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On Nov. 3, the Archdiocese of Miami Office of Catechesis celebrates 34 years of conferences aimed at renewing, connecting and strengthening the catechetical corpus of our archdiocese: catechists, Catholic school teachers, RCIA coordinators, catechetical leaders and all those who share the faith. The title of this year’s conference is “Agents of the New Evangelization.” The catechetical conference comes at a particular and significant moment for the Church in Miami and the universal Church. It coincides with the archdiocesan Synod, the Year of Faith, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, the 20th anniversary of the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Synod of Bishops in Rome.

This year’s conference therefore provides a good opportunity to dialogue about the pope’s invitation to reflect on the meaning and task of the New Evangelization. During Pope Benedict XVI’s address to the bishops gathered in Rome for the Synod, he centered evangelization and the Year of Faith on the gratuity of grace and God’s initiative to strengthen us. The pope’s reflection centers around several biblical images in which the disciples interrelate with Jesus Christ and their faith is reinforced, challenged or renewed. I want to reflect upon one, Peter’s encounter with the Lord bidding him to let him come closer on the water. Upon the Lord’s command, Peter entrusts his steps and initiates the journey towards the Lord. It is during the journey that the disciple, concerned about the fidelity of the Lord’s invitation, struggles and starts sinking in disbelief. Pope Benedict XVI points out that “Only the Lord can extend his hands and indicate the sure path” in the journey of faith.

The constant struggle of discipleship is reflected in the life of all saints. However, the hands of our merciful God are constantly directed toward us, inviting us to grasp his hands in profound trust. We believe, and in times of uncertainty we pray for strength: “I believe, help my unbelief.”(Mk 9:24)

Pope Benedict XVI states that “the goal of evangelization today is, as it has always been, the transmission of Christian faith.” The understanding of the newness of evangelization relates to the way in which it is proclaimed not its content. We accomplish this renewed task by our continuous encounter with the Spirit of the risen Lord. It is His Spirit that assists us to proclaim and bear witness to the Christian life in the everyday of our lives. The new methods, renewed dynamism, and new forms of expression of our faith come from the sound and robust faith of a disciple who has grasped the hand of the Lord while repeating, “I believe, help my unbelief.”

This year’s catechetical conference will honor three amazing women who are living testimony of profound, gifted and ardent catechetical spirit. They know of the complexity of discipleship and the journey of faith. They have dedicated their lives, in three rich pathways, to true Christian witness: as a single woman, as a married woman, and as a religious sister. They have offered their precious contribution to the growth of the Church employing the gifts they received from the Holy Spirit to strengthen all who share with them in ministry. They have made present the Lord’s mandate, “But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail: and when you have turned again, strengthen your brethren” (Lk 22:32). They have made evident prophetic discipleship, a faithful love for Christ and His Church.  

May our Lord grant us His prophetic Spirit and an ever fervent heart to firmly grasp His hands, as families-disciples, in times of despair. May the Holy Spirit nurture in the Church renewed efforts to announce the Good News with relevant dynamism that produces a profound movement of hearts, not only in those who have never heard it but in those who have opted to “live without reference to the Christian life.” And may our Blessed Virgin Mary, Star of the New Evangelization, protect us in our journey as we call out, “Lord, increase our faith!” (Lk 17:5)

Click on the image below to see the schedule for the Catechetical Conference. To register, go to

Comments from readers

ODILIA MONTESINOS - 10/22/2012 10:01 AM
That is right !!! ask the Lord for Faith, knowledge, and tons of Faith.

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