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XXXX_Nav_Cuba2012_XXXX Good morning, everyone. I am the editor of the Florida Catholic newspaper, Miami edition, and I will be your eyes and ears in Cuba for the next four days.

So that you know a little bit about me: I was born in Cuba but left when I was two. My first trip to the island was to accompany then Archbishop John C. Favalora and a much smaller group of pilgrims to the Mass celebrated by John Paul II in Havana in 1998.

I never thought I would return. But last year, in February, I accompanied Archbishop Thomas Wenski and members of the Order of Malta on a week-long visit that took us from Havana to El Cobre.

Again, I thought that was it. But here I am once more, traveling to a place no one in my immediate family has returned to since we left in 1961. I am the lucky one, thanks to my profession.

I will try to write as often as possible and post my stories whenever I find an Internet connection, so keep coming back to our website for updates.

Aside from reporting, I have only one thing I must do while in Havana. Since I am staying in a hotel that overlooks El Malecon, my mother - who might have come on this trip were she younger  - strongly suggested I make time for something she used to do every day as she drove home from work: Watch and enjoy a Cuban sunset over El Malecon.

Will do, mom. Pray for all of us pilgrims - as I know you will - and don't worry!

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