'Ever ancient, ever new'
Monday, May 23, 2011
*Father Luis A. Rivero
When I was a young philosophy student I had an excellent professor, whom I have referred to on previous occasions and who is now a brother priest, Father Robert Vallee. His passion for always learning something new, always reading and writing, inspired me as a young seminarian. Because he taught me how to read actively, that is with a book in one hand, a writing instrument in the other and paying close attention to what's written, all my books have notes in the margins, underlining, small pneumonic devices, etc. Anyhow, he has always had a passion for the writings of St. Augustine of Hippo, who was a great human being, philosopher, theologian, bishop and saint. In his “Confessions,” specifically in Book X, St. Augustine writes, referring to God, "O Beauty ever ancient, ever new."
This beautiful prose — confession, prayer, witness — of St. Augustine of Hippo, which I read for the first time almost a decade ago, has resounded time and time again during my first year of priesthood. Allow me to explain. During this first year on the journey of the priesthood of Jesus Christ, everything has been a first. I celebrated the Holy Mass for the first time; I heard my first confession and offered absolution in the name of God; anointed the sick; celebrated my first Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter in the parish community of St. Agnes. I cannot claim any ownership over the sacraments celebrated, for they come down from an ancient tradition, instituted by Christ himself. Nonetheless, every time I celebrate any of these sacraments, they become new. "Ever ancient, ever new" And every single time I celebrate them I cannot help but remember that I am a simple, broken — or should I say refurbished — instrument.
This year of priesthood has been exciting and surprising as well.
First, one of our very own, Archbishop Thomas Wenski, came back home as our shepherd. I can remember vividly his episcopal consecration at the Miami Arena when I was a young high school student. Second, I arrived at the beautiful Island Paradise of Key Biscayne and have encountered a wonderful people who have loved me, free of charge. Third, my former rector, father, mentor and good friend, Bishop John Noonan, was named by the Holy Father to shepherd the faithful of Orlando. Fourth, the man who has also inspired me by his patience, love, charity and fatherly love, Bishop Felipe Estevez, also has been asked by our Holy Father to shepherd the faithful of the mother diocese of St. Augustine.
Can you grasp the excitement and roller coaster of emotions all this entails? "O Beauty ever ancient, ever new..." These ancient traditions always have a newness to them that can very much throw you off your feet.
To be able to share in the priesthood of Jesus Christ with some of the finest men I know is truly a blessing beyond words. A goodness and longing for the sacredness and the presence of Christ is clearly palpable when we meet. For this reason, and to fully support each other as a constant reminder of Christ's presence, a friendship has flourished. A group of us got together and we have begun to cook and share each other’s company on Sunday evenings after the hustle and bustle of a busy weekend. This is a great opportunity to gather and sit by the oasis to catch up, take nourishment and refresh our souls. These moments are marked by a great love for Christ and his Church.
Father Vallee taught me to read actively, grasp the essence and choose the goodness that is in the printed format. He also taught me to be myself, to be first and foremost a human being and offer that in willing service to the Lord. Through his sharing of knowledge I learned to grasp how accurate St. Augustine of Hippo was and continues to be. "Ever ancient, ever new"
Have you ever had such a person or experience of old newness in your life? Have you experienced God's hand in this way?
Comments from readers
Mi primera experiencia de "antigua novedad" fue hace 11 anos cuando despues de muchos anos de abstinencia espiritual me case por la Ley de Dios y sacie mi espiritu con la anhelada eucaristia.
La segunda vez experimente la mano de Dios en mi vida cuando Ady Pino Viera, guia espiritual de "Montserrat", me invito a integrarme a ese grupo de crecimiento espiritual de las Comunidades de Vida Cristiana jesuitas. La influencia de estos grupos de personas empenadas en la busqueda e imitacion de Cristo me ha reintegrado a esa "antigua novedad" con mi compromiso permanente de amar a Cristo y su Iglesia sobre todas las cosas. Muchas gracias por su hermoso escrito y por invitarme a compartir mis experiencias.
Yolanda G. Rojas
Gracias por permitirme formar parte de esta reflexi�n. Sin duda todos nos habremos topado alguna vez con algo "siempre antiguo, siempre nuevo" el reto esta en no dejar de sorprendernos por las cosas cotidianas, pues cada atardecer, cada persona, cada libro y cada canci�n siempre puede causar en nuestro esp�ritu un sentimiento nuevo. Hacer una pausa en alg�n punto del d�a para reconocer la novedad en lo antigo me ayuda a percibir el amor vivo de Dios. Siga escribiendo!
messenger to all those he touched as a physician, a friend or family member. Thank you
for sharing such a touching comment with me Father Luis. We welcome you to our parish of St. Agnes!
For Benedict XVI, who is among the best disciples of St. Augustine today, the new evangelization calls forth a liturgical grace. When non-Catholics or inactive ones experience true Catholic worship they will be renewed in faith as they encounter the beautiful "ever ancient ever new".
Bishop Felipe J. Estevez
May you always react in amazement as God renews the works of creation for which you are one of the stewards.