

Fr. Jaime Acevedo


Born Jan. 6, 1953, in Santurce, Puerto Rico, Father Acevedo attended school there but studied for the priesthood at St. John Vianney Seminary in Miami and St. Vincent de Paul Seminary in Boynton Beach.

He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Miami on May 8, 1999, and served at St. Mark Parish in Southwest Ranches, Immaculate Conception in Hialeah and St. Louis in Pinecrest. In 2005, he was named administrator, and then pastor, of Mother of Our Redeemer Parish in northwestern Miami-Dade County.

Currently Fr. Acevedo is Pastor at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Parish.

What he did before becoming a priest:

“Many things, but the last two careers were flight attendant for Eastern Airlines for 10 years, and just before it went on strike I began studying cardiovascular technology. I was a cardiovascular technologist for three or four years.”

When he knew he wanted to be a priest:

At the age of 6, when he watched a movie about the life of St. Francis of Assisi.

Person or event that triggered his vocation:

When he was much older, the death of a friend. “His faith in God was so evident that at the moment of his death, I started wanting what he had – a personal relationship with God. As I began my journey to finding God … the desire to be a priest returned, so I had to act on it. Thank God I did!”

What the seminary did not prepare him for:

“If I had to pick one, I’d say administration. The rest has been an ‘on-the-job training’; it prepares you to learn on the job. The seminary did help me to become a better person and to listen to God, to trust his will and follow his lead.”

What he would be doing if he had not become a priest:

“I would be a cardiovascular technologist or be in a profession where I have to serve the public. All my life I’ve been geared toward people.”

" I have come to understand that everything that I have done in my life has brought me to where I am now. "

Favorite priestly duty:

“As a priest, what I enjoy the most, besides celebrating the Eucharist, is funerals. It is a moment when you bring hope, comfort and healing to the person who mourns the loss of a loved one. Sometimes it even triggers a conversion in members of the family.”

Most difficult aspect of being a priest:

“Accepting and loving everyone just as Jesus does.”

His description of the ideal priest:

“One who is down-to-earth, who recognizes his brokenness and offers it to God; one who is as loving and merciful to (God’s) people as he is able to be, with the grace of God.”

A priestly stereotype that should be discarded:

“That we are perfect and should never make a mistake.”

About a year ago, Father Jaime Acevedo switched to driving a Smart Car convertible. He says he has no regrets. It is a lot easier to get around in traffic, and its savings on fuel are great on the pocketbook and the environment.

What he does on his days off:

“Read a book. I may go out to lunch with friends, but mostly I stay home and rest.”

Favorite TV series:

“‘Battlestar Galactica’: I never watched it while it was being broadcast, but I’ve been watching it on DVD whenever I get a chance. It’s better than the one from the ’70s.”

Last book read:

“Come Be My Light: The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta.”

Favorite type of music:

“My music taste is kind of eclectic; it depends on the mood. I like classical, especially piano concertos, jazz, movie soundtracks, R & B.”

What he collects:

“Many things, but mainly icons – and monkeys.”

Person he most admires:

“My parents, a great example of what true love and good marriage should be.”

His greatest disappointment:

“Maybe giving so much heartache to my folks because of my aversion to anything that had to do with studies. I was a lousy student!”

His greatest joy:

“Being who I am, a priest!”

Thing he most fears:

“Fear itself. It can paralyze you and prevent you from doing the will of God.”


“None. I have come to understand that everything that I have done in my life has brought me to where I am now. And God has been with me all the time.”

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