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Breaking News | Monday, July 12, 2021

Novena of prayer for Cuba at Shrine of Our Lady of Charity

English Spanish


For immediate release

Miami, July 12, 2021 | During this decisive hour being lived in our homeland, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Charity invites the entire south Florida community to an intense novena of prayer for Cuba, from July 13 through 22 at 7 p.m.

Every day we will be praying for a special intention in favor of the life and dignity of the Cuban people.

We will begin Tuesday, July 13, at 7 p.m., with a special Mass for Cuba presided by Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski.

On Wednesday, July 14, we will hold a Great Night of Prayer for the Freedom of Cuba at the malecón (seawall) of the Shrine, also at 7 p.m. We will pray fervently, as one, to our patroness for an end to the suffering of the people, facing the waters that unite us as one people.

The following days we will continue our vigil of prayer for the needs of the Cuban people.

  • July 14, living rosary for Cuba and her families.
  • July 15, rosary for Cuba and her sick.
  • July 16, rosary for Cuba and her young people.
  • July 17, rosary for Cuba and those imprisoned there.
  • July 18, rosary for Cuba and her children.
  • July 19, rosary for Cuba and her Church.
  • July 20, rosary for Cuba and her deceased.
  • July 21, end of the novena, rosary for liberty, dignity and peace in Cuba.

Brothers and sisters, now more than ever, let us come together in prayer at the feet of Our Lady of Charity.

Virgen de la Caridad, Salva a Cuba!


Contact: Sr. Javier Fernandez
3609 South Miami Avenue
Miami, FL 33133
Tel: (305) 854-2404 Ext. 306
Cell: (305) 216-7101

E-mail: [email protected]



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