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Feature News | Monday, June 19, 2023

Archdiocese podcasts, blog, newspapers honored by Catholic press

Florida Catholic, La Voz, archdiocese earn 28 awards from Catholic Media Association

English Spanish
Archdiocese of
Miami newspapers, its Let’s Talk
blog, its podcasts and its archbishop
all won awards for excellence from
the Catholic Media Association,
given at the annual gathering of
Catholic journalists and media professionals
and held June 6-9, 2023,
in Baltimore.


Archdiocese of Miami newspapers, its Let’s Talk blog, its podcasts and its archbishop all won awards for excellence from the Catholic Media Association, given at the annual gathering of Catholic journalists and media professionals and held June 6-9, 2023, in Baltimore.

Spanish Newspaper of the Year: La Voz Católica, second place: Rocío Granados, Emilio de Armas, Manolo Villaverde, Maritza Alvarez, Ana Rodriguez-Soto


Spanish Newspaper of the Year: La Voz Católica, second place: Rocío Granados, Emilio de Armas, Manolo Villaverde, Maritza Alvarez, Ana Rodriguez-Soto

BALTIMORE | Archdiocese of Miami newspapers, its Let’s Talk blog, its podcasts and its archbishop all won awards for excellence from the Catholic Media Association, given at the annual gathering of Catholic journalists and media professionals and held June 6-9, 2023, in Baltimore.

La Voz Católica, the archdiocese’s Spanish-language newspaper, won second place as Spanish Publication of the Year for the second year in a row.

A sampling of Archbishop Wenski’s monthly columns won first place for Best Regular Column by a Bishop or Archbishop. He won second place in the same category last year. Those same columns also earned him a second place in the Best Regular Column category in Spanish.

Best Podcast – Topical News: third place, What the Faith, Miami?, Rocío Granados, Cristina Cabrera Jarro, Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Maria Alejandra Rivas


Best Podcast – Topical News: third place, What the Faith, Miami?, Rocío Granados, Cristina Cabrera Jarro, Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Maria Alejandra Rivas

Best Podcast in Spanish: first place, Cuéntame Católico, Rocío Granados, Cristina Cabrera Jarro, Ana Rodríguez-Soto, Maria Alejandra Rivas


Best Podcast in Spanish: first place, Cuéntame Católico, Rocío Granados, Cristina Cabrera Jarro, Ana Rodríguez-Soto, Maria Alejandra Rivas

The archdiocesan podcasts, Cuéntame Católico and What the Faith, Miami?, also won: first place for Cuéntame Católico for Best Podcast in Spanish – also for the second year in a row; and third place for What the Faith, Miami? for Best Podcast – Topical News. The podcasts are produced under the auspices of the archdiocesan Office of Communications.

The Let’s Talk blog, which is published and emailed to subscribers every Monday, also won third place in Best Blog – Expression of Faith.

In all, La Voz won 17 writing and photography awards, including five first places; and the Florida Catholic Miami edition won 8 awards, including four first places.

The CMA said it had received around 3,400 entries this year from its more than 800 members, including diocesan and national newspapers, magazines and wire services, individual freelancers and content creators, as well as production houses such as Busted Halo, Spirit Juice and Word on Fire.

“I want to thank the staff of the Communications Office, and all the Florida Catholic and La Voz Católica freelancers, for all they do to contribute to the excellence of our communications efforts and to spreading the good news in and about our archdiocese – not to mention to make me look good!” said Ana Rodríguez-Soto, Miami editor of the Florida Catholic and executive editor of La Voz. “As you can see from the list of winners, there is no shortage of contributors to our award-winning ways. And I am especially grateful for the support we receive from the archbishop and our communications director, Mary Ross Agosta. Nothing that is so consistently excellent can be achieved without the talents, effort and dedication of an entire team.”

Following is a list of the entries that were recognized and the judges’ comments.

Best Coverage – Pro-Life Issues: first place, La Voz, Rocío Granados, Anne DiBernardo


Best Coverage – Pro-Life Issues: first place, La Voz, Rocío Granados, Anne DiBernardo

Best Coverage – Pro-Life Issues

First place, La Voz, Rocío Granados, Anne DiBernardo: Elegir la vida y no el aborto, “Tenemos que estar donde la gente está y donde necesitan ser atendidos”, “La misericordia de Dios está presente para ellas”. “A well written exploration of the Catholic Church’s position on abortion, with very useful information about the help available to people dealing with an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy.”

Best In-Depth Analysis

First place, La Voz, Ana Rodríguez-Soto, Rocío Granados: Una batalla por los niños, ¡Niños, sí! ¡Política, no!, Todos deberíamos llorar. “This series of articles offer a clear-headed, articulate, and timely exposition of the controversy surrounding children of other nations coming on their own to seek asylum in the United States.”

Best Editorial on a Local Issue: first place, Florida Catholic, Ana Rodriguez-Soto


Best Editorial on a Local Issue: first place, Florida Catholic, Ana Rodriguez-Soto

Best Editorial on a Local Issue (Non-Weekly newspaper)

First place, Florida Catholic, Ana Rodriguez-Soto: We all should be crying. “Excellent persuasive writing on the heartbreaking issue of immigration.”

Best News Writing on a Local or Regional Event (Non-Weekly)

First place, Florida Catholic, Rocío Granados and Tom Tracy: A miracle in Miami? “The author lures the reader in with a witty headline and then pivots style to allow the story to unfold for the reader in a straightforward way.”

Best Podcast

First place, Cuéntame Católico, Rocío Granados, Cristina Cabrera Jarro, Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Maria Alejandra Rivas: “Each episode is interesting, containing content that is timely, relevant, and entertaining. The interviewers are very good in keeping the episode moving and consistently have good guests with compelling stories/information.” 

Best Regular Column by Bishop or Archbishop: first place, Florida Catholic; Best Regular Column: second place, La Voz, Archbishop Thomas Wenski


Best Regular Column by Bishop or Archbishop: first place, Florida Catholic; Best Regular Column: second place, La Voz, Archbishop Thomas Wenski

Best Regular Column by Bishop or Archbishop

First place, Florida Catholic, Archbishop Wenski: Why is the governor going after children?, How can we prevent mass shootings?, At Christmas, we find our roots. “The pragmatic approach to framing discussions around what other spheres of influence attempt to binarize is such a powerfully rhetorical approach to depolarize social justice issues and makes this series stand out.”

Best Reporting on a Special Age-Group – Children and Teens Younger than 18: first place, Florida Catholic, Priscilla Greear


Best Reporting on a Special Age-Group – Children and Teens Younger than 18: first place, Florida Catholic, Priscilla Greear

Best Reporting on a Special Age-Group – Children and Teens Younger than 18

First place, Florida Catholic, Priscilla Greear: Miami youths stand with migrants at Mexican border. “Building a bridge of understanding over the immigration of vitriol and division. What a grand opening of an inspiring and uplifting story of Miami youth crossing the Arizona border into Mexico to walk and talk and pray with youth seeing asylum into the United States. And they also listened to those of their same age talk of fleeing fears of murder and abuse. A remarkable experience gently but forcibly told.”

Best Reporting – On Cultural Heritage: first place, La Voz, Rocío Granados


Best Reporting – On Cultural Heritage: first place, La Voz, Rocío Granados

Best Reporting – On Cultural Heritage

First place, La Voz, Rocío Granados: Centavo a centavo se construyó la casa de la Patrona de Cuba. “This article on the 50th anniversary of La Ermita in Miami was reporting at its best! The description of the history of how the church was built collecting literally cent by cent and by Cuban workers who recently arrived with the devotion to the Virgin and commemoration of the Cuban exile in the 60s... I felt I was physically there suffering along with Cubans! It’s a beautiful story, knowing that today, devotees are still praying for Cuba and immigrants who continue to arrive are praying for their countries in this national sanctuary.”

"A battle over children": first place, Best In-Depth Analysis (La Voz), Best Editorial on a Local Issue (Florida Catholic), Best Writing – Analysis (La Voz), and Best Writing – In-Depth (La Voz); second place: Best Coverage – Immigration (Florida Catholic) and
Best News Writing – Local/Regional Event (La Voz); third place: Best Analysis/Background/Round-Up News Writing – The Gerard E. Sherry Award (Florida Catholic); Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Rocío Granados


"A battle over children": first place, Best In-Depth Analysis (La Voz), Best Editorial on a Local Issue (Florida Catholic), Best Writing – Analysis (La Voz), and Best Writing – In-Depth (La Voz); second place: Best Coverage – Immigration (Florida Catholic) and Best News Writing – Local/Regional Event (La Voz); third place: Best Analysis/Background/Round-Up News Writing – The Gerard E. Sherry Award (Florida Catholic); Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Rocío Granados

Best Writing – Analysis

First place, La Voz, Ana Rodríguez-Soto: Una batalla por los niños. “The article is a clear-headed, articulate, and timely analysis of the controversy surrounding the arrival of unaccompanied minors from other countries to our shores.”

Best Writing – In-Depth

First place, La Voz, Ana Rodríguez-Soto, Rocío Granados: Una batalla por los niños, Arzobispo critica con vehemencia las palabras de DeSantis en su visita a Miami, ¡Niños, sí! ¡Política, no! “This is an excellent, well reported and eloquently written series of articles about a very controversial issue in the Miami archdiocese. Well done.”

Spanish Publication of the Year

Second place, La Voz, Emilio de Armas, Manolo Villaverde, Rocío Granados, Ana Rodríguez-Soto, Maritza Álvarez: “La Voz Católica is clearly a representation of a vitally strong Archdiocese of Miami. The stories are reflective of our current world, in particular the suffering of the people of Venezuela but linked to positivity of miracles attributed to Blessed Jose Gregorio Hernandez. Archbishop Thomas Wenski covers engaging topics with a Catholic angle and overall, the articles are educational without being complicated. I found myself completely immersed with the beautiful activities and helpful resources available in the archdiocese.”

Best Cover: second place, La Voz, and Best Photograph, third place, La Voz, Tom Tracy


Best Cover: second place, La Voz, and Best Photograph, third place, La Voz, Tom Tracy

Best Cover – Newspaper

Second place, La Voz, Tom Tracy: Solidaridad con los afectados del huracán Ian. “An effective front, driven by a great photo. Attractive, easy to navigate, well organized. A good story-telling page.”

"A battle over children": first place, Best In-Depth Analysis (La Voz), Best Editorial on a Local Issue (Florida Catholic), Best Writing – Analysis (La Voz), and Best Writing – In-Depth (La Voz); second place: Best Coverage – Immigration (Florida Catholic) and
Best News Writing – Local/Regional Event (La Voz); third place: Best Analysis/Background/Round-Up News Writing – The Gerard E. Sherry Award (Florida Catholic); Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Rocío Granados


"A battle over children": first place, Best In-Depth Analysis (La Voz), Best Editorial on a Local Issue (Florida Catholic), Best Writing – Analysis (La Voz), and Best Writing – In-Depth (La Voz); second place: Best Coverage – Immigration (Florida Catholic) and Best News Writing – Local/Regional Event (La Voz); third place: Best Analysis/Background/Round-Up News Writing – The Gerard E. Sherry Award (Florida Catholic); Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Rocío Granados

Best Coverage – Immigration

Second place, Florida Catholic, Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Rocío Granados: “Powerful hard-hitting punch to the gut of the migrant issue: The first paragraph quickly makes the point: Propaganda versus fact, political posturing versus legal logic, Church versus state. And who gets hurt? The children. Excellent headlines make the issue clear: ‘Florida governor, archbishop at odds.’ ‘Archbishop blasts DeSantis’ words.’ ‘Children, yes! Politics, no!’ And finally, ‘We all should be crying’.”

Best Essay Reflecting on Faith Formation

Second place, La Voz, Cristina Cabrera Jarro: El acompañamiento es necesario para los inmigrantes hispanos. “Distinctively develops the theme of support/accompaniment that must be made present for Hispanic immigrants – support on every level, from legal and material to personal to spiritual. Persuasive and informative.”

Best Feature Writing (Non-Weekly)

Second place, Florida Catholic, Priscilla Greear: New ministry equips emergency responders to lean on faith. “The writer introduces readers to a new and necessary group of Catholics for First Responders, Police and EMTs, firefighters. Quality use of quotes and description show readers this group that becomes uplifted by gathering at church and sharing faith.”

Best News Writing – Local/Regional Event

Second place, La Voz, Ana Rodríguez-Soto, Rocío Granados: Una batalla por los niños, Arzobispo critica con vehemencia las palabras de DeSantis en su visita a Miami, ¡Niños, sí! ¡Política, no! “Ana Rodriguez-Soto writes an excellent piece on an important social issue. She takes a topic that is covered by the secular press and brings the topic to the light of faith. Kudos to the Archbishop for his prophetic stance.”

Best Regular Column – Political Issues

Second place, La Voz, Archbishop Wenski: ¿Por qué el gobernador persigue a los niños?, ¿Cómo podemos prevenir los tiroteos masivos?, En la Navidad encontramos nuestras raíces. “Hats off to the archbishop for tackling difficult issues such as immigration and gun violence. It is great that the Church continues to be a prophetic voice.”

Best Reporting on Catholic Education: second place, Florida Catholic, Priscilla Greear


Best Reporting on Catholic Education: second place, Florida Catholic, Priscilla Greear

Best Reporting on Catholic Education

Second place, Florida Catholic, Priscilla Greear: A swirling world of books. “This piece is so creatively and descriptively written! I enjoyed the festive photos included and the unique topic! It was fun to read and see how a love of reading and learning is enjoyed by adults and children alike.”

Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

Second place, La Voz, Jim Davis: Sociedad San Vicente de Paúl: Un siglo de servicio. “Very engaging. Not just a report on 100 years of service but rather a report on how important missionary activity is in the Church and how we are all called to by missionaries.”

Best Analysis/Background/Round-Up News Writing – The Gerard E. Sherry Award (Non-Weekly)

Third place, Florida Catholic, Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Rocío Granados: Fla. governor, archbishop at odds over efforts to shutter shelters for unaccompanied minors. “Strong, analytical reporting on an issue that has generated considerable controversy. Good explanatory writing that does a lot to inform the reader.” 

Best Blog – Expression of Faith: third place, Let’s Talk, Father Matthew Gomez, Jesuit Father Eduardo Barrios, Dan Gonzalez, Dolores McDiarmid; Msgr. Jose Luis Hernando


Best Blog – Expression of Faith: third place, Let’s Talk, Father Matthew Gomez, Jesuit Father Eduardo Barrios, Dan Gonzalez, Dolores McDiarmid; Msgr. Jose Luis Hernando

Best Blog – Expression of Faith

Third place, Let’s Talk, Archdiocese of Miami, Father Matthew Gomez; Father Eduardo Barrios, S.J.; Dan Gonzalez; Dolores McDiarmid; Father Jose Luis Hernando: “Let’s Talk is a valuable blog series that provides a practical outlook through everyday experience. The blog is an informative and engaging conversation that doesn’t assume too much of the reader. The greatest strength of the blog is the ability to meet the reader where they are.”

Best News Writing - National/International Event: third place, La Voz, Rocío Granados, Jim Davis


Best News Writing - National/International Event: third place, La Voz, Rocío Granados, Jim Davis

Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Life and Dignity of the Human Person: honorable mention, La Voz, Tom Tracy


Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Life and Dignity of the Human Person: honorable mention, La Voz, Tom Tracy

Best News Writing - National/International Event

Third place, La Voz, Rocío Granados, Jim Davis: ¿Un milagro en Miami?, Miami reza por Nicaragua, Oraciones y protestas por Ucrania. “All three stories were very well written. Especially good the way that they made international stories local. Bringing the distant home.”

Best Personality Profile

Third place, La Voz, Rocío Granados: Continuar la obra de Mons. Agustín Román, su entrega, su fe en Dios y en la Virgen. “Well reported, with several helpful interviews. Gets to the accomplishments and also the interior life of the subject.”

Best Photograph – General News Photo

Third place, La Voz, Tom Tracy: Las aguas han descendido, pero las necesidades persisten.

Best Multiple Picture Package – News

Third place, La Voz, Tom Tracy: Cardenal venezolano visita Miami.

Best Podcast – Topical News

Third place, What the Faith, Miami?, Rocío Granados, Cristina Cabrera Jarro, Ana Rodríguez-Soto: “This podcast has enthusiastic speakers and great sound quality. You can tell the guest speakers and interviewers are comfortable, casual, and having fun. This podcast is interesting and covers unique topics.”

Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Call to Family, Community and Participation

Honorable mention, La Voz, Cristina Cabrera Jarro: Artista conversa le da una nueva vida a las figuras del Nacimiento.

Best Reporting on Social Justice Issues – Life and Dignity of the Human Person

Honorable mention, La Voz, Tom Tracy: En el correccional Everglades, un ministerio de presencia en pleno desarrollo.

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