Frustrated aspirations
Monday, June 10, 2024
*Victor Martell
A few days ago, I received a copy of a document published in the local newspaper stating that June 3, 2024, marked the opening of registration for elderly and low-income individuals to submit their applications for one-bedroom apartments.
Immediately, my Vincentian brothers informed me about this opportunity, aiming to alleviate the serious problem I have: not having an affordable one-bedroom apartment. Because without the help of the Vincentian brothers, on a monthly basis, I would have to live in a tent or spend the nights in a place in the center of the city.
We all know that the housing problem is something that neither the government, nor our senators and representatives have been able to solve. We all know that the money used for other purposes could be used to build apartment buildings for the low-income elderly individuals, so their longing for a roof over their heads does not become more and more unattainable.
In my journalistic investigations I have always used the ability to study cases and get to the heart of the problem, as we Cubans say. I went to the building, where they were accepting registrations, and found out that there were no apartments available at this moment and that they had a waiting list of people who want to live there.
In other words, those of us who are going to fill out the forms, which by the way, we have to do online because it is not possible to do it in person, are only going to increase the waiting list. How sad it is that we have to wait for an elderly person to die so that another one can take their place.
I think we should all complain and make ourselves heard on social networks. Because it is unfair that after spending a lifetime working, now that we are old, we do not have a roof under which we can sleep peacefully, waiting to meet with the Lord, our God.
To remain silent in the face of injustice makes us accomplices to it. The fact is that, Christians should not remain silent when they see people’s rights being violated. We must have the courage to speak out and report any abuse we see being committed or about to be committed. We are not politicians; we are not campaigning for any character or party. We are American citizens, with the same rights, and we must defend this country that is ours, helping with our condemnation of any corruption we see.
Those who want to contact me can do so at: [email protected].
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