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Feature News | Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Archdiocesan newspapers, podcast, archbishop honored by Catholic press

La Voz Católica wins 14 awards, Florida Catholic adds two more for reporting in 2023

Archdiocese of Miami newspapers, its podcast and its archbishop all won awards for excellence from the Catholic Media Association, given at the annual gathering of Catholic journalists and media professionals and held June 18-21, 2024, in Atlanta.


Archdiocese of Miami newspapers, its podcast and its archbishop all won awards for excellence from the Catholic Media Association, given at the annual gathering of Catholic journalists and media professionals and held June 18-21, 2024, in Atlanta.

ATLANTA | The Archdiocese of Miami newspapers – the Florida Catholic and La Voz Católica – and its Communications Office continued to be recognized for excellence, winning a total of 17 awards at this year’s Catholic Media Conference, hosted June 19-21, 2024, by the Archdiocese of Atlanta. 

Ana Rodriguez-Soto, who retired at the end of April as editor of the Florida Catholic Miami edition and executive editor of La Voz Católica, received the Catholic Media Association’s highest honor, the St. Francis de Sales Award, for “outstanding contributions to Catholic journalism” during her more than 40 years in the Catholic press. (See accompanying story)

The archdiocese’s podcast, “Cuéntame Católico,” was named "best podcast" in Spanish for the third year in a row, and Archbishop Thomas Wenski took first place in Spanish for “best regular column" — the third year his columns have been recognized in either English or Spanish.

Spanish Newspaper of the Year: La Voz Católica, honorable mention: Rocío Granados, Emilio de Armas, Manolo Villaverde, Maritza Alvarez, Ana Rodriguez-Soto.


Spanish Newspaper of the Year: La Voz Católica, honorable mention: Rocío Granados, Emilio de Armas, Manolo Villaverde, Maritza Alvarez, Ana Rodriguez-Soto.

La Voz again was deemed among the best Spanish-language newspapers, receiving an honorable mention as "Spanish publication of the year."  

The English-language Miami edition of the Florida Catholic took first place in the news category for "best online content not published in print," on the strength of articles written by freelancers Angelique Ruhi-Lopez, Tom Tracy, Jim Davis, and Cristina Cabrera Jarro. 

Rodriguez-Soto won first place for La Voz in the category of "best reporting on sports" for her coverage of the first Archbishop's Cup soccer game pitting priests against seminarians.  

Freelancers Cristina Cabrera Jarro and Emily Chaffins also received first place awards in Spanish. Cabrera Jarro for her article on the 50th anniversary of St. Benedict Parish in Hialeah; and Chaffins for her profile of a high school graduate, the daughter of immigrants, who credits her Catholic education with helping her pursue her dreams.

Rodriguez-Soto’s successor, Florida Catholic and La Voz Católica editor Rocío Granados, received a first-place award for "best writing in-depth" and shared a first place with Rodriguez-Soto for "best reporting on immigration."

She also received two second places for "best reporting on cultural heritage" and "best reporting on Latin America," a third place for "best feature writing," and an honorable mention for "best reporting on a special age group." She shared a second place for "best reporting on family" with freelancers Greear and Dianelys Rodriguez. 

Davis received a second place in "best feature writing" in English for his coverage of an arts program for residents of Camillus House. He and Rodriguez-Soto shared another second place in Spanish for best reporting on vocations to priesthood, religious life or deaconate.

Freelancers Priscilla Greear, Marcy Knight and Linda Reeves received second place in Spanish for their "coverage of pro-life issues."

Palm Beach-based Reeves also earned an honorable mention for the Orlando edition of the Florida Catholic for her coverage of a story out of Miami: Basketball sisters now play for God

The following are more details about each award along with the judge's comments.


Best Podcast in Spanish: first place, Cuéntame Católico, Rocío Granados, Cristina Cabrera Jarro, Ana Rodríguez-Soto, Maria Alejandra Rivas


Best Podcast in Spanish: first place, Cuéntame Católico, Rocío Granados, Cristina Cabrera Jarro, Ana Rodríguez-Soto, Maria Alejandra Rivas

First place: Best Podcast, Spanish, Communications Office

Cómo mantenerse seguro en las redes sociales; Los niños y la Eucaristía; ¿Cómo se construye una iglesia?  - Rocío Granados, Cristina Cabrera, Ana Rodríguez-Soto and María Alejandra Rivas

"This podcast offered a great range of speakers with different areas of expertise and personalities to keep the discussions fresh. They covered a wide range of topics across (and within) the three episodes that would appeal to a wide range of audiences interested in Catholic life in the Miami area."

Best Regular Column – Political Issues: First place, La Voz Católica, Archbishop Thomas Wenski.


Best Regular Column – Political Issues: First place, La Voz Católica, Archbishop Thomas Wenski.

First place: Best Regular Column – Political Issues, La Voz Católica

En nombre de "los pequeños, los últimos, y los perdidos"; Es hora de reunir entre sí los conceptos del sexo y la reproducción; La decadencia de la familia alimenta la disminución de la fe - Archbishop Thomas Wenski

"These articles did a good job laying out the key political issues for the Catholic Church and how members of their congregation are getting involved, such as lobbying efforts. The author also covered large-scale trends in the U.S. as it relates to congregational life and how he sees this problem being solved."


Best Online Content Not Published in Print – News: First place, Florida Catholic Miami, Angelique Ruhi-Lopez, Tom Tracy, Jim Davis, and Cristina Cabrera Jarro.


Best Online Content Not Published in Print – News: First place, Florida Catholic Miami, Angelique Ruhi-Lopez, Tom Tracy, Jim Davis, and Cristina Cabrera Jarro.

First place: Best Online Content Not Published in Print – News, Florida Catholic Miami

Catholic youths walk the Via Crucis along U.S. 1; 'BOLD Justice' issues challenge to Broward Sheriff over civil citations; Beating back the flood; Eucharist: More than 'fine,' it's supernatural - Angelique Ruhi-Lopez, Tom Tracy, Jim Davis, and Cristina Cabrera Jarro

"Smooth leads, good quotes, and excellent reporting make for great work overall. The writing strikes a balance between being personable and perfectly professional — clean, informative, and sharp. The vision behind the pieces is excellent, with the full story coming out without dragging or diverging. Story selection sets it apart even further, with a distinct insider touch that covers issues you may not realize are issues, yet strong Catholic voices always emerge. With excellent reporting, great writing, and deft editing, this publication stands out as a testament to high-quality journalism."

Best Writing – In-Depth: First place, La Voz Católica, Rocío Granados


Best Writing – In-Depth: First place, La Voz Católica, Rocío Granados

First place: Best Writing – In-Depth, La Voz Católica

Ser padre de crianza, porque creemos en amar al prójimo como a uno mismoRocío Granados 

"Taking an adolescent from a foreign land into your family home requires a great amount of determination and faith. This is the story of one such family, and it serves as inspiration and call to action."

First place: Best Parish Profile, La Voz Católica

St. Benedict en sus 50 años: “Amar, orar, servir”Cristina Cabrera Jarro

"This was a lovely story about a parish that has bloomed from its humble roots. The story is told through the eyes of parishioners who were there for its founding. The author gives those parishioners the space they need to tell their story. The story is chock full of idiosyncratic quotes and anecdotes, which reveal the charm of the parish community. The author of this piece clearly has an ear for good dialogue and an eye for detail."

Best Reporting – on Immigration: First place, La Voz Catolica, Rocío Granados and Ana Rodríguez-Soto


Best Reporting – on Immigration: First place, La Voz Catolica, Rocío Granados and Ana Rodríguez-Soto

First place: Best Reporting on Immigration, La Voz Catolica

Los inmigrantes: Valor, talento y trabajo; ¿Quiénes están llegando y por qué?; “Un legado de acogida”Rocío Granados and Ana Rodríguez-Soto

"This article does a great job uplifting the humanity of immigrants and focusing on their talents and worth. I also appreciated how it focused on the publication’s home city (Miami) and made the issue of new employment hurdles for immigrants feel close-to-home for readers."


Best Reporting – on Sports: First place, La Voz Católica, Ana Rodríguez-Soto


Best Reporting – on Sports: First place, La Voz Católica, Ana Rodríguez-Soto

First place: Best Reporting on Sports, La Voz Católica 

¡Santa diversión!Ana Rodríguez-Soto 

"Wonderful headline, wonderful pictures, delightful story beautifully told. A perfect piece for a soccer loving community."


Best Reporting – on Catholic Education: First place, La Voz Católica, Emily Chaffins


Best Reporting – on Catholic Education: First place, La Voz Católica, Emily Chaffins

First place: Best Reporting on Catholic Education, La Voz Católica 

La educación católica impulsa un sueño de inmigrantes -Emily Chaffins 

"The story tenderly narrates a family’s triumph over adversity, centered on a young woman’s graduation — a first for her family. It’s a rich tapestry of personal triumphs, beautifully chronicling the parents’ unfulfilled educational journeys and their pride in their daughter’s achievements."

Best Feature Writing – Non-Weekly: Second place, Florida Catholic Miami, Jim Davis.


Best Feature Writing – Non-Weekly: Second place, Florida Catholic Miami, Jim Davis.

Second place: Best Feature Writing – Non-Weekly, Florida Catholic Miami 

Drawing on their talents Jim Davis 

"Incredibly uplifting story about discovering people’s hidden or untapped talents. I wanted to read every word of this story of a shelter that goes beyond just providing food and bed. Through art therapy, they’ve also found enjoyment and a purpose. Lovely piece."

Best Coverage – Pro-Life Issues: Second place, La Voz Católica, Priscilla Greear, Marcy Knight, and Linda Reeves.


Best Coverage – Pro-Life Issues: Second place, La Voz Católica, Priscilla Greear, Marcy Knight, and Linda Reeves.

Second place: Best Coverage – Pro-Life Issues, La Voz Católica 

Cementerio busca recordar a los bebés desconocidos; Apoyo para quienes han sufrido un aborto espontáneo; En St. Ambrose, 3,000 banderas por los no nacidos -Priscilla Greear, Marcy Knight, and Linda Reeves 

"A very nice article. Wonderful the way it covered the cemetery and also invited people to participate in the mission of remembering."

Best Reporting – On Cultural Heritage: Second place, La Voz Católica, Rocío Granados.


Best Reporting – On Cultural Heritage: Second place, La Voz Católica, Rocío Granados.

Second place: Best Reporting on Cultural Heritage, La Voz Católica  

Este es el hombre de la Sábana SantaRocío Granados

"A very meaningful article. It focused upon the artist but more importantly upon the art and the meaning for the Latino community. Hopefully it was translated into English so the English speaking community could come to a better understanding of the Latino emphasis on the passion."

Best Reporting on Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate: Second place, La Voz Católica, Ana Rodríguez-Soto and Jim Davis


Best Reporting on Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate: Second place, La Voz Católica, Ana Rodríguez-Soto and Jim Davis

Second place: Best Reporting on Vocations to Priesthood, Religious Life or Diaconate, La Voz Católica 

Fallece el P. Elkin Sierra, de 58 años de edad; La Arquidiócesis de Miami se regocija con cinco nuevos sacerdotes mileniales; Immaculata-La Salle rinde homenaje a “Sister Red” -Ana Rodríguez-Soto and Jim Davis

"This was a beautiful tribute Father Sierra who died far too young! The article made clear all of the ways that his faith, compassion, and kindness impacted those around him."

Best Reporting – on Family: Second place, La Voz Católica, Priscilla A. Greear, Rocío Granados and Dianelys Rodríguez


Best Reporting – on Family: Second place, La Voz Católica, Priscilla A. Greear, Rocío Granados and Dianelys Rodríguez

Second place: Best Reporting on Family, La Voz Católica 

Impactos cumple 50 años de familia, fe y amistad; Matrimonios santos para construir familias y vocaciones santas; Hombres con rosarios: “soldados de la paz”Priscilla A. Greear, Rocío Granados and Dianelys Rodríguez

"These articles covered a wide range of topics under the umbrella of “family” and made connections between different aspects of the Catholic faith and church community and how they connect to families. The first article also offered a spotlight on the experience of a community member finding a mom’s ministry and gaining a lot from it."

Best reporting – on Latin America: Second place, La Voz Católica, Rocío Granados.


Best reporting – on Latin America: Second place, La Voz Católica, Rocío Granados.

Second place: Best reporting on Latin America, La Voz Católica

La libertad de Nicaragua pronto se va a darRocío Granados

"The story vividly captures the complex feelings of the Nicaraguan priests forced to leave their country after they were released from political detention."



Best Feature Writing: Third place, La Voz Católica, Rocío Granados.


Best Feature Writing: Third place, La Voz Católica, Rocío Granados.

Third place: Best Feature Writing, La Voz Católica

¿Cómo se construye una iglesia? -Rocío Granados

"This is a compelling and well-reported narrative that delves into the intersection of the sacred and the secular. The author paints a vivid picture of Miami’s unique dynamic within the Catholic community, where despite closures elsewhere, the archdiocese is actively constructing new churches. Highlighting the delicate balance architects must strike between tradition and modernity, grappling with technological advancements and building regulations, the story offers insight into the practical challenges faced by faith leaders. Through thorough exploration, the author skillfully examines these design dilemmas."

Best Reporting – on a Special Age Group: Honorable mention, La Voz Catolica, Rocío Granados.


Best Reporting – on a Special Age Group: Honorable mention, La Voz Catolica, Rocío Granados.

Honorable mention: Best Reporting on a Special Age Group, La Voz Catolica

El SEPI, innovador y exitoso en su acercamiento a los jóvenes católicos hispanos; Nuevo liderazgo para la Pastoral Juvenil en el Instituto Pastoral del Sureste, SEPI -Rocío Granados

Honorable mention: Spanish Publication of the Year – La Voz Católica

August, September, October 2023 - Emilio de Armas, Ana Rodríguez-Soto, Rocío Granados, Manolo Villaverde and Maritza Álvarez

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