Es tiempo para un curso de actualizaci�n sobre el matrimonio
Monday, September 27, 2010
*Cheryl Whapham
Siempre me ha interesado conocer el tema de la catequesis para el año escolar que comienza. Con frecuencia intento compartirlo con grupos de discusión, en reflexiones y en actividades sobre el tema. Hace un par de meses, me enteré de que el tema para este año era “Matrimonio: Sacramento de Amor Duradero”. Me sorprendió, porque mi reacción inicial fue que el tema no estaba relacionado con los niños. Cómico, ¿no? Los niños son parte de un matrimonio, y nuestra juventud católica necesita saber lo que la Iglesia enseña sobre el sacramento del matrimonio. Pero, ¿el matrimonio como el tema catequético para el año?
Cinco segundos después, me sorprendió como un defensa de fútbol que te ataca por la espalda: ¿Sería que el tema de la catequesis para el año fue seleccionado tomando en cuenta la catequesis para adultos? Seamos honestos: cuando la mayoría de nosotros piensa en la catequesis, ¿qué nos viene a la mente? Pensamos en niños y jóvenes; niños de escuela elemental que asisten a nuestras escuelas católicas o a los programas de educación religiosa en nuestras parroquias, o imaginamos a los adolescentes en nuestras escuelas católicas o en nuestros grupos juveniles parroquiales.
¿Podemos imaginarnos a nosotros mismos, a nuestros cónyuges, y a nuestras parejas amigas asistiendo a talleres, retiros o tomando cursos en línea sobre el sacramento del matrimonio? No mucho. Pero, ¿qué tal si lo hiciéramos? ¿Qué tal si dedicáramos algún tiempo en los próximos 12 meses a leer el documento de los obispos y las cartas apostólicas, como lo recomendó el obispo Estévez en su blog la semana pasada? Los adultos pueden organizar pequeños grupos de estudio en sus parroquias para leer algunos de estos documentos y ver algunos de los excelentes recursos que se encuentran en el sitio web de Por Tu Matrimonio, como lo indicó el obispo Estévez.
Lo otro que me sorprendió fue el título. “Matrimonio: Sacramento de Amor Duradero”. Literalmente, me reí a las carcajadas. Pensé: ¿Tenían que escoger la palabra “enduring”? Pero yo pensaba en la definición de la palabra “endure”, en inglés, que significa soportar, atravesar una dificultad o permanecer firme ante el sufrimiento o la desgracia, y la Iglesia Católica no desea presentar al matrimonio con esa imagen. Pero “enduring”, la palabra que los obispos escogieron, significa “que perdura”. Es una palabra excelente.
Sin embargo, en mi humilde experiencia, ambas definiciones se pueden aplicar a la experiencia vivida del sacramento. Me parece que en la jornada de un matrimonio duradero, también hay ocasiones en que atravesamos dificultades, y debemos permanecer firmes ante el sufrimiento o la desgracia. No debemos olvidar que el matrimonio es un sacramento, un don de la gracia de Dios que se otorga a cada pareja, que existe de manera extraordinaria en cada unión. Nos puede ayudar a todos pasar un tiempo reflexionando sobre ese regalo, develándolo, redescubriéndolo, sacudiendo el polvo y puliéndolo un poco, sólo para ver si hemos perdido algo del brillo que tenía el día en que entramos al matrimonio.
Comments from readers
And yes, Cheryl, catechesis is truly for a "whole family" endeavor, and teen catechesis is so incredibly important too especially because of all the growth, development and transitions they are going through which are leading to big life decisions as they leave High School and enter college (consequently another important time for catechesis) such as dating leading to marriage, plus school and work leading to career . In fact, one could say that good, solid teen (and pre-teen) catechesis could be considered "Pro-Active Marriage Preparation" (or any Vocation Preparation for that matter) that will build up these young minds as well as empower them to make healthy life and dating choices early on that in turn would help them build the most solid foundations possible for their life, vocations, and relationships!
As many did mention, the teachings of Pope John Paul II's on the Theology of the Body are one of the many ways we can do this "pro-active marriage preparation". A couple of parishes have adopted the Ascension Press program "Theology of the Body for Teens" with phenomenal fruits and at the present time various ministries are coming together to host a TOB For Teens training with Ascension Press for adults working with teens wishing to offer the program this spring. Any ministries or Youth ministry teams with interest in collaborating or learning more please contact our office.
Ascension Press is also expecting to release a Theology of the Body for Pre-Teens in the Spring of 2011.
Worthy of note, this year, we added a Sacramentality track to enrich our marriage preparation with Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body using the Ascension Press program "God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage" by Christopher West .
We welcome any couples who might be interested in building stronger marriages our TOB marriage preparation the team (there are many ways to serve!), or parishes interested in becoming a "God's Plan" site for 2o11 .
Also, those interested in joining in our next team group study exploring marriage and Theology related topics (halfway through our current study, next one will probably begin early 2011), contact us too!
Our number is 305.762.1140 and email us at [email protected]
Thank you so much again Cheryl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT work!
I also want to thank so many of you who have spoken to me personally this week or in personal emails about what is reflected in the few comments here. That we see the Sacrament of Marriage as something beautiful that God created and that the Holy Spirit guides us in and that we are so grateful for the opportunity to participate in something so holy and so sacred. And yet we are human, and our spouses have bad breath in the morning, and there are days when the commitment is harder than others. Which is why I think a year of taking some time to learn more about the Sacrament, enrich our marriages a bit, could be just the thing we all need right now whether you have chronic halitosis or not :)
The opening talk I will be doing at the Respect Life Conference, October 29 and 30, will focus on the One Flesh Union and this amazing call every human being has to love as God loves. There is no Church teaching we would have a problem with if we first understood these foundational truths of our creation.
Commitment: The willingness to be unhappy for a little while.
This has been sticking to my head henceforth. As long as I am committed, I am sure God will help me to endure.
I think the theme for this year catechetical theme follows the teaching of the Pope John Paul II, who in his apostolic exhortation Familiaris Consortio, told us that "the Church must… promote better and more intensive programs of marriage preparation in order to eliminate as far as possible the difficulties that many married couples find themselves in, and even more in order to favor positively the establishing and maturing of successful marriages".
Regarding the concerns that some may have regarding the appropriateness of marriage being the theme for this year catechetical program, let me add what the Pope said about this: "Marriage preparation has to be seen and put into practice as a gradual and continuous process. It includes three main stages: remote, proximate and immediate preparation. Remote preparation begins in early childhood, in that wise family training which leads children to discover themselves as being endowed with a rich and complex psychology and with a particular personality with its own strengths and weaknesses. It is the period when esteem for all authentic human values is instilled, both in interpersonal and in social relationships, with all that this signifies for the formation of character, for the control and right use of one's inclinations, for the manner of regarding and meeting people of the opposite sex, and so on. Also necessary, especially for Christians, is solid spiritual and catechetical formation that will show that marriage is a true vocation and mission, without excluding the possibility of the total gift of self to God in the vocation to the priestly or religious life… renewed catechesis of young people and others preparing for Christian marriage is absolutely necessary in order that the sacrament may be celebrated and lived with the right moral and spiritual dispositions." (FC 66).
I congratulate and thank the bishops who selected this theme for the upcoming school year. I pray that it is accepted by all teachers and education directors and its development and application is taken as a priority by all… even encouraging parents and everyone to find in the words of Familiaris Consortio an unsurpassed guide for this purpose.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, presents the sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony as the Sacraments at the Service of Communion. These two sacraments really support and complement each other. The more we know one of them we would appreciate the other more, to follow the call of any one of them has to be enriched and supported by the admiration for the other.