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Feature News | Wednesday, July 16, 2014

SEPI: Bridging the cultural gap

Priests, deacons, seminarians learn Spanish via three-week immersion course

English Spanish
Participants in this year's Spanish Language and Culture Immersion course pose for a photo on the SEPI campus with Piarist Father Rafael Capo, standing, center, and their SEPI teachers and staff.

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

Participants in this year's Spanish Language and Culture Immersion course pose for a photo on the SEPI campus with Piarist Father Rafael Capo, standing, center, and their SEPI teachers and staff.

MIAMI | To learn how to communicate better with their faithful, 15 priests, deacons and seminarians just spent three weeks in Miami, "soaking" up Hispanic language and culture. 

They were following in the footsteps of many others who have gathered here every summer to participate in the Immersion in Spanish Language and Culture course offered by SEPI � the educational branch of the U.S. bishops� Southeast Regional Office for Hispanic Ministry. The course took place from June 15 to July 3. 

"Every year we experience the generosity and enthusiasm which these participants bring to learning how to improve their ministry to the Church and Hispanic Catholics," said Lydia Hoyo, a member of the SEPI team. "It's really uplifting to share with their varied cultures. This year three of the priests were from India, a deacon had South Vietnamese roots and we all were enriched when comparing our origins: Irish, Scottish, Canadian, French, Spanish, Caribbean, Nicaraguan, German, etc� What matters is that we all felt ourselves a 'family' in the faith."

At daily Mass, priests participating in SEPI's Spanish language immersion course can practice celebrating the Mass in Spanish.

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

At daily Mass, priests participating in SEPI's Spanish language immersion course can practice celebrating the Mass in Spanish.

The immersion course offers students a variety of presentations and events that increase their knowledge and perspective on the Hispanic culture, its diversity and richness. 

The sessions are intense and include small group instruction each day to promote vocabulary and conversation. The daily celebration of the Eucharist enables priests to celebrate and everyone to participate in the Mass in Spanish. 

"It's a different program because not only does it have has as one of its objectives to enhance their practical knowledge and help them communicate in Spanish, but it is accompanied by a pastoral and cultural approach," Hoyo said. 

She added, "One of the main challenges we have, not only in the Southeastern U.S. region but throughout the country, due to the rapid growth of the Hispanic population, is that many priests want to celebrate in Spanish and communicate with their parishioners. That is why they are willing to participate in a program like this that helps them have a more complete immersion in the Hispanic pastoral reality."

Presenters this year included Dominican Father Jorge Presmanes; Father Juan Sosa, pastor of St. Joseph in Miami Beach; Rogelio Zelada from the archdiocesan Office of Lay Ministry; and two members of the SEPI team, Juan Jos� Rodr�guez and Hoyo. 

The program ended with a 'fiesta' in which brotherhood reigned and where students shared their talents in both their mother tongue and in the Spanish they had acquired. 

Anyone interested in attending the next Immersion in Spanish Language and Culture course, which will take place June 6-25, 2015, should contact [email protected] or call him at 305-279-2333.

Comments from readers

clementina salloum - 07/16/2014 11:00 PM
Que maravillosa experiencia. Pude recibir esa esa Bendicion, al hacer en la universidad de Loyola de Chicago una Maestria en Educacion Religiosa. Al tomar los Cursos intensivos de Verano, todos aprendiamos de los los diversos valores Culturales y vivencia de la Fe Catolica
Aunque era la unica Hispana en la clase, me ensenaron a respetar y abrazar esa diversidad en lo la que nos encontrabamos para ser Uno solo en Cristo
Como quisiera que muchas mas personas, tuvieran esta experiencia, sugiero que los Cursos
puedan darse en distitas Parroquias, ya que la Comunidad Hispana es sorprendente larga, en Miami y sus alrededores
Estoy completamente de acuerdo que Los sacerdotes, no solo quisieran aprender espanol, pero tambien entrar en corazon y espiritu de los Hispanos. Evangelizar no es solo comunicar profundos mensajes de Dios, pero hacerlo de tal modo, que aquellos que reciban la Palabra
la asimilen desde su realidad y valores culturales/tradicion
Lamentablemente vuestro curso fue en Junio, y hoy es 16 de Julio
El Senor, los siga bendiciendp

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