Our Performance
High School
Over 99% of students graduate from high school
Colleges or Universities
Over 96% of graduates attend colleges or universities
Our graduates earn hundreds of millions of dollars in college scholarships every year
Standardized Tests
Our students consistently outperform local competitive options on standardized tests
Community Service
Our students dedicate hundreds of hours to community service per year
Teachers Certified
Teachers are professionally certified by the state of Florida and certified in catechesis by the Archdiocese of Miami
Schools Accredited
All schools are accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference or Cognia.
Our Catholic schools offer a rigorous curriculum that prepares each child for success in college and beyond. Instructional standards are defined for each grade level, indicating what students need to know by the time they leave that grade. Standards in non-religion subjects are based upon the Florida State Standards and adapted to our unique Catholic setting.
The Archdiocese has developed specific standards for Religion, which support the teaching of religion as well as the integration of our Catholic faith into non-religion subjects.
Students in grades 3-8 participate in the Terra Nova NEXT annual assessment, which provides achievement, growth, and predictive data for each child. High school students take the ACT and pre-ACT Assessments.
Students in grades 2-12 participate in the Assessment of Religious Knowledge (ARK) test which measures knowledge and perceptions of the Catholic faith.
Office of Catholic Schools
The Office of Catholic Schools (OCS) is dedicated to providing leadership, oversight, and support of the Catholic schools of the Archdiocese. In achieving its mission, the OCS works closely with other offices and departments of the Archdiocese, Catholic and non-Catholic university partners, and other partners to strengthen the mission, quality, and vitality of Catholic education.