Fr. Nicholas R.
Toledo, Fr. Ivan
Toledo, Fr. Pedro
Tolosa, Fr. Armando
Tomonto, Fr. Andrew
Torres Samudio, Fr. Pedro E.
Troche, Fr. Hector Manuel
Tupiza, Fr. Juan Antonio
Tywoniak, Fr. Robert
Vallee, Fr. Robert M.
Valoret, Fr. Joseph
Varghese, Fr. Mathew
Vaughan, Msgr. John
Vayalikarottu, Fr. Antony
Vega, Fr. Carlos E.
Velez Gonzalez, Fr. Juan Lazaro
Vells, Fr. Biju
Vigoa, Fr. Richard
Vigués, Fr. Gabriel
Vitrano-Farinato, Fr. Andrew
Vuturo, Fr. Paul
Wenski, Archbishop Thomas
Whatley, Fr. Francis OSST
Whittaker, Fr. Kenneth
Wiórkiewicz, Fr. Marek SDS
Wielunski, Msgr. Gregory
Wisniewski, Fr. Thomas
Yara, Fr. Fredy A.
Zallocco, Fr. David
Zarebski, Fr. Dariusz S.D.S
Zasada, Fr. Hubert SChr
Zegeer, Fr. Eric David
Zielonka, Msgr. Dariusz J.
Zirilli, Fr. David V.F.
Select Priest: Eastern Catholic Church
Adoppillil, Fr. Joseph Mathew
Bathouche, Fr. Ezzat
Canavan, Msgr. Martin
Charchaflian, Fr. Michael
Kane, Fr. Michael
Pignato, Fr. Sal
Pulickal, Fr. Thomas
Rahme, Fr. Manuel
Romankiv, Fr. Andrii
Thachara, Fr. John Thomas 'Johnsty'
Thomas, Chorbishop Michael
Entities of the Archdiocese of Miami
Select Other Entities
Catholic Cemeteries
Catholic Charities
Catholic Hospice
Catholic Legal Services
MorningStar Renewal Center
Radio Paz
Respect Life
St. John Vianney Seminary
St. Thomas University
St. Vincent de Paul Seminary