Blog Published



The Synod listening sessions are well underway, and what a phenomenal response there has been to Archbishop Thomas Wenski's invitation to share your joys, concerns and dreams for the local church! There are great photos from the first listening sessions: check them out here.

During this phase of the Synod, you have been asked to share your feedback regarding the work of the Archdiocese of Miami, and many of you have written or called to ask exactly what is meant by that. In other words, how does one distinguish between the work of ones parish and the archdiocese? What does the Archdiocese do? As this is an important element in understanding the Synod itself, this week's blog will address that question.

As shepherd of the Catholic Church in South Florida, Archbishop Wenski is responsible for the pastoral care of more than 1.3 million Catholics worshipping in 104 parish communities and over 34,000 students learning in 62 Catholic schools in the archdiocese.

The archdiocese is built upon a foundation of five ministries that define and guide the work it undertakes. In each of these areas of ministry, the archdiocese both works directly with the faithful as well as with parishes, schools and other entities, offering guidance and support.

Liturgy, serving as the source and summit of our Catholic faith, is of primary concern to the archdiocese. In this area of ministry, the archdiocese maintains an Office of Worship and Spiritual Life, whose function is to promote the understanding and celebration of the sacred liturgy and provide for the spiritual life of the faithful.

Education and formation are areas which most of us have some experience with. The Office of Catholic Schools oversees 62 schools throughout the archdiocese, while the Office of Catechesis is charged with serving as a resource for the parish Directors of Religious Education as well as the many volunteer catechists who serve our parishes. Within this category of ministry are also Campus Ministry, Youth Ministry and the Family Life Office.

You might already be familiar with the archdiocesan social justice and outreach ministries, which use education and advocacy, as well as direct service, to remedy injustices. This is accomplished, in part, through Catholic Legal Services, Catholic Charities, the Mission Office and our Detention Ministry.

The ministries of Evangelization and Vocations are served by many offices, including Ministry to Priests, for the Deaconate, and for Religious. Those serving in these offices are charged with, among others, the tasks of fostering vocations, supporting the newly ordained as well as retired priests, and offering continuing formation opportunities for priests.

Finally, the governance of the archdiocese and the ministry of stewardship are conducted by several offices, including the Chancellors Office, the Tribunal, the Catholic Community Foundation and the Business Office.

At the conclusion of the Synod in fall 2013, the Archdiocese of Miami will have in place a pastoral plan that encompasses these areas of ministry, with its priorities shaped by the voice of the faithful of this archdiocese.

The Synod Snapshot will be on hiatus for one more week, returning on July 6. In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about the ministries and services of the archdiocese, please visit For more information about the Synod, please visit our website at Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Comments from readers

Robert Grant - 06/25/2012 09:38 PM
Eucharistic Adoration would be something that should be expanded (in parishes as well as hours in existing parishes).
Perpetual Adoration should be the goal for every parish but to start small. Awareness of the benefits should be discussed pastorally and inquiries as to the number of people willing to be adorers should be put forth to the parishioners. This will benefit the faithful and the clergy alike. A powerful experience with healer Frank Kelly (in the context of a Mass and/or retreat) would bolster faith (particularly of a key belief in our creed, i.e. the Commuion of Saitns) for the parishioners of Florida's parishes with this experience, as he is authentically gifted with the Word of Knowledge and Prophecy, and Healing. Many are touched in such ways and all have the most intimate of encounters with the Lord through his saints that he normally assigns to the petitioner. More emphasis should be given to Legion of Mary, particularly door-to-door evangelizing and Sacred Heart Enthronements which are sorely needed in South Florida one of the perenially desitute states in terms of the increasingly one-parent, usually single mom family. A new prayer group could be formed called the StMonic-St. Pio prayer group which distributes prayer cards at retreats geared toward Marian consecration. This is a particularly powerful prayer for Reparation and for restoring the family unity, particularly lapsed Catholics (a growing number in most diocess. Contact information at [email protected] for further recommended devotional practices, and a Mass offered for petitioners' intentions.
Hope these are helpful.
Robert J. Grant
Lorenzo Ferrer - 06/25/2012 01:53 PM
Dentro de estos 4 principales ministerios de nuestra Arquidi�cesis, �en cu�l puedo identificar la importancia de la familia y su prioridad como n�cleo central de nuestras Iglesia?
Podr�amos decir que en todos los 4 ministerios, pero tambi�n podremos afirmar que en ninguno. Porque para efectos pr�cticos, la familia laica est� totalmente subordinada en nuestra Iglesia actual al clero no laico.
Por lo que las decisiones del "clero no laico", el cual dirige y monitorea hoy a la Iglesia, no necesariamente van en l�nea con las necesidades de la familia laica, y algunas veces hasta se contradicen.
Cuando particip� en la reuni�n con Mons. Wenski (Our Lady of Lourdes) me di cuenta que mi proposici�n de que la familia fuera el centro y nucleo de la Iglesia, no iba a tener mayor recepcion porque no se identifica con ninguno de los 4 ministerios principales de la Arq. de Miami.
Mi oraci�n al Se�or para que encontremos el lugar primordial de nuestras familias en nuestra Iglesia.

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