Article Published



Breaking News | Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Un mensaje del Arzobispo Thomas Wenski

English Spanish

Comments from readers

Ana Marie Q. Lowry - 03/27/2020 04:28 AM
Edward Garcia, computers can be hacked, as well as smartphones. St. Katherine Drexel is holding confessions as you sit in your car (considerations are given if more than the driver is in the car). St Gregory is holding confession outside or in the chapel. Te priests will wear N95 masks, but the chapel at St.Gregory has confession rooms that you can't sit across from the priest. So confessions can be done, if you know where to go and how it will work, otherwise make an appointment somewhere else.
Edward Garcia - 03/26/2020 12:50 PM
Archbishop, as one of your parishioners, I humbly beg for your consideration: an offer to your flock, a means of obtaining Absolution without placing anyone in harms way. In these extreme times, there exists a low cost alternative. Establish a Virtual interface Computer where the priest & penitent are connected virtually live with sound. This closely emulates the confessional. The coronavirus spread can be avoided by scheduled online appointments with sinners from the safety of their homes. Priests can rotate thru sessions or arrange hours of availability. Bishop please consider your flock who are not currently living in Grace. Luke 1:68-79 NABRE. Anyone seeking absolution should not be turned away. The means are available please don't turn away your Flock. I work in healthcare & wear a mask. I don't shy away from assisting. We have a body but we are a soul. God determines & allows things to happen to us for our spiritual improvement. We accept all trials & tribulations and live based on Faith in HIM. We all seek Salvation; Father open the Gates and allow the willing to seek absolution. I live not to serve man but to serve the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please, please don't impede your Flock when we seek Our Lord. With respect & reverence may the Lord Bless you and Guide you.

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