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Response to advertisement by Catholics for Choice

Statements | Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Response to advertisement by Catholics for Choice

English Spanish

The abortion advocacy organization deceptively called “Catholics for Choice” (CFC) placed full-page ads in the September 12 editions of The Miami Herald & el Nuevo Herald. CFC is not a Catholic organization, has no membership, and does not speak for the Catholic Church. Nor could any well-formed or well informed Catholic support its goals. It’s funded by powerful and wealthy private foundations that promote abortion as a method of population control. 

The ads call for taxpayer funding of abortion. What CFC advocates is the opposite of Catholic teaching on the dignity and life of the human person � and actually attacks its foundation, namely the protection of human life from conception to natural death. 

Campaigns promoting abortion offer false support to women. The Church stands in solidarity with pregnant women and, through pregnancy help centers and other programs, is at the ready to care for both mother and child before and after birth.

Far from the old cry for abortion to be “safe, legal and rare,” CFC’s extreme ad promotes abortion as if it were a social good. But as St. Teresa of Calcutta said, abortion “has sown discord at the heart of the most intimate relationships.” Abortion kills the most innocent and defenseless among us. Pushing for public funding would force all taxpaying Americans to be complicit in that violence.

Most Rev. Thomas Wenski
Archbishop of Miami

Comments from readers

Madelyn Ocasio - 09/18/2016 03:52 AM
This ad was placed in newspapers all over our country. Our U.S. Bishops have written open letters denouncing that this is NOT a Catholic group and not to be deceived. Thank you Archbishop Wenski for defending our faith.
Sergio F De Paz - 09/16/2016 12:35 PM
Excellent Response to "Catholics" for Choice. "Evil triumph when the good remain silent" The more than 15,000 Rosary Rallies Across these "In God We Trust USA" "Praying The Rosary For America" Will also contribute to revive Our Lady's Request in Fatima. With Her assurance that: "Finally My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph" Thank you Archbishop Wenski for standing up for Our True Catholic Church. May God bless you Sergio
Margarita Lourenco - 09/15/2016 06:03 PM
Definitivamente creo firmemente que todo Catolico development ser pro-vida. Soy abogada y Las Leyes de Los humanos, protegen al nonnato. Since creemos en Jesucristo, hijo DE Dios, tenemos que seguir su ejemplo. EL amo a los ni�os! El aborto voluntario es Un asesinato!!

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