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This may sound strange, but I have to say I miss the quarantine.

I know we're still supposed to be somewhat in quarantine, but I miss the days back in March and April when the world seemed to stop. It was a crazy time, too, in the sense that my work didn't stop. It increased.

But my life did change. I started working from home every day instead of occasionally. This was nice. No more rush to get ready. No more stress of fighting traffic. No more rush to get home in the evening.

Around 4 o'clock in the afternoons, I would pause my work. My husband and I – he's retired – would sit out on our patio – with a drink, yes. Our happy hour. We would have a snack, some peanuts or olives, while sitting outside, watching the lake behind our house. Enjoying the breeze, the sight of ducks and geese crossing the yard followed by long lines of their little hatchlings. It didn’t seem to be that hot or unbearable outside. It was nice.

Then we would come back in, I'd work for a bit longer and then I would start cooking. Our children are no longer home so I'm just cooking for two. When the kids were small, it seemed I had to cook in such a rush. Get home. Run around. Cook. Clean up. But during quarantine it felt so much more relaxing. I actually enjoyed cooking.

We also started the habit of walking every morning. At first it was just a mile or so around our block. Then we began walking to a nearby Starbucks – a 3-mile round trip. Little by little we expanded our walks, especially on weekends when I did not need to be at work. Sometimes we walk as much as six or seven miles, just turning into every cul-de-sac or exploring nearby neighborhoods.

The good thing is we have kept that up beyond the pandemic. We get up at 6 a.m., get out and start walking. And it feels so good to come home and realize that by 8 a.m. I've already made most of my 10,000 daily steps.

But what I think I miss most – even though I continue to work from home occasionally – is the sense of time being stopped. We actually found the time to sit in that patio – the same patio in the same house where we have lived for 38 years, and which we literally only used for Thanksgiving meals once a year. Maybe we used it a little more often when the kids were babies and I was home with them. But that only lasted three or four years.

And there definitely was no sense of just sitting. Quarantine was the first time life didn't feel hectic. I didn't need to rush out and drive somewhere. I had no commitments outside the house. Nowhere I needed to be – except there, right where I was.

So yes, it was nice. And I want to hold on to that feeling of time stopping. The only way to do that as we resume normal life, of course, is to remind myself to be in this moment. Not to be here thinking about what I'm going to do in the next hour or the next month. If I start doing that, I'm trying to catch myself and just say: Hey, stop thinking. Here you are. Right now. This moment.

Thank you, God, for this now.

This reflection was originally shared with the MorningStar Renewal Center's Cafecito with Jesus group that meets via Zoom every Monday through Friday at noon for five minutes of prayer. Feel free to join at

Comments from readers

Cristina Cabrera - 11/24/2020 04:38 PM
Ana, you are absolutely right! Time really did feel as though it significantly slowed down during the quarantine. I've also never seen so many people out and about in my neighborhood, nor so many people out in the lake behind my house, either on boats, or just sitting in their balcony. Although we were supposed to be apart, it felt as though we were together, in a way, and I'm sure it had to do with all of us trying to get through this together. While I haven't sat out in the balcony in a while, this was a great reminder to step out, and look for the stillness I often take for granted. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Dolores Hanley McDiarmid - 11/24/2020 12:16 PM
Hi Ana! Great to hear from you! Thank you for sharing your insights on how the pandemic affected your family life as well as how it contributed to your spiritual growth. I definitely believe that this time is an opportunity to live creatively, grow in our faith and practice living in the moment as you have done. It would be very interesting to hear about the various things people are learning about themselves and how they are growing closer to God during the pandemic. Blessings!
Valli Leone - 11/23/2020 02:43 PM
I so agree! No schedules or calendars were and continue to be such a blessing. Thank you, Jesus. 🔆❤️🔆
Sherrie Coleman - 11/23/2020 02:14 PM
Thoroughly enjoyed this! Makes one mindful of what is really important in this life. Thank you for the reminder!
Pat Solenski - 11/23/2020 10:57 AM
Thank you for a bright spot in the challenges of quarantine. It was a lighter moment that again proves that there can be light in the midst of darkness.
Kathy - 11/23/2020 10:47 AM
Beautiful reminder to live in the now and appreciate this moment in time.
Angie Santibanez - 11/23/2020 10:44 AM
This was great, Ana! If there’s something this pandemic has taught me is to realize to be Present - present to God, to my husband, to my children, to my prayer life. Life is chaotic and stressful and this was a way to re-set and just be present. I am trying to continue striving for this, even once things get “back to normal”, whenever that may be. :)

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