Corruption's temptation reaches everywhere
Monday, May 31, 2021
*Victor Martell
I have just read an article that caught my attention because for a long time, we have been against the corruption that corrodes our countries in the Americas. We have denounced corrupt politicians who have destroyed their economies, condemning their nations to be thought of as third world countries, when they should be among the first in the world because of their natural wealth. The writing in question states:
"Pope Francis has issued a new apostolic letter in the form of motu propriowith new anti-corruption measures for the directors of the Curia."
"... accepting or soliciting, for themselves or for persons other than the Institution in which they work, by reason or occasion of their office, gifts, presents or other benefits of a value greater than forty Euros." (General Regulations of the Roman Curia, Article 40, paragraph 1)
I think this regulation of the Roman Curia was brilliant. If only this procedure were applied in all nations, and the new presidents of the countries of the American continent were forced to comply with it, under the threat of being taken to court. In these times, it is very common for a candidate to promise during the electoral campaign, or to say in their inaugural speech when they take office as new president, that they will fight corruption. But then, dead silence.
There are other forms of corruption. Let's take an example: A farmer has a plot of unused land because he has no money to buy seeds or fertilizer. A man arrives and says: "Look, my friend, here are a thousand dollars. I will bring you the seed and fertilizer so that you can plant this poppy. If you need help, I will send men at your command." The farmer is no fool; he knows that this is illegal. But he has never seen a thousand dollars in his life, and the temptation gnaws at his heart.
It would be so much different if the government took care of this farmer, giving him food and education for his children, while providing seeds and fertilizer that produce the expected crops. That way, this farmer would never become a criminal aiding drug traffickers. Whose fault is it? Is it the fault of the ignorant farmer who has never seen a thousand dollars, or of the corrupt rulers who only think about lining their pockets and never about their people or the voters who brought them to power?
I remember many years ago, having recently arrived from Cuba, I was out of work and someone took me to a bank in New York to work. The salary at that time was $120 a week. A million dollars would normally flow through that window. I asked, "What if I made a mistake and gave someone extra money?" The answer was, "Sir, it is immediately deducted from your wages." I replied, "Thank you, I'm not interested." And I went to work in a factory.
Sometimes it is better to stay away from temptations because, as you can see, they even exist in the Vatican.
It is important that we pressure our governments to put an immediate stop to corruption, which exists at all levels. Let's pressure our politicians to be honest and fulfill what they have promised in their speeches. It is important that they vote for strict laws so that this evil, which is destroying the economies of our countries in the Americas and impoverishing their populations, does not spread. If we put an end to it, we will see the resurgence of a strong American continent, offering its riches in minerals and food products to the entire world, without restrictions watched over by corrupt companies who offer money to those governing our countries.
Do we want to see a free and financially strong Central and South America that no longer need to ask for anything from the North? Then, stop the corruption in our countries and we will be rich, because God has given us a blessed land.
This article first appeared as a column in the May 2021 edition of La Voz Católica.
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