Article Published



Feature News | Saturday, April 22, 2017

‘One heart, one goal’: help the poor

South Florida Vincentians, supporters ‘walk for the poor’ and marginalized among us

English Spanish
Members of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish's St. Vincent de Paul Conference were in charge of the First Aid station. The team was led by Father Matias Hualpa, parochial vicar at the church (far right).

Photographer: ROBERTO AGUIRRE | FC

Members of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish's St. Vincent de Paul Conference were in charge of the First Aid station. The team was led by Father Matias Hualpa, parochial vicar at the church (far right).

Terri Narine, a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Kendall, is all smiles after her "walk for the poor."

Photographer: ROBERTO AGUIRRE | FC

Terri Narine, a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Kendall, is all smiles after her "walk for the poor."

Catholic rapper and hip-hop artist Alvaro "Communion" Vega, entertains participants at the "walk for the poor" at Tropical Park.

Photographer: ROBERTO AGUIRRE | FC

Catholic rapper and hip-hop artist Alvaro "Communion" Vega, entertains participants at the "walk for the poor" at Tropical Park.

Evelio Suarez, far left, newly installed president of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Kendall, poses with some members of his team during the "walk for the poor."

Photographer: ROBERTO AGUIRRE | FC

Evelio Suarez, far left, newly installed president of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Kendall, poses with some members of his team during the "walk for the poor."

This article was written by María Pérez de Gonzalez, a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. 

MIAMI | The day was splendid: cool, sunny, breezy. Those who gathered at Miami's Tropical Park had no doubt such perfect weather was God's pledge of support.

The occasion was the annual “Friends of the Poor Walk” sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Coordinated by South District Vice-President Fernando Reyes, the walk brought out volunteers, friends, and good-will supporters of the Society, all determined to raise funds and awareness for those suffering poverty and injustice.

This nationally recognized event is celebrated simultaneously across different areas of the U.S. The South Miami-Dade District Council had each of its parishes represented at booths that lined the park's lake. Under a wealth of languages and ethnicities, there was one heart and one goal: solidarity with the poor in our midst.

“It was heartwarming to see such vast age range among participants,” said Reyes.

He noted that students from several parochial schools, including St. Kevin, Belen Jesuit Prep, Christopher Columbus High, and Lourdes Academy, enthusiastically light-footed their miles since early morning.

Alongside them walked adults and a remarkable number of seniors.

After the walk came a musical concert featuring Mickey Itchon & 1Body Catholic / Christian music ministry; vocalist Marlene De Leon of Mother of Christ Parish in Miami; Catholic rapper Alvaro “Communion” Vega; Christian rapper Big Tony; and “Apóstoles de Agape” from St. John Neumann Parish in Kendall. Also present were young adults from the “Here I Am, My Lord / Aquí Estoy Señor” program on Radio Paz, with host Father Tomasz Parzynski. Father Parzynski is parochial vicar at St. John Neumann, and the program airs Mondays at 6 p.m. on Radio Paz 830 AM.

The April 8 walk also symbolized the lifetime spiritual journey of Vincentians. Members of the Society walk together towards holiness along a pathway with three components: spirituality, service, and friendship.

Spirituality refers to their vocation, which is grounded in Gospel values and Christ's preferential love for the poor. Service refers to their constant visits with the poor and how they raise their voices on their behalf. Friendship refers to how they live their lives, in good will and solidarity with their communities of faith.

The joyful music at the end of the day announced that every mile walked counted for the cause of those in need. For Vincentians see the face of Christ in the poor; and in Vincentians, the poor see the face of Christ.

Students from Our Lady of Lourdes Academy took part in the Walk for the Poor.

Photographer: ROBERTO AGUIRRE | FC

Students from Our Lady of Lourdes Academy took part in the Walk for the Poor.

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