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This year, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4) falls on a Sunday. Our Church will celebrate this feast day on the following Monday, October 5.

Francis of Assisi (born Francesco Bernadone, 1182-1226), son of a wealthy cloth merchant in Assisi, Italy, recognized in poverty, humility and loving service the best way of life for himself.

St. Francis lived voluntary poverty, served the needy of his time and was humbled by being one with the elements of God's creation. This latter quality we see in the way he addressed other living creatures, which he called “brothers” and “sisters,” as we read in his Canticle of the Creatures.

Several parishes will be blessing people's pets in honor of the feast of St. Francis. Click here to go to the Events Calendar and look under Community.
It is precisely this brotherhood with creation, this interconnection with the environment, to which St. Francis is calling us today. The Catholic Climate Covenant, a partnership-structured organization composed of 12 national Catholic organizations, supports and complements the Environmental Justice Program of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The Catholic Climate Covenant has released a new program called "Creating a Climate for Solidarity: From St. Francis, To Pope Francis, For You!" This program is the first of three that will explore the life and charism of St. Francis of Assisi: working with the poor, treasuring creation and building peace. The second program of the series will be available in time for Earth Day, April 2015, and will focus on St. Francis’ love of creation. A year from now (fall of 2015), we will provide a third program in this series that will focus on care of creation and peacemaking.

"Creating a Climate for Solidarity: From St. Francis, To Pope Francis, For You!" is a free program that comes in three different versions: college, parish and youth. It is available for those who want to celebrate the feast of St. Francis this year. To access St. Francis, To Pope Francis, For You! simply register through this link.

Remember to register to have access to the program. Find more information about the Catholic Climate Covenant at:

You can also follow us on Twitter @CatholicClimate.

On behalf of the Catholic Climate Covenant, we wish you a Happy St. Francis Day!

Comments from readers

Michele MacEachern - 09/29/2014 06:04 PM
Great reminder, Nelson. There's a strong reality out there that St. Francis and our Holy Father compel us to consider. I recall the words from the song, "Let There Be Peace on Earth"--'LET IT BEGIN WITH ME'. So too for our environment. Each of us shares the duty of protecting and enhancing the natural world. It is an ETHICAL question: 'What kind of world will we leave for our grandchildren'?
Nelson, Thank you for informing us about this great program. I look forward to becoming involved and sharing it with others. Thank you for all you do! God bless you!

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