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The joy and beauty of our faith
During one of the catechist certification sessions at this past Summer Institute, a catechist joyfully said to a group of us, “Our faith is so beautiful!” She continued, “I couldn’t sleep last night thinking on the many ways I could enrich our children’s experiences during the upcoming catechetical year.”

Yes! Our faith is beautiful — a beauty that is “ever ancient, ever new” as St. Augustine would say in his “Confessions.” Beautiful because it brings us to Christ, eternal Truth, eternal beauty. It is a beauty that impels us to go out and reflect the light we have received.

Come, let’s celebrate! This year’s Catechetical Conference will be held at Msgr. Edward Pace High School in Miami Gardens on Oct. 19.


Come, let’s celebrate! This year’s Catechetical Conference will be held at Msgr. Edward Pace High School in Miami Gardens on Oct. 19.

As catechists, we joyfully speak out about our encounter with the true God present in his Church, in the sacramental mysteries, in the Gospel, and our tradition. We share the Truth of the faith, faithfully echoing the beauty that we have received. The archdiocesan formation process is inspired to see how beautiful the truths of the faith are as they appear in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. 

In an earlier blog, I referred to catechesis as a masterpiece. Part of the genius of any masterpiece is the way in which the artist has composed the work: the placement of the subjects, the interrelationship of each part to the whole. The art of catechetical leadership is especially evident in the organization and management dimensions of the ministry. The art of the catechetical leader is to arrange the pieces, the techniques, so that one can experience the whole picture of the catechetical ministry.

I clearly remember, while visiting one of our parish religious education programs, a group of catechists who told me that catechesis involves teamwork. Even though there are many styles, movements and forms, we are part of the universal masterpiece led by the Spirit of our Risen Lord. For this very reason, most of our programs are arranged so that two catechists oversee a classroom process. Tension and uncertainty are expected but are amazing opportunities for growth. The formation process desires to inspire us by deepening our understanding of the beauty of our faith, by providing explanatory materials about the essential and fundamental contents of the faith (CCC,11), which we can think of as our primary colors. Many resources are now available to us.

Another beautiful experience comes from a Catholic school teacher who, while participating in the certification process, opened the door to faith and became Catholic during this past Easter Vigil. Both the content and the community gathered during these sessions became the powerful movement that helped her encounter Christ in His Church.

Evangelization is possible. Let our faith be shown
Our world seeks authentic witnesses of Christ (even if they are unable to articulate it.) Let’s be the light, joy and beauty of Christ everywhere we are. It is our task to promote an integral evangelization that promotes human dignity. Evangelii Nuntiandi understands this integral evangelization as a complex process which is composed of these various elements: conversion, renewal, witnessing, explicit articulation of the faith (proclamation), inner adherence to the Gospel, participation in our parish faith communities, apostolic initiation... (EN 14)

Dear catechists, as you prepare to begin this new year, may our catechetical team be that visible sign of the intimate union with God. Let’s be the visible mystery of the Church as sign-sacrament of the Kingdom. As we plan our lessons, remember to be a "family, fraternal and welcoming... to be people of God" (Catechesi Tradendae 67). Let’s be the “living cells” where our children, teens and their parents have a concrete communal experience of Christ and his Church (Concluding Document of Aparecida, 304). Let our voices echo the voice of the Shepherd, the Risen Christ.

Let’s celebrate as one catechetical team
Part of our continuous enrichment process is the connection with our sister parishes. The annual Catechetical Conference provides an excellent venue where we could renew our catechetical call; affirm each other as we celebrate our faith; and celebrate the sacred mysteries with Archbishop Thomas Wenski, our chief catechist. This year we are honoring two amazing women who have served as catechetical leaders, and more than 100 catechists who will receive their catechist certification. We are offering more than 30 sessions in Spanish, English and Creole from nationally recognized speakers.

Come, let’s celebrate! This year’s Catechetical Conference will be held at Msgr. Edward Pace High School in Miami Gardens on Oct. 19.

Let pray together, from your desktop or on your mobile device. Let us pray for guidance, strength and hope:
“May our Lord God,
source of all wisdom and knowledge,
who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live among us
and to proclaim His message of faith, hope, and love to all nations.
In God’s goodness bless us,
strengthen us with His gifts,
that we may teach by word and by example
the truth that comes from God.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
(prayer adapted from the USCCB Commissioning Service within Mass)

Now, let’s go out and be the Good News to all nations!

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