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The right to vote is crucial to maintaining a fair democracy and allows citizens to express their support for politicians who can help eradicate extreme poverty and its causes. I am fortunate because I have enjoyed that privilege for 60 years, coming from Cuba, a country that calls itself communist and where everyone knows that elections are controlled by the government and candidates are installed by its leaders. In Venezuela, the government stole the elections, and its leaders did not accept the president elected. In Nicaragua, how many years has Daniel Ortega been in power? So, how wonderful it is to live here, where we have a real democracy and where we can vote for whomever we want!

We would think that neighboring countries that call themselves as democratic would intervene to prevent the disasters that force our brothers and sisters to flee their homeland in order to seek refuge in nations where they are not even understood. I know from experience what it is like to leave behind your relatives, your lifelong friends, your mother and father, and not being able to be by their side at the time of their death. Indeed, we must help them, as we are told by the Lord in Matthew 25.

Dear brothers and sisters, the United States of America will never be communist. Our military, which has fought in many trenches to eradicate demonic and communist ideas, will not even allow it to be mentioned, much less prepare for it, because it will be destroyed in an instant. In this country, Catholics, Christians, Jews and all of us who believe in God will not allow the shadow of evil to take hold of us.

It is evident that we must return to God. Let’s place the Heart of Jesus back in our living rooms or on the doors of our homes. Let’s take our children to catechism, help the poor, the unemployed, the hungry, those who cannot send their children to school because they lack clothes and shoes. Let's provide them with free education up to college.

Let’s use our right to vote to elect the candidate of our choice, but let’s do it prayerfully, asking God to give us the ability to listen to His Word so that we may do His will and not our own.

In the November 5 elections, more than 36 million citizens of Hispanic origin will have the right to vote. Let's all go out and exercise that right because our vote counts in the United States. In this 21st century, politicians must keep the line of defense after the elections to make this country victorious again, the greatest in the world, always helping those who have nothing, as we have done for many years.

When you go to vote, pray to God for the wisdom to choose well.

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