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Acabo de leer un artículo que me ha llamado la atención, porque por mucho tiempo hemos estado en contra de la corrupción que corroe nuestros países americanos y hemos denunciado a políticos corruptos que han destruido la economía de nuestros países, condenándolos a ser nombrados como países de tercer mundo, cuando por sus riquezas naturales debieran estar en los primeros lugares del mundo. En el escrito en cuestión se dice:

“El Papa Francisco ha emitido una nueva carta apostólica en forma de motu proprio con nuevas medidas anticorrupción para los directivos de la Curia”.

“Se prohíbe aceptar o solicitar, para sí mismo o para personas distintas del Ente en que se presta servicio, por razón o con ocasión del propio cargo, dádivas, regalos u otros bienes cuyo valor sea superior a cuarenta euros”. (Reglamento General de la Curia Romana Artículo 40, párrafo 1, n).

Me pareció genial este reglamento de la curia romana; ojalá que este procedimiento se aplicara en todos los países y los nuevos presidentes americanos lo hicieran cumplir bajo la amenaza de ser llevados a los tribunales los que incumplan esta medida, porque en estos tiempos, es muy habitual que cuando un nuevo presidente toma posesión diga en su discurso inaugural o en sus campañas electorales que luchará contra la corrupción y luego... Un silencio total.

Hay otras formas de corrupción; pongamos un ejemplo: Un campesino con una parcela de tierra sin sembrar porque no tiene dinero con qué comprar las semillas ni el abono, y llega un señor y le dice: “Mire amigo, aquí están mil dólares, yo le traigo la semilla y el a bono para que me siembre esta amapola, si necesita ayuda yo le envío hombres a su mando.” El campesino no es bobo: él sabe que aquello es ilegal; pero... En su vida había visto mil dólares y la tentación le corroe el corazón.

Qué diferencia si el gobierno hubiera llegado a ocuparse de este campesino, dándole educación para sus hijos y comida mientras las semillas y el abono que ellos le proporcionaran no produce los frutos esperados. Ese campesino nunca se convertirá en un delincuente ayudando a los narcotraficantes. ¿De ¿quién es la culpa? ¿Del ignorante campesino que nunca había visto los mil dólares, o de los gobernantes corruptos que solo piensan en llenar sus bolsillos y nunca en su pueblo, ni en los votantes que lo llevaron al poder?

Yo recuerdo hace muchos años, recién llegado de Cuba, estaba sin trabajo y me llevaron a un banco en New York para que trabajara. El sueldo en aquel entonces era de 120 dólares a la semana; por aquella ventanilla pasaban normalmente un millón de dólares, y yo pregunté: “¿Si yo me equivoco y doy algún dinero de más, qué pasa?” La respuesta fue: “Señor, se le descuenta inmediatamente de su sueldo”, por lo que respondí: “Gracias, no me interesa”. Y me fui a trabajar a una factoría.

A veces es mejor alejarse de las tentaciones porque, fíjense, están hasta en el Vaticano.

Es importante que hagamos fuerza en nuestros gobiernos para que cese inmediatamente esta corrupción que esta a todos los niveles. Vamos a exigirles a nuestros políticos que sean honestos y cumplan lo que han pregonado en sus discursos; es importante que se voten leyes severas para que no se propague este mal, que está destruyendo las economías de nuestros países americanos y empobreciendo a las poblaciones. Si le ponemos fin, veremos el resurgimiento de una América fuerte, ofreciendo nuestras riquezas en minerales, y productos comestibles al mundo entero, sin restricciones veladas por compañías corruptas ofreciendo dinero a nuestros gobernantes.

¿Queremos ver una América Central y del Sur libre y económicamente fuerte, que no tenga que pedirle nada al Norte? Pues que cese la corrupción en nuestros países y seremos ricos, porque Dios nos regaló un suelo bendecido.

Este artículo se publicó por primera vez en la edición de mayo de 2021 de La Voz Católica.

Comments from readers

Jose M Lorenzo - 06/02/2021 08:05 PM
AMEN Addy. You got it right. We cannot wait for other to act. We Catholic have the mission of changing the world, as 2021 years ago nothin has changed we still have corruption, crime, pornography, injustice, slavery, abuse of women and the weak. In fact, the only change is not for better; We have a grater appetite for greed, our weapons are sophisticated for masse destruction and a third of our planet goes to bed without a basic meal and like the Pharisees we pass our way without noticing it. Nada has changed for the better. This why Catholics have the mission to change the world through love and example. I am not a pessimist but extremely realistic. I am also a very joyful person with everyone because I clearly see that hope never ends because if you agree with me I do feel that you are the tip of the iceberg and much more people are thinking like us. We cannot wait for any government to change any thing since governments act for political interest. "It is not, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." JFK
Addy Hall - 06/01/2021 09:21 PM
Jose Ignacio Jimenez wrote. "Governments that subsidize private enterprise are fertile soil to plant corruption." You are right this is what we see now in the USA. What do you suggest the government do? Fairness and Justice are not distributed equally in human society. Rules and regulations are not upheld the same way for every citizen. People in government and people in all private or religious institutions have bent the law to their benefit. "Whoever holds the Gold rules!" Unfortunately, this is what we see in all societies and communities. To resist temptations, we Catholics should live like Jose M Lorenzo wrote: "If we want to change our society we Roman and Apostolic Catholics need to change first the way we love each other." and "Charity is Love..." We all make various choices every day in our lives! Who among us always makes the right choice? Do not judge others? To God the Judgement!
Jose M Lorenzo - 06/01/2021 10:29 AM
Brothers in Christ, you are both very right and wrong at the same time. If we want to change our society we Roman and Apostolic Catholic need to change first the way we love each other. Love is the answer to all our troubles. For instance if we go to church after the service ignoring those ones that need our help we are not doing God's work. Praying is good but exemplary deeds are truly what God expected from us. Charity is love and love the fulfillment of the law. Saint Paul writes in letter to the Romans. To completely change our society we must show the example to others by first acting as an imitation of the Christ. We cannot possibly stop corruption because it was already in existence 2021 years ago. The only time that Christ lost patience was when he went to temple of his father and drove away the Wall Street of the time. What we learn from this? Nada, We have our priest and pasteurs turn into CEO when they must be taking care of our poor soules. The example must come from us at the bottom like democracy the support comes from it base. We must allow yourselves to suffer for others and trust God providence and suprime will. Until then nothing will change. Because evil is imbedded in our society and daily lives. Wars will never end until we are ready to sacrifice our own for our enemies. Only the return of Christ could change the course of our destiny so we must act like him to survive and be called a true Catholic by changing our selves and the way we live, act, and behave. I am only a worm and repented sinner that God has blessed with the gift of instant pardon and love for his enemies. Jose M. Lorenzo, humble Usher at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary and Saint Richard. Pinecrest FL Thanks to my Trinitarian priest all of them that work very hard in my parish I was convert, and save from hell as well as changed into a slave of The Most Holy Trinity. THANK YOU FATHERS.
Jose M Lorenzo - 06/01/2021 09:51 AM
Brothers in Christ, you are both very right and wrong at the same time. If we want to change our society we Roman and Apostolic Catholic need to change first the way we love each other. Love is the answer to every all our troubles. For instance if we go to church after the service ignore those one that need our help we are not doing God's work. Preying is good but exemplary deeds are truly what God expected from us. Charity is love and love the fullfilment of the law. Saint Paul write
Addy Hall - 06/01/2021 12:47 AM
Jose Ignacio Jimenez I hope you are not Cuban? Who helped the Mariel boat people, Operation Peter Pan, the wet foot dry foot stay in the USA, and all the social handouts the Cuban people received and still receiving since Fidel Castro took power in Cuba? The answer is the US GOVERNMENT! Helping a farmer with seeds for his crops is not free, and not " Governments that subsidize private enterprise". They usually get a low-cost loan. The farmer would be able to feed his family and his community and repay with other kinds. Look around you in downtown Miami, Overtown, and other US cities, all those new skyscraper buildings are tax-free government development given to mostly affluent big and wealthy contractors with city and state government connections. There is nothing free for the poor and the less privileged. Mother Teresa started an international mission to help the sick, the destitute, less fortunate, and the marginalized of her fellowman with a few dinars in her pocket. She was not interested in hoarding money, power, and glory for herself but for her "needy neighbor". As Jesus said: Love thy neighbor! A helping hand done with compassion and with human dignity is the right action to help others in any society. It is not SOCIALISM, it is expressing SOCIAL COMPASSION for our fellowmen!
Jose Ignacio Jimenez - 05/31/2021 11:42 AM
The best cure for corruption is a moral civil society, not a society where the government pays its citizens to keep them from being tempted. Countries will need to decide for themselves how to enforce ethical behavior for their elected officials; there is not nor should there be a global standard or court for corruption. Our challenge as Catholics is to change the culture in society by returning to teaching virtues at home and in school. We should reward virtuous behavior in our communities by recognizing and supporting the members that behave honorably. In a free market economy, decisions have consequences, and society (i.e., the government) should not subsidize poorly run farms (referring to the example in your article) by paying them to keep them from growing drugs. A virtuous farmer would resist the temptation. A farmer that cannot generate enough money for seed or fertilizer should consider a different line of work. If his condition resulted from a calamity - society (hopefully led by faithful Catholics) should rally to support the farmer to overcome the crisis, but this is not the job of the government. Governments that subsidize private enterprise are fertile soil to plant corruption.

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