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Parish News | Tuesday, October 17, 2023

St. Benedict at 50: 'Love, pray, serve'

Hialeah parish's faithful call it 'a place without much money, but with much, much love'

English Spanish
Faithful hold hands during the Our Father at the  Mass celebrating St. Benedict Church’s 50th anniversary, Sept. 23, 2023.


Faithful hold hands during the Our Father at the Mass celebrating St. Benedict Church’s 50th anniversary, Sept. 23, 2023.

Elena Sanchez sits in front of her mother, Selena Bitter, during the consecration of the Eucharist at the Mass celebrating St. Benedict Church’s 50th anniversary, Sept. 23, 2023.


Elena Sanchez sits in front of her mother, Selena Bitter, during the consecration of the Eucharist at the Mass celebrating St. Benedict Church’s 50th anniversary, Sept. 23, 2023.

HIALEAH | Braulio Ortiz remembers when he read the first reading at St. Benedict Parish’s first Mass, celebrated at Milam Elementary School in west Hialeah in 1973.

“This was a place without much money, but with much, much love,” said Ortiz.

He never imagined that five decades later he would be reading at the 50th anniversary Mass, celebrated Sept. 23, 2023, in an actual church building filled to the brim with priests, religious, and parishioners. He even sat at the archbishop’s table at the gala that followed the Mass.

“Not even for a second can you fathom that was going to happen,” said Ortiz. Reflecting on 50 years, he added, “It was just a group of people working together to create this community that we have today. And thank God, it became what it is today. And we are all happy. Very happy.”

Although he currently resides in Weston, Ortiz often returns to St. Benedict because “when I enter this church, I enter my home. I saw it built.”

Ortiz has been one of many parishioners who, following the motto of St. Benedict to “Ora et labora” (pray and work), has worked to maintain the parish over the years. He helped fundraise for the church building and property, going door to door looking for pledges, working at the church carnival, and even selling tickets for a car raffle at the Calle 8 Carnaval, all to offset the $600,000 cost of acquisition and construction.

Claretian Sister Carmen Alvarez, first director of religious education at St. Benedict Church in Hialeah, is honored during the parish’s 50th anniversary Mass, Sept. 23, 2023.


Claretian Sister Carmen Alvarez, first director of religious education at St. Benedict Church in Hialeah, is honored during the parish’s 50th anniversary Mass, Sept. 23, 2023.

Once the church was built, Ortiz installed interior lights and helped hang a crucifix over the altar with fellow parishioner Ernesto de la Fe. He was a founding member of the Emmaus group, led the youth group, and more.

“Truly, we had a great time. We built such a beautiful community. We’ve made friendships for life, and many of those friends are now family,” Ortiz said.

Eventually, he moved from Miami Lakes to Hallandale Beach, where he attended St. Matthew Church. After a few years there, his St. Benedict roots made themselves present when Father Robert Ayala was installed as St. Matthew’s pastor. Father Ayala had been a member of the youth group when Ortiz and his wife led the ministry.

“For us, he was Robertico,” said Ortiz. He laughed as he recalled when Father Ayala introduced himself at St. Matthew and proceeded to tell the congregation that if he ever did anything wrong they should blame Hilda and Braulio Ortiz, because they were the ones who taught him.

“My wife and I looked at each other and said, ‘Good Lord, what is this?’”

Ortiz helped Father Ayala every way he could during his time at St. Matthew. Then he was transferred to Nativity Church in Hollywood, and the Ortizes moved to Weston, where they attended St. Katharine Drexel. There, they met Father Yonhatan Londoño, who became administrator of St. Benedict this June.

Those circular connections kept calling Ortiz back to St. Benedict. “And that is how I am here. I guarantee you that this is my home,” he said.

Father Yonhatan Londoño, administrator of St. Benedict Church in Hialeah, gives closing remarks during the parish’s 50th anniversary celebration, Sept. 23, 2023.


Father Yonhatan Londoño, administrator of St. Benedict Church in Hialeah, gives closing remarks during the parish’s 50th anniversary celebration, Sept. 23, 2023.


Father Londoño said he is following “a long legacy” at St. Benedict. His predecessors include founding pastor Father Thomas Barry; retired Msgr. Jose Luis Hernando, who presided during the major construction period of the church; Father Jose Luis Paniagua, who led the community as pastor for 30 years; and Father Julio De Jesus, administrator and later pastor.

Zelma Iglesias, a parishioner of 25 years, lector and volunteer, remembers Father De Jesus’ efforts as “grandiose and enthusiastic.” During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, he rode on the back of a pick-up truck blessing the neighborhood with the Blessed Sacrament. She cried when he was reassigned but has found joy with Father Londoño.

Father Jose Luis Paniagua, administrator and pastor of St. Benedict Church in Hialeah from 1989 to 2018, receives a gift from Archbishop Thomas Wenski during the parish’s 50th anniversary Mass, Sept. 23, 2023.


Father Jose Luis Paniagua, administrator and pastor of St. Benedict Church in Hialeah from 1989 to 2018, receives a gift from Archbishop Thomas Wenski during the parish’s 50th anniversary Mass, Sept. 23, 2023.

“I couldn't ask for anything better because he is energetic, he is humble, he is reachable and available to everyone, and he listens to advice,” Iglesias said.

From 2018 to 2023, a renaissance of sorts took place at St. Benedict. The main altar was renovated to include a relic of St. John Paul II (April 2020); the St. Joseph perpetual adoration chapel opened (March 2019); an outdoor grotto dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes was created (June 2020); and a relic of St. Benedict was added to the wall next to the altar. The parish office, parish center, restrooms, and gardens also were renovated.

“Father De Jesus got to a certain point, and it is up to me to continue forward,” said Father Londoño. “It is a beautiful community, very hard working. They have worked a lot to move their church forward, and they are very proud of their history.”

A history that took him by surprise, since shortly after he arrived as administrator, Deacon Emilio Blanco told him that the 50th anniversary was coming up.

That’s when the parish motto, “Ora et labora,” manifested itself. In less than two months, parishioners organized an anniversary Mass presided by Archbishop Thomas Wenski and concelebrated by former pastors as well as priests who grew up at the parish; and attended by religious sisters who served the community, including Claretian Sister Carmen Alvarez, who began her work at St. Benedict with Father Thomas Barry.

They also organized a gala for 300 guests, which sold out in a single Sunday.

Archbishop Thomas Wenski gives the opening remarks at St. Benedict Church in Hialeah, during the parish’s 50th anniversary celebration, Sept. 23, 2023.


Archbishop Thomas Wenski gives the opening remarks at St. Benedict Church in Hialeah, during the parish’s 50th anniversary celebration, Sept. 23, 2023.

“We started to have a problem where we almost had to use another hall, and we had no other halls. I told them, I don’t know where we are going to fit 300, but we have to do it here. But in just a minute, you realize how much love they have for their parish,” said Father Londoño.


Many of those who attended the gala also were eager to greet Archbishop Wenski, whom they knew as “Tomasito” the seminarian (1974), deacon (1975), and newly ordained priest (1976).

“This, for me, is almost a homecoming,” said the archbishop in his homily at the anniversary Mass. “I remember when St. Benedict was established. Of course, at the time Mass was celebrated at Palm Lakes Elementary, and later in El Malecón Shopping Center (next to a Chinese restaurant). And it was there, in El Malecón, where I celebrated my first Masses, one in English and one in Spanish.”

Father Londoño said he was told ahead of his appointment that the St. Benedict community was made up of vulnerable “people in need” and the elderly.

“But it is not true. It is the richest parish in the Archdiocese of Miami,” he said. “Do you know why? Because each and every one of them represent the beauty, the work, and the effort of a community that is alive, and that wants to love, pray, and serve.”


  • St. Benedict will host a 50th-anniversary Mass of thanksgiving and adoration concert on Saturday, Oct. 28, at 6 p.m. at the church, 701 W. 77 St., Hialeah. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased at the parish office.
  • To contact the parish, call 305-558-2150; email [email protected]; visit; or follow them on social media: @stbenedictmiami on Instagram, and St. Benedict Church Hialeah on Facebook.      
Faithfull gathered at St. Benedict Church in Hialeah, to celebrate the parish’s 50th anniversary Mass, Sept. 23, 2023.


Faithfull gathered at St. Benedict Church in Hialeah, to celebrate the parish’s 50th anniversary Mass, Sept. 23, 2023.

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