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This past Sunday, Sept. 18, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrated Catechetical Sunday to honor, thank and commission all those who have committed themselves to continue handing on the invaluable treasure of our Catholic faith. The theme for this year’s Catechetical Sunday was “Do This in Memory of Me.” The theme highlights the intimacy of prayer at the Eucharistic Banquet as the “unsurpassable gift of the Eucharist”(Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 48).

In the Archdiocese of Miami, nearly 5,000 catechists share their faith with more than 86,000 children and youths. We are honored and blessed by our catechetical team’s dedication — the dedication they pour into their ministry to ensure proper faith formation for our children and youths. I also know that catechetical ministry would not be complete without the full participation of the parents. Therefore, as we begin a new catechetical year, let us pray that in union with our catechists we might share with enthusiasm our love of Christ and be constantly renewed in His love beyond the catechetical sessions — in our homes and work places.

As the new Director of Catechesis, I assure you of my continued support for our catechetical leaders, their holistic formation and the catechetical ministry that is already occurring at our parish and Catholic school communities. I invite all to attend our Catechetical Conference 2011, “The Eucharist: In Communion with Christ and with One Another,” to be held on Nov. 5 at Our Lady of the Lakes Parish.  His excellency, Archbishop Thomas Wenski, will honor us with his presence. Among the speakers will be Saundra Kennedy, Miguel Arias, Dominican Sister Rosa Monique Peña and others.

This year we are adding three certification classes to the conference. Please see our website at, fill out the registration form and return it to us before Oct. 10. Complimentary coffee and pastries will be provided early in the morning of the catechetical conference. A box lunch is also included in the registration fee for those who are pre-registered. It will be a great venue to learn, pray and network together.

I humbly entrust my ministry and the Office of Catechesis to your prayers so that we might remain faithful to God’s call in the Archdiocese of Miami. May the Lord continue blessing us all and our catechetical mission.

Comments from readers

Nelson Araque - 09/23/2011 05:31 AM
Welcome, sure of our prayers for your ministry ....

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