Sep 18, 2016
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A quotation from St. Francis of Assisi graces the wall of the rooms at Camillus House in Miami.View of the busy dining hall at Miami's Camillus House, which has grown steadily over the years from a small overnight shelter into a full service center offering a system of care for persons who are poor and homeless.Hospitaller Brother William Osmanski, a direct care ministry provider, runs the clothing donation and distribution room
at Miami's Camillus House.At Camillus House, Hospitaller Brother Mateo Fenza, far right, works in the mailroom with Danny Maree, left, and Agnes Morrell, center. The mailroom serves as a vital place for clients to access their mail and show employers that they have an address.At Camillus House, Hospitaller Brother Mateo Fenza poses in front of the mural of the "lost sheep" in the chapel, one of the new Camillus buildings. The former soup kitchen now includes a behavioral health treatment and residential facility, medical and service space, dining hall and cafe, parking garage, commercial kitchen, offices, educational spaces, and an auditorium.Jose Hernandes, a staff chef at Camillus House, prepares meals for the center's clients.A mural of the Good Shepherd graces the wall of the cafeteria at Camillus House in Miami.Fred Mimes, right, director of direct care ministry, and client James Wilson walk the courtyard at Miami's Camillus House, a full service center offering a "system of care" for persons who are poor and homeless.At Camillus House in Miami, clients Barbara Rolle, center, with Lionel Frage left, and Cathedral Beauford, right, prepare to do some gardening in the outdoor area that produces foodstuffs for the dining room.Camillus client Leo Stevens mops the dining room following a busy lunch period at what is now a full service center offering a system of care for persons who are poor and homeless.Eva Quesada, a Camillus House volunteer, and Carols Martinez, a member of the kitchen staff, share a laugh in the center's dining room.A Camillus House client plays chess in the center's courtyard following lunch.Fred Mimes, right, director of direct care ministry, and client James Wilson talk in the courtyard at Miami's Camillus House, a full service center offering a "system of care" for persons who are poor and homeless.Art instructor Aquiles Avalos leads a hands-on art class at Camillus House as part of the center's system of care for persons who are poor and homeless.Camillus House client Marie Bernard holds a painting during a hands-on art class which is a part of the center's system of care for persons who are poor and homeless.
Photography: TOM TRACY | FC