Blog Published



¿Puede recordar la última vez que estuvo en un viaje en automóvil? Si se encontraba en la autopista, probablemente dependía de las direcciones en los rótulos, los que no sólo le indicaban su ubicación; también le daban una referencia sobre la distancia que le quedaba antes de llegar a su destino. Si había niños entre sus acompañantes, el entusiasmo pudo haber sido tal que la notoria pregunta “¿ya llegamos?†se repetía una y otra vez a lo largo del viaje.

La imagen de un viaje en automóvil viene a mi mente al pensar en los pasados nueve años de formación para el sacerdocio y en los años que les precedieron cuando, sin saberlo, me preparaba para el viaje. Hay muchos recuerdos hermosos y emocionantes, momentos en los que el enorme entusiasmo me hacía preguntar “¿ya llegamos?â€. En otros momentos, la policía me detenía y me advertía para que no me lastimara o le causara daño a otros en la carretera. También experimenté problemas mecánicos y neumáticos desinflados. Sin embargo, a menudo las pruebas eran menores en comparación con las oportunidades para refrescarme y cargar las energías, que podía encontrar en los lugares de descanso en la oración, la familia y los amigos, las vacaciones y los retiros, entre otros, al igual que en los desvíos. En todos estos momentos hay gran belleza en el hecho de que sucedieron por una razón, para que yo pudiera llegar al punto en el que me encuentro en estos momentos con todo lo que necesito para continuar la jornada.

Ahora puedo ver en la distancia el rótulo que había esperado encontrar tras mi larga jornada. Indica que estoy cerca, pero aún no he llegado. Es el rótulo que la Iglesia ha colocado en la carretera a través de quienes se han encargado de mi formación, quienes han sido como mi “sistema de posicionamiento global†(GPS), indicando con voz suave que viajo en la dirección correcta. Este rótulo es mi próxima ordenación al diaconado transitorio.

Este paso es de gran importancia para quienes hemos sido llamados al sacerdocio porque nos presentamos ante el obispo que nos ordena (con el favor de Dios, el mío será el obispo auxiliar Felipe Estévez) y prometemos obediencia a nuestro ordinario (el arzobispo John C. Favalora) y a sus sucesores. También prometemos celibato y castidad además de rezar la oración oficial de la Iglesia, la Liturgia de las Horas, y asistir en la Misa, bautizar, ser testigos en los matrimonios, llevar el viático a los enfermos, y ayudar al obispo en las obras de caridad.

Estas promesas se hacen durante la hermosa ceremonia del Rito de la Ordenación . Durante estos nueve años, he asistido a una variedad de ordenaciones, y puedo asegurarles que la Arquidiócesis de Miami celebra esta liturgia con gran solemnidad. Aún no he asistido a una celebración similar a las que tenemos en la Arquidiócesis. Debemos sentirnos muy orgullosos.

Para mí, la parte más emocionante siempre ha sido cuando el candidato se arrodilla ante el obispo y se le hace entrega del Libro de los Evangelios. Entonces, el obispo declara: “Recibe el Libro de los Evangelios, de los que ahora eres heraldo. Cree lo que lees, enseña lo que crees y practica lo que enseñesâ€. Estas palabras siempre me han emocionado porque a partir de ese mismo momento se asume la obligación de predicar el amor de Dios en palabra como en acción. Esa es una gran tarea, especialmente cuando recordamos las palabras de San Pablo: “¡Ay de mí si no predicara el evangelio!†(1 Cor. 9:16).

¿Se imaginan la responsabilidad que se me confiará? ¿Imaginan la responsabilidad que se nos confía a todos los que hemos sido ordenados como diáconos o sacerdotes? Es una gran responsabilidad que debe ser compartida con quienes nos la transmiten y con quienes colaboran en esta misión, el pueblo de Dios. No puedo imaginar cómo realizar este oficio sin sus constantes oraciones y apoyo. No puedo imaginar reconocer el llamado, o vocación, sin aquellos que han estado a orillas de la carretera, con rótulos que me indicaban, y me indican, la dirección correcta.

Mi viaje aún no termina; quedan muchas millas por recorrer, un año más de estudios en el seminario antes de la ordenación sacerdotal, Dios mediante, y luego muchos viajes más por realizar. El 25 de abril, las palabras de San Pablo quedarán grabadas en mi corazón, y me uniré a él al declarar en palabra y acción: “¡Ay de mí si no predicara el evangelio!â€.

¡Oren por mí!

Aprenda más sobre Luis Rivero y su jornada hacia el sacerdocio haga clic aquí

Luis Rivero
Seminarista, Seminario Regional de St. Vincent de Paul, Boynton Beach

Comments from readers

Derek Capo - 03/22/2009 12:11 PM
Ardiel! (I have the power to call you that because I am your cousin)

Congrats on almost being there. To be a bit self-fish I have to mention that if I am at the gate of Heaven and Peter asks me why do I deserve to go to heaven I will just simply say "Don't you know who I am? I am Luis Ardiel Rivero's cousin" I am sure Pete will just smile and say "nuf said come on in!"

But I digress.....

The true journey is just beginning for you Ardiel.

Have you ever looked at the stars at night and asked yourself, who am I and what is the purpose for my existence? Well if you haven't, I have and let me say that I think the good people on this earth are the ones that decide to live their lives with the intention of leaving a positive and inspiration lasting memory to a family, community, country or world.

Your journey of marking people with a positive lasting memory is just beginning...

Now that you are close to beginning the true journey consider that every thing you will do will leave that mark on their lives.

Like Spider-man's Uncle said..."with great power comes great responsibility"


Derek Capo
Miriam & Roberto Ochoa - 03/19/2009 05:24 PM
Muy lindo mensaje, Little Lou..... muy emocionados de ver a donde llegas ya en tu lindo caminar... muchas felicidades extensivas a tu familia...... sabes te quereos y recordamos siempre, y sobretodo que te mantenemos en nuestras oraciones diarias.... un abrazo fuerte...... Que Dios te continue guiando...
Luis Rivero - 03/19/2009 08:53 AM
Thank you for ready and for your support and friendship for all these many years.
Taking time to read the blog and responding was a great gift to me. Your prayers and vote of confidence are greatly appreciated. Please rest assured of my continual prayers for you, your family and the family of St. Louis Covenant School, of which I treasure with many fond memories of my time there. The ministry of education in which you all have responded with a joyful �YES!� is often times under-valued by society but I would like to believe that the Good Lord begs to differ with society on this one.
Regards and blessings to all!
Thank you for taking time to read this and most importantly for all the work you do for us here at SVdP. Thank you for the support and the vote of confidence.
Thank you for your congratulations and good wishes. I will certainly extend your regards to my parents. Please do the same to Ricardo and your children. Also I extend my appreciation and admiration for the many sacrifices you and Ricardo will be offering to serve better in His vineyard. Thank you!
Thank you for your prayers and reading the blog!

Be assured of my continual prayers!

Thank you for your congratulations and for taking time to visit with us.

You are absolutely right, the best is yet to come�and after that some more� While every moment ought to be ceased and we should draw as much as we can from it we must remain open to the work of the Mystery. We have to step aside and let the Mystery work, recognizing it and appreciating it.

Animo! Adelante! Looking out the side window and admiring His work!


Thank you for taking time to read the blog. No journey is ever easy but that does not mean that its not rewarding. Many times we fall into the trap of finding the easy way and in doing this we cheat ourselves from the many lessons necessary to live fully. Bumps on the road often times can be annoying, like driving in a parking lot with speed bumps every twelve feet, but they are important to ensure safety. This can only be seen and truly appreciated in hindsight. Instead of a long chapter I like to look it at as a series of books each with its own mini-chapters, if you will.
Again thank you for your prayers and draw courage from Him who was the prime example and whom we journey with, in particular during this Lenten season
Pedro & Virginia Del Valle - 03/18/2009 09:01 PM
Dear Luis:

This is wonderful news. Without a doubt, the Lord will be walking with you as the Good Shepherd that He is.

Our prayer is that you remain attentive to His "rod and staff," for "they will confort you."

Proclaim the Gospel with courage! We will pray for you. Please pray for us.

Deus Caritas Est!
Virginia & Pedro plus Rosaly and her sisters
Ana Cairo - 03/17/2009 09:34 PM
Hi Luis:

Wow!! Wait a great analogy of your road to the prieshood. I am so proud of you. You are truly a blessing in my life. I feel very homored to have such a good friend as yourself as part of my life.

May God conitnue to bless you, protect you and light your road so you can reach your goal.

Many blessings!!
Luis Rivero - 03/17/2009 07:31 PM

Indeed �For the Greater Glory of God!�

Thank you for your support throughout these years. Please give my best to Olga!
Know of my continual prayers for you all as you bring life into the world.
Br. Richard,
Thank you for your kind words and your friendship. I hope and pray that I can serve Him and His Church for many years so that I can follow the footsteps of the many good priests, deacons, men and women religious who have sought to teach the Faith we profess.

P. Alberto,
Thank you for visiting and for your vote of confidence. Coincidentally today I took my Oath of Fidelity and made the Profession of Faith at the communal Evening Prayer.
Thanks for the good wishes and I look forward to serving with you in His vineyard!

Thank you for taking the time to read the blog. You are absolutely correct, in order to walk we need to take one step at a time followed by another. I always find it more enjoyable if we have things to look forward to. Those precious moments in which we can recollect to continue moving forwards, as Jesus illustrates in the Gospels.

Thank you for your prayers and for continuing the mission of teaching based on �faith, hope and Love.�

Blessings and big hug to you, Denise, Noah and Zack.

Raymond and Jen,

Thank you for your friendship, support and most importantly prayers. May the Good Lord continue to shower you with many blessings!
Corinne Chen - 03/17/2009 02:39 PM
I enjoyed reading your blog..very inspirational!
Congrats on your approaching date for Ordination!
Mary Blanco - 03/17/2009 02:35 PM
Hi Luis,

Congratulations! God has indeed blessed you with clarity of thought about His vision for you. Thanks for sharing and for remembering me. I will keep you in my prayers� will make a great priest!

Blessings to you,
Kip - 03/17/2009 02:28 PM
Dear Luis,

Thank you for sharing this beautiful message with me. I too am very moved by those words as they are spoken �Believe what you read, teach what you believe and practice what you teach.� They are very special words that speak of authenticity and trust to me. I am also very proud of you and I am sure that your journey is only just beginning!

Blessings always,
Lucia Mor - 03/17/2009 10:52 AM

Congratulations on your upcoming ordination. We are all proud of you.
May God continue to bless you and your family.

Regards to your parents,

Lucia Mor
James Sternberg - 03/16/2009 11:13 PM
Luis, I am excited for you. Prayers!
David - 03/16/2009 02:33 PM

Congratulations of your upcoming ordination! You seem to have both feet on the ground, and you will be a blessing to our community for years to come, I'm certain.

Robert is correct. While we are indeed on a journey through this life, we need to stop appreciate the points at which everything comes together and we get a real sense of the Lord's presence. In fact, I like to believe that we are actually "here", as Jesus told us that the Kingdom is among you! In my own ministry, I've experienced moments where I have said to myself, "It doesn't get any better than this", or "How could I ask for anything more?". I guess you could call them transfiguration moments. Reflecting on those experiences helps me tremendously to face the challenges ahead, knowing that the favors of the Lord are not exhausted and I will get to experience them again, even if things get difficult.

God bless you on your journey, Luis! Siempre adelante - but don't forget to look out the side windows along the way to enjoy the scenery!

Angie Sardina-Raygada - 03/16/2009 11:56 AM

I can only imagine that it's been a difficult journey because I have been on one as well. I am so proud of you for allowing His light to lead your way, and for not allowing the bumps in the road to slow you down terribly. It has been a long chapter, but just imagine the next wonderful one! Of course, enjoy every minute of this one because you will learn even more before it ends.

You are in my heart and prayers, and I wish you the very best. I am hoping to maybe make it to the ceremony, so please let me know when it is. I am out-of-town, so I will do my best. Regardless, I am there in spirit and send lots of Love and prayer!

Best wishes always!!!
Erik Vieira - 03/16/2009 10:30 AM

It brings me much joy to anticipate your ordination to the transinational diaconate. I also appreciate that despite the length of your journey, the warnings, and issues you have faced, you have seen the hand of God through it all, and describe your experience as beautiful and promising. Indeed soon you will be a beacon of light offering refreshent and refueling to the tired and weary you have elected to serve.

Richard - 03/16/2009 10:03 AM
Dear Luia:

The church of Miami is blessed to look forward to teh day when you will serve us a a priest.

Congratulations on your blog which blended seamlessly your personal journey with real good spirituality and theology. Anyone who reads it, whether on the road to ordination or not, will find it helpful.

Please God you will always be sure that the theology you are teaching is that of the Church. We have an obligation to the next generation to be sure that, if they want to know what is the Catholic teaching on a point of creed or morality, we will have preserved it for them.

I join Father Cutie in saying: 'Ad multon annos."

Padre Alberto - 03/16/2009 09:49 AM
Dear Luis,
You have always been an outstanding young man and you are a blessing to the Church. Never allow anyone to discourage you in your fidelity to Christ!

Ad Multos Annos!

Your friend,

Robert Torricella - 03/16/2009 09:38 AM

I enjoyed your use of the roadtrip imagery for this blog posting. I was curious about the destination end of the metaphor, imagining that arrival at priesthood likely is a new beginning, much moreso than a destination. You handled that quite elegantly, noting that there will be many other road trips thereafter.

That brought a realization that I hadn't really expected. So often, when we view and discuss our walk, many of us are apt to note that "we're not there yet" or "we'll always be on the walk" and similar comments. While those undoubtedly are true, they probably tend to rob us of a sense of arrival at points along the way.

Maybe viewing our walk as a series of road trips can help bring a fresh perspective to what we all do, allowing us a sense of arrival when we've developed in an area about which we pray and focus, viewing what more we do thereafter as another road trip. Who knows? Maybe reaching or even approaching the destination is enhanced if we plan a few arrivals along the way.

We keep you in our prayers as we remind the boys about your constant lessons of "faith, hope and love."

Un abrazo,
Raymond Mendez - 03/16/2009 09:27 AM
Dear Luis,

Congrats on reaching this point in your formation. As you state in your article, this is one of many steps along a long journey. Always know that the Lord will guide you along this journey and that you are not alone. Serve the people well for God has given you many gifts and we are in need of true shepherds. Count on our prayers and friendship. May God bless you and may He keep you always!

Your Friends,
Jen and Ray Mendez

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