

Fr. Carlos E. Vega


Born Nov. 19, 1961, in Chicago, Father Vega moved with his family to Manatí, Puerto Rico, at the age of 11. He entered St. John Vianney College Seminary after graduating from high school, and was ordained for the Archdiocese of Miami on May 27, 1989, in Manatí. Archbishop Edward McCarthy granted him special permission to be ordained there, and Auxiliary Bishop Agustin Roman flew in to ordain him surrounded by family, friends and nearly the entire town. Among his assignments, he served as pastor of St. Martin de Porres Parish in Leisure City from July 2001 to October 2010, when he was appointed pastor of St. Bernard.

Currently Fr. Vega is Pastor at St. Timothy Catholic Parish.

When he knew he wanted to be a priest:

"I have a vivid memory of being in second grade and telling my mother that I wanted to be a priest. It was a feeling that never left me. When I was 16 years old I went on my first youth retreat/ encounter. That did it for me; it propelled me to follow my vocation."

Person or event that triggered his vocation:

"My mom. … She was a servant to others; she was always charitable and kind. She was a great example to me and my five siblings. She always took us to church, fed the hungry, donated her time and money to those in need and never said no. She was always willing to help."

Person most surprised by his vocation:

"My friends. In high school I was a very good student (4.0 GPA) and they thought I was going to be an architect or an engineer. When I told them I wanted to become a priest and I was going to enter the seminary, they didn't understand why I would leave everything to become a priest."

What the seminary did not prepare him for:

"I think I was in the seminary during a great time. We had wonderful world-renowned theologians come and speak to us. I learned so much. If I have to say something I would say the administration — how to run a parish. I have had to learn that on my own through time and by experience."

'I like to be around people, to talk and to share with others.'

What he would be doing if he had not become a priest:

"I would have been a math teacher. I enjoyed and was very good at calculus and algebra."

The most difficult aspect of being a priest:

"Having had to live by myself. When I was a parochial vicar at a parish, I lived with other priests and it was nice to have someone to speak with, eat dinner with or just watch TV with. As a pastor I have had to live twice by myself."

His description of the ideal priest:

"He would be humble, compassionate and would show people how Christ lived through his actions."

What he does on his day off:

"Sleep in! I like to visit other priests, friends. Go out to eat, watch a movie or go for a walk in the mall."

Father Carlos Vega is shown here visiting Madrid during a trip to Spain in July 2010. While he was there, the Spanish national soccer team won the World Cup.

Favorite movie:

"Any of the Harry Potter movies (and) I like sci-fi!"

Favorite TV series:


Favorite type of music:

Latin and pop

What he collects?

"I don't collect anything really, but I do have lots of books, DVDs and CDs."

Person he most admires:

"My high school math teacher, Mr. Cruz. He gave me the confidence to come out of my shell. He encouraged me and taught me to speak in public. He used to let me get in front of the class and teach a lesson. It really helped me grow up and be responsible."

His greatest disappointment:

"Living far away from my family (they are all in Puerto Rico) and not being able to see them often or be there for them when they need me."

His greatest joy:

"To share Christ with others."

His greatest accomplishment:

"To teach the people of God. I like to use my homilies as teaching moments and have the people feel and understand the liturgy."

His harshest critic:

"People who don't know you and then turn around and judge or criticize you. I tend to come off as very quiet at first. I'm shy and it takes time for me to open up to people but once I do, I give of myself completely."

Thing he most fears:

"To be alone. I like to be around people, to talk and to share with others."

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