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Nov. 3, 2013
Nearly 1,000 people filled St. Mary Cathedral for a Mass welcoming the relic of the blood of Blessed John Paul II to the Archdiocese of Miami. The Mass celebrated by Archbishop Thomas Wenski also marked the start of Black Catholic History Month, as members of Holy Redeemer and St. Philip Neri, Miami's predominantly African-American parishes, also attended the Mass.
Religious with the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary wave handkerchiefs as the relic of Blessed John Paul II enters the cathedral. The relic of Blessed John Paul II: A vial of his blood, saved from what was taken as part of his last stay at the hospital. It is set into a sculpted book of the Gospels. This is the relic that travels the world. Three other vials of his blood are on permanent display in Rome, Krakow and Madrid. Sister Ana Laura Lolis of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary films the Mass welcoming the relic of Blessed John Paul II to South Florida. Sister Cassandra Kowaleski, left, and Sister Elena Castillo of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary oversee the livestreaming of the Mass welcoming the relic of Blessed John Paul II to South Florida. The relic of Blessed John Paul II: A vial of his blood, saved from what was taken as part of his last stay at the hospital. It is set into a sculpted book of the Gospels. This is the relic that travels the world. Three other vials of his blood are on permanent display in Rome, Krakow and Madrid. Jeremy and Lily Johnston and their eight-month old son Yosef stand in a corner of St. Mary Cathedral during the Mass. Jeremy studies at Ave Maria University on Florida's west coast and they were in Miami to visit her family but came by the cathedral to venerate the relic. "Definitely this is a blessing," said Jeremy. Servants of the Pierced Hearts stand by as people venerate the relic of Pope John Paul II. Mother Adela Galindo, founder and superior of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts, prays over a visibly moved Vilma Angulo as she prepares to venerate the relic. A young man venerates the relic of Pope John Paul II. Parents show their children the relic of John Paul II. Josephine Gilbert, president of the Miami Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, venerates the relic of John Paul II. Servants of the Pierced Hearts stand by as people venerate the relic of Pope John Paul II. People venerate the relic of Pope John Paul II during its first stop in the archdiocese, at St. Mary Cathedral. Photography: Ana Rodriguez-Soto | FC