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When I was a young philosophy student I had an excellent professor, whom I have referred to on previous occasions and who is now a brother priest, Father Robert Vallee.  His passion for always learning something new, always reading and writing, inspired me as a young seminarian. Because he taught me how to read actively, that is with a book in one hand, a writing instrument in the other and paying close attention to what's written, all my books have notes in the margins, underlining, small pneumonic devices, etc. Anyhow, he has always had a passion for the writings of St. Augustine of Hippo, who was a great human being, philosopher, theologian, bishop and saint.  In his “Confessions,” specifically in Book X, St. Augustine writes, referring to God, "O Beauty ever ancient, ever new."

This beautiful prose — confession, prayer, witness — of St. Augustine of Hippo, which I read for the first time almost a decade ago, has resounded time and time again during my first year of priesthood. Allow me to explain. During this first year on the journey of the priesthood of Jesus Christ, everything has been a first.  I celebrated the Holy Mass for the first time; I heard my first confession and offered absolution in the name of God; anointed the sick; celebrated my first Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter in the parish community of St. Agnes.  I cannot claim any ownership over the sacraments celebrated, for they come down from an ancient tradition, instituted by Christ himself. Nonetheless, every time I celebrate any of these sacraments, they become new.  "Ever ancient, ever new" And every single time I celebrate them I cannot help but remember that I am a simple, broken — or should I say refurbished — instrument.  

This year of priesthood has been exciting and surprising as well.

First, one of our very own, Archbishop Thomas Wenski, came back home as our shepherd. I can remember vividly his episcopal consecration at the Miami Arena when I was a young high school student. Second, I arrived at the beautiful Island Paradise of Key Biscayne and have encountered a wonderful people who have loved me, free of charge. Third, my former rector, father, mentor and good friend, Bishop John Noonan, was named by the Holy Father to shepherd the faithful of Orlando. Fourth, the man who has also inspired me by his patience, love, charity and fatherly love, Bishop Felipe Estevez, also has been asked by our Holy Father to shepherd the faithful of the mother diocese of St. Augustine.  

Can you grasp the excitement and roller coaster of emotions all this entails?  "O Beauty ever ancient, ever new..." These ancient traditions always have a newness to them that can very much throw you off your feet.  

To be able to share in the priesthood of Jesus Christ with some of the finest men I know is truly a blessing beyond words. A goodness and longing for the sacredness and the presence of Christ is clearly palpable when we meet.  For this reason, and to fully support each other as a constant reminder of Christ's presence, a friendship has flourished. A group of us got together and we have begun to cook and share each other’s company on Sunday evenings after the hustle and bustle of a busy weekend. This is a great opportunity to gather and sit by the oasis to catch up, take nourishment and refresh our souls.  These moments are marked by a great love for Christ and his Church.

Father Vallee taught me to read actively, grasp the essence and choose the goodness that is in the printed format.  He also taught me to be myself, to be first and foremost a human being and offer that in willing service to the Lord.  Through his sharing of knowledge I learned to grasp how accurate St. Augustine of Hippo was and continues to be.  "Ever ancient, ever new"

Have you ever had such a person or experience of old newness in your life?  Have you experienced God's hand in this way?

Comments from readers

Yolanda G, Rojas - 05/29/2011 11:24 PM
Querido Padre Luis:
Mi primera experiencia de "antigua novedad" fue hace 11 anos cuando despues de muchos anos de abstinencia espiritual me case por la Ley de Dios y sacie mi espiritu con la anhelada eucaristia.
La segunda vez experimente la mano de Dios en mi vida cuando Ady Pino Viera, guia espiritual de "Montserrat", me invito a integrarme a ese grupo de crecimiento espiritual de las Comunidades de Vida Cristiana jesuitas. La influencia de estos grupos de personas empenadas en la busqueda e imitacion de Cristo me ha reintegrado a esa "antigua novedad" con mi compromiso permanente de amar a Cristo y su Iglesia sobre todas las cosas. Muchas gracias por su hermoso escrito y por invitarme a compartir mis experiencias.

Yolanda G. Rojas
S. Teran - 05/27/2011 09:34 AM
Thank you so much for sharing Father Luis!
Jose Trias - 05/27/2011 02:44 AM
�Siempre antigua, siempre nueva...� para mi tambi�n se refiere a nuestra Iglesia que est� por cumplir 20 siglos en un par de d�cadas. Son ustedes los nuevos pastores que le dan la cara nueva y renuevan a la antigua. Y tambi�n nuestro Dios antiguo se nos presenta cada d�a vistiendo caras nuevas. Coincido contigo pues mis libros est�n llenos de anotaciones al margen y por eso casi nunca los presto. Keep the faith padre Luis!!
Maria Teresa Concheso - 05/25/2011 10:07 PM
Dear Father Luis:thank you for sharing and let us get to know you better.I too am a friend of Father Valle and admier his profound knowledge and faith.Now I know why your sermons are so special...your knowledgable intamacy with the Lords teachings make His words simple leaving us always with deep thoughts to ponder.The Lord has given you a great talent and I thank Him for letting us enjoy it. Mariaa Teresa F. Concheso.
Ana Gonzalez - 05/25/2011 07:44 PM
Querido Padre Luis,
Gracias por permitirme formar parte de esta reflexi�n. Sin duda todos nos habremos topado alguna vez con algo "siempre antiguo, siempre nuevo" el reto esta en no dejar de sorprendernos por las cosas cotidianas, pues cada atardecer, cada persona, cada libro y cada canci�n siempre puede causar en nuestro esp�ritu un sentimiento nuevo. Hacer una pausa en alg�n punto del d�a para reconocer la novedad en lo antigo me ayuda a percibir el amor vivo de Dios. Siga escribiendo!
Ana P. Soler - 05/25/2011 07:03 PM
My birth father was 'ever ancient ever new' throughout all my life. Indeed he was a
messenger to all those he touched as a physician, a friend or family member. Thank you
for sharing such a touching comment with me Father Luis. We welcome you to our parish of St. Agnes!
Francisca Phillips - 05/25/2011 01:45 PM
Thank you Father Luis for your nice thoughts. As you mention, God is always in our lives, but we experience his goodness in different ways based on the situations we are going through or at different stages in our lives, like when we are kids, adolescents, parents, etc. The 'Ever ancient, ever new' just summarizes faith..always there...but it presentes to us differently as we grow.
Nicholas Tocco - 05/25/2011 11:25 AM
Thank you, Father Luis, for this reminder of the beauty of the love of God! When we contemplate the love of God all around us, present in the sacraments, in the faithful, in the Church, in God's providence, in the countless countless ways He smiles upon our lives in every detail, how can we not cry out, with the Psalmist, "My body and my heart faint for joy; God is my possession forever!"
Francisco Alzuru - 05/25/2011 11:08 AM
Dear Fr. Luis: Your ability to express your thoughts in written form is a clear indication that all your reading paid off. As a foreigner, I can only dream of expressing myself so clearly and eloquently on paper. Since my new walk with the Lord started 11 years ago, every day brings new examples that Jesus and His Church are "Ever ancient, ever new". Like others have done before you, you challenge us every day in the daily mass to be better, to understand God's word and to put it in practice, thus keeping it fresh and new, but you also uphold traditions that have been around for centuries. Please keep on challenging us and please continue to remind us that our 200o year old Church is both "ancient" and "new". I can attest that you also love us, KB folk, "free of charge"
Erik Vieira - 05/25/2011 10:23 AM
A refreshing message Fr. Rivero. God's love and the gospel are ever ancient and ever new. Every time we receive the sacraments we experience the grace of God, ever ancient, ever new. For me, the newness of God's love transmitted through an ancient tradition rings true at confession when my sins are forgiven and I am again invited to receive the grace of God and share in his ilfe. As ancient as that sacrament may be, it always brings forth new life in me.
Stanton Cadow - 05/25/2011 09:25 AM
We are all proud and honored that Fr. Luis, a graduate of St. Vincent de Paul Reg. Seminary in Boynton Beach, has such fond memories of his youth and those who now lead much of our Catholic faith in Florida. I am sure they will all continue to inspire him, as we expect great things from Fr. Luis as a priest.
Olga Diptee - 05/25/2011 09:25 AM
Father Luis, I am very fortunate that my daughter emails me the link to your blog. And when she does, I always pause, take a minute from my busy life, stop what I am doing and read your wonderful words. You say that you are an avid reader, you forget to mention that you are a terrific writer. I am working on strenghtening my faith, your words help. Thank you
Antonia Shusta - 05/25/2011 08:29 AM
There is a saying about people being in our lives for "a season, a reason, or a lifetime" - I think I first heard this at an Emmaus retreat and what you describe reminds me of this. I do think that for many Catholics the sacraments are " a beauty, ever ancient, ever new," and that's one of the most compelling aspects of our religion.
Felipe J. Estevez - 05/25/2011 07:57 AM
We are fortunate to read Father Luis. He shares with us from the fresh perspective of a recently ordained priest. St. Augustine's way of presenting beauty is most attractive.
For Benedict XVI, who is among the best disciples of St. Augustine today, the new evangelization calls forth a liturgical grace. When non-Catholics or inactive ones experience true Catholic worship they will be renewed in faith as they encounter the beautiful "ever ancient ever new".
Bishop Felipe J. Estevez
Rabbi Peg Kershenbaum - 05/25/2011 07:17 AM
Your teachers would be proud of the way you have learned actively to read. Not only have you inscribed notes in the margins, you have written the words upon your heart and made them part of who you are. Your sense of wonder and of being part of a new part of an ancient tradition is something I hope never fades, even at the 100th or 1000th repetition of your sacred rites.
May you always react in amazement as God renews the works of creation for which you are one of the stewards.
Loretta Matthews - 05/25/2011 07:13 AM
Padre, you are an exceptional Priest and I'm honored to have worked with you!
victoria redondo - 05/25/2011 12:37 AM
wow father luis you continue to amaze me in your words of wisdom and i think over the years you have taught me everything i need to know about christ and also i wanted to say that my aunt form puerto rico bought me a cross from the house of god and it is where he preached his word and i think since that day i have become a better person because it reminds me of you talking just like christ when he preached his word so thanks for the percious words of wisdom. love victoria
Kathy Kwok - 05/24/2011 10:02 AM
Fr. Luis: You have taken every word from my mouth with the exception of the priest part! We are so blessed to have friends like Fr. V, Bishops John and Felipe. Every time we get together, it is old newness as there is always something new to learn from these great human beings! I am looking forward to visiting Orlando and St. Augustine to rekindle old newness!
ANTONIO LOSADA - 05/23/2011 10:32 PM
Thank you ARDIEL for being a priest of JESUS CHRISTand of the CATHOLIC CHURCH and for being my friend as well you are ever ancient and ever new with your refreshing thoughts I find your insight admirable saludos Y BENDICIONES de todos en ST. TIMOTHY
Terry Walters - 05/23/2011 04:18 PM
Thank you for that beautiful testimony! May God continue to bless us with priests like you! And may he continue to bless you with the freshness of experiencing His Goodness!
Deacon Fernando Bestard - 05/23/2011 11:01 AM
Father Luis, since I have known you as a young man, you continue to amaze me. I was a little disappointed that you had not written in the blog for a while now. But this more than makes up for it. What a great insight into the sacraments and your priesthood. Blessings from your old parish.

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