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We have the COVID-19 quarantine Mass down to a science. Despite our extended family being spread across several houses, we can “attend” Mass as a family, together. Here’s how.

My brother schedules a Zoom meeting and sends an email invitation to me and our mother, who lives on her own. We all log on at the appointed time and I open a pre-recorded Sunday Mass. I click “share my screen” and we can all see and hear the same Mass while, at the same time, we can see and hear each other.

But hopefully, this will come to an end. States are beginning to open beaches and parks, some non-essential businesses are reopening and there is a strong desire to get life back to normal. But will we return to the pre-pandemic normal or will a new normal emerge — not only in quotidian life, but in liturgical life as well?

Here are a few topics I wonder about and I’d love to hear your thoughts.



When the pandemic is over, do you think more or fewer people will attend Mass? Among the possible reasons for a decrease in Mass attendance:

  • My family has developed a rhythm and pattern with the on-demand Masses that fulfills our spiritual need. We’re never late to church, can “attend” in our pajamas and we don’t have to muffle the screaming kids. If something comes up, I can always hit pause. We never realized that we really don’t need to attend Mass in person.
  • I am scared of being infected with the coronavirus. I am an elderly person with medical conditions that put me at high risk for complications. Even though Mass is available, I’ll continue to watch it on TV and receive the Eucharist from an extraordinary minister of holy Communion who visits my house wearing gloves and a mask.

However, Mass attendance may increase:

  • Even though I didn’t go as regularly as I should, I never noticed how important Mass and the Eucharist was until it wasn’t available. I guess you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. I can’t wait to get back to Mass.
  • If there’s one thing this pandemic has taught me is that life is fragile. Young and otherwise healthy people have died. I am not immortal and you never know “when it’s your turn.” I need to get my life right with God. I need to go to Mass.



When Mass is once again available to the faithful, how will it change?

  • Will there be a separate Mass exclusively for those over 65 with preexisting health conditions?
  • Will there be required temperature checks as you enter the church for admittance?
  • Due to socially distanced seating, will fewer people be allowed into the church before being turned away?
  • Perhaps because of the limited seating capacity, we will need to make reservation for Mass like we do at a restaurant? “Hello, can I make a reservation for four at the 10 AM Mass on Sunday?” - “No, I’m sorry, that Mass has reached capacity, but we still have room at the 11:30. Should I put you down?”
  • Purell pumps next to the holy water dispensers.
  • The ministers in the entrance procession will be 6 feet apart.
  • Episcopal gloves will become mandatory for all minsters.
  • No more holding hands at the Our Father (finally!)
  • The rite of peace will no longer have a sign of peace. And if it does, it will be waves and bows of the head.
  • Pieces of tape on the floor will make sure individuals in the Communion line are 6 feet apart.
  • Ordinary and extraordinary ministers of holy Communion will wear masks, gloves and face shields in the proper liturgical color.
  • It’s no longer up to the individual. Communion in the hand only.
  • No more Precious Blood for the faithful.
  • The priest will not shake hands after Mass. A fist bump. Maybe.

Some of the suggestions above are tongue-in-cheek and others I can see implemented. 

But after a vaccine is created and we develop herd immunity, will things go back exactly as they were before? Will 2020 just be a footnote in the history of the liturgy or will it merit its own chapter?

Will Mass attendance soar, plummet or remain the same? Once Mass is available, will there be changes? What are they? Will they be permanent? Will universal changes come from the Vatican? Will the conference of bishops implement national revisions? Will it be up to the bishops to decide what’s best for their diocese or will the local pastor make his own changes tailored to the demographics of his parish?

Many questions to ponder!

Comments from readers

Humberto Casas - 05/09/2020 08:06 AM
I was a person afraid of viruses ;But found my straint in The House of Our Lord !. I'M especially glad when I take The blood and body of Christ. I'M safe and protected in His house.
Michael Kramer - 05/07/2020 04:03 PM
“Communion in the hand only” is a violation of Redemptionis Sacramentum and as recently clarified by His Eminence Robert Cardinal Sarah, the prefect for the congregation for Divine Worship, the absolute freedom and requirement that the right to receive on the tongue remains is settled. Let’s be clear. What’s up to the individual for better or worse is whether or not to receive in the hand. The universal norm in the Catholic Church east and west is reception on the tongue. The individual choice to receive in the hand is one of exception.
Dolores Hanley McDiarmid - 05/06/2020 09:20 AM
Dear Dan, Thank you for your article about the post-pandemic Mass. I enjoyed it very much. There certainly are many things we need to consider before we gather together in person for Mass while staying safe at the same time. I agree that watching Mass on TV or at home is very convenient and there are many advantages except one. There is nothing that can compare with actually receiving the body, blood, souls and divinity of our Lord in the Eucharist. We must physically be present at Mass or have access to a Eucharistic Minister. I do believe that if there is ever a time for us to have a greater appreciation and reverence for the Eucharist, it will be when we come together for real time Mass in our various faith communities. The next time I receive Holy Communion I want to be on my knees. I have also been wondering about the number of people arriving in person for our first Mass when we re-open; I pray we have A LOT of people. This would be a good problem to have. I am sure we will find the answers on what to do with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Dan, thank you again for raising our awareness about many of the things we need to be thinking of in order to prepare for our first post-pandemic Mass.
james - 05/05/2020 09:47 PM
Respectfully, How am I supposed to understand the Spanish writing. This is the USA. Write in English and then duplicate it with Spanish.
Antonio Fernandez - 05/04/2020 02:33 PM
Me uno a Carlos M. Calvo Forte en confiar, desear e incluso pedir el distribuir la Sagrada Comunión solamente en la mano al igual que en un principio... señal de mayiría de edad en la fe y forma definitivamente más higiénica.
Rafael M. Calvo Forte - 05/04/2020 10:16 AM
Muy buen expresado por ud. las inquietudes y sugerencias litúrgicas. Para mí, las más importantes son: No darse las manos en el Padrenuestro. El saludo de la paz con hacer una inclinación de la cabeza a los cercanos o elevar la mano. La comunión sólo en la mano: por experiencia propia declaro: algunas personas que comulgan en la boca, sin querer, lamen los dedos del ministro y, esa saliva dejada en los dedos del ministro, será depositada en la boca del próximo que se acerque a comulgar , y’a en la boca, y’a en la mano; pues el virus pasará a la lengua o sagrada forma del próximo en comulgar. La distancia social entre los fieles, quizás no tenga que ser de seis pies sino de tres, pero con uso obligatorio de mascarilla que, se subirá al momento de comulgar. Los ministros en el presbiterio, guardando la distancia de tres o cuatro pies. El que preside deberá usar mascarilla todo el tiempo que esté frente al altar, también los diáconos al servir el altar. A la salida evitar el apretón de manos del celebrante. Y obligatorio el uso de Purell al entrar y salir del templo. Todo pasará, la paciencia todo lo alcanza...
RAFAEL ANGEL DE LOS REYES - 05/04/2020 10:10 AM
In God we trust. The Holy Spirit Who has been with us, the Church, since our birth on the First Feast of Pentecost, will continue to guide us through our Holy Father and the Bishops who are faithful members of the Magisterium of the Church. Jesus, I trust in You!

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