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Feature News | Monday, May 02, 2011

'Amazing faith experience'

Miami youths hold all-night vigil in anticipation of 'JPII's' beatification

Sister Olga Villar, a Claretian nun, who organized the youth vigil joins youths singing "Waves of Mercy" performed by "Joyful Noise" musical group from Our Lady of Lourdes Church.

Photographer: MARLENE QUARONI | FC

Sister Olga Villar, a Claretian nun, who organized the youth vigil joins youths singing "Waves of Mercy" performed by "Joyful Noise" musical group from Our Lady of Lourdes Church.

Father Roberto Garza carries the Monstrance in the Procession from the St. Raphael Chapel to St. Brendan High School gymnasium.

Photographer: MARLENE QUARONI | FC

Father Roberto Garza carries the Monstrance in the Procession from the St. Raphael Chapel to St. Brendan High School gymnasium.

MIAMI � �JP II, we love you!�

Claretian Sister Ondina Cortes, former director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the archdiocese, led about 400 young people in that chant during an overnight vigil that seemed like a pep rally in anticipation of the beatification of Pope John Paul II, known of as the pope of the world�s youth.

�Tonight is very special,� she told those gathered in St. Brendan High School�s gym. �No one in Miami is having an event like this. Your challenge tonight is to stay awake and be awake with the eyes of your faith.�

The event started the evening of April 30 with youths joining St. John Vianney seminarians in vespers at St. Raphael Chapel, followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and a procession with the Monstrance to the St. Brendan gym, which was adorned with photos of John Paul II. The Blessed Sacrament was placed in a room in the gym for Perpetual Adoration so vigil participants could go at any time.

The spirited youths, most wearing white t-shirts bearing the words Blessed John Paul II, his picture, and his trademark phrase, �Be Not Afraid,� took part in music, dance, and presentations based on World Youth Day themes.

They viewed a video on the life of the pontiff and at 4 a.m. May 1 watched a live broadcast of Pope Benedict XVI proclaiming John Paul II as blessed, which moved him a step closer to possible sainthood. One miracle has been attributed to Pope John Paul II; another is needed for his canonization.

�We raised a 10-foot by 25-foot banner with a portrait of Pope John Paul II,� said Sister Cort�s. �It was a traced photo that the youths filled with colorful paint. At the moment of the beatification announcement, everyone was whistling and very happy. And we sang, �El Amigo,� a song dedicated to the former pope.�

Claretian Sister Olga Villar, who works at San Lazaro Parish in Hialeah and helped organize the vigil, said that Pope John Paul II has been a great inspiration in her life.

�It was in 1986 when he came to my country, Colombia, I asked him in a dream if I should become a nun,� she said. �In the dream he told me, the answer is in your heart.�

Carla Rodriguez, 21, enjoys music at the youth vigil in anticipation of the Pope John Paul II's beatification.

Photographer: MARLENE QUARONI | FC

Carla Rodriguez, 21, enjoys music at the youth vigil in anticipation of the Pope John Paul II's beatification.

The high school age teenagers were too young to remember the life of Pope John Paul II, who died in 2005 from Parkinson�s disease, so during the vigil they were educated as to his life and work. After watching the beatification, they split up into �six corners� where young adults covered the topics that Pope John Paul II stressed or developed during his pontificate: theology of the body, ecumenism, Divine Mercy, Mary and the Luminous mysteries, the cross and social concerns.

Among the youth groups represented were Corpus Christi�s, San Lazaro�s, Mother of Christ�s, St. John Neumann�s and Holy Rosary-St. Richard�s.

Carla Rodriguez, 21, from Corpus Christi Church, said she wanted to watch the beatification in communion with others. Like those camping out in St. Peter�s Square in Rome, the Miami teenagers waited all night for the beatification announcement.

�This means a lot to me and I want to experience this moment with other members of my youth group,� she said.

At midnight, Father Eric Zegeer, parochial vicar at All Saints in Sunrise, brought the Blessed Sacrament out for the youths to adore.

�This was part of an amazing faith experience,� said Sister Cort�s. �Many kids were crying during the adoration. The event, from 7:30 p.m. to 7 a.m., was a great success.�

Chris Martinez, 17, from Mother of Christ Church, said that Pope John Paul II loved the youths of the world.

�Most people think teenagers only want to go on Facebook or watch, �Jersey Shore�,� said Chris. �JP II established World Youth Day. He said that youths are the future. It�s a testimony to him that so many of us are here at this vigil. I mean that�s super rare.�

Blessed John Paul II�s feast day will be celebrated in Rome and his native Poland on October 22, the day of his election as pope in 1978. The Polish pope is credited with helping to bring down communism in Eastern Europe, energizing young Catholics and bolstering the Church�s presence in the developing world. He was beatified on Divine Mercy Sunday, a movable feast which this year, coincidentally, fell on May 1, the most important holiday in the communist world.
A performer sings the youth encounter song, "I want to be happy"

Photographer: MARLENE QUARONI | FC

A performer sings the youth encounter song, "I want to be happy"

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