No summer vacation for the Synod
Monday, September 9, 2013
*Rosemarie Banich
Greetings from the Office of the Synod! The office had a busy summer, and as the Synod itself approaches its conclusion, you will begin to hear from us on a weekly basis again (through the Synod Snapshot email blast on Fridays. Subscribe here.) But let’s get caught up on what has been happening over the last several months.
Among the highlights of our work towards the creation of a new Pastoral Plan for the Archdiocese of Miami were:
- The Synod Integration Team meetings: This group, comprised of leaders from across the archdiocese as well as Pastoral Center staff, met four times, concluding their work in June. The task of the Synod Integration Team was to look at all of the SMART goals that were submitted by the various focus teams in order to determine where there was overlap or synergy, as well as to construct a master timeline for all of the Synod initiatives. Finally, team members had to ascertain the resources —human, structural and financial —necessary for the implementation of each goal. Their work will be reflected in the new Pastoral Plan, which will be officially presented at the Synod closing assembly on October 26.
- The SMART goal drafting team work: Back in the spring, when each of the focus teams completed their three large-group meetings, a small group of 5-7 individuals was selected from each focus team and asked to convert the work of the larger group into three SMART goals. These drafting teams met two times each, but also put it in a lot of extra work between meetings, in order to fully and clearly convey the thoughts and desires of the focus team. In addition, each drafting team prepared an executive summary of their focus team’s work, which will be included in the final Synod documents. Throughout the summer these documents have been shared with the focus team members, and the final pieces of feedback and editing suggestions are currently being woven into the documents.
- The parish survey: Another Synod undertaking was to create an all-encompassing survey that would collect into one database a large amount of information about parish life in our archdiocese. The broad survey, which contained 160 questions, asked our pastors and parochial vicars questions about everything from youth ministry to faith formation to liturgical practices. The final survey report will contain not only all of this information, but the contact information for the individuals at each parish who are responsible for these ministries.
- The Synod closing assembly: Finally, plans have been underway since early this summer for the official conclusion of this historic process. The Synod closing assembly will be held at the Miami Hilton Downtown on Saturday, Oct. 26, from 9 a.m. until noon. The assembly will begin with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Thomas Wenski and concelebrated by many of our priests. It will be followed by an assembly with presentations from the various focus teams, the official presentation of the work of the Synod and the new Pastoral Plan, and a keynote address from Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga. All of the faithful are invited to attend. (Please r.s.v.p. here.)
As you can see, many of the Synod volunteers have worked diligently throughout the summer. Please continue to keep them in your prayers as we finalize this new plan, which will dawn a new day for the Catholic Church in South Florida.
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