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Feature News | Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Teens and tweens exhorted to do ‘great things’

First retreat for middle schoolers concludes with third annual Mercy Night for teens

MIAMI GARDENS | Tweens and teens knelt on the basketball court’s wood surface as Father Louis Merosne carried a monstrance toward a portable stage for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Epic the Band’s song, “Divine,” played in the background.

“The only one who could fill your aspirations is Jesus Christ,” Father Merosne told the 600 or so youngsters who filled St. Thomas University’s gym Oct. 13.

The pastor of St. Anne’s Cathedral in Anse-a-Veau, Haiti, and a graduate of the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, Father Merosne was the keynote speaker at the day-long “Great Things” conference organized by the Archdiocese of Miami’s Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. The event, aimed at students in middle school and high school, ended with the archdiocese’s third annual Mercy Night.

The “Great Things” theme came from a message posted in Pope Francis’ Twitter account back in April 2013: “Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you! Do not be afraid to dream of great things!”

In the morning, Father Merosne spoke to the young people about vocations. “A vocation is part of God’s plan,” he told them.

In the evening, EPIC, a Catholic worship band, pounded out songs that had the gym rocking. Before that, another band, Heart and Soul, played to the packed gym. In another area of the gym, several priests heard confessions.

Luke Salem, 13, and Santiago Suarez, 12, from Nativity Church in Hollywood, have fun as EPIC the Band performs at Mercy Night.

Photographer: MARLENE QUARONI | FC

Luke Salem, 13, and Santiago Suarez, 12, from Nativity Church in Hollywood, have fun as EPIC the Band performs at Mercy Night.

Josh Blakesley, a speaker and musician, told the youths that night that it’s up to them to say, “I am a Catholic Christian.”

“When two or three are gathered in my name, you are there,” he said, referring to Jesus. “I am here in your midst. I believe the Holy Spirit is here. We acknowledge God’s mercy and stand up for what we believe in. Jesus says come as you are. Lay down your burdens.”

The event’s master of ceremonies, Mike Gormley, also known as “Gomer,” spoke during the day about the power of Christian prayer and how to place God at the center of their lives. He also spoke to sixth and seventh grade boys on the power of masculinity and how Christ, again, is the answer.

“Today, you can get rid of some of the guilt that you are carrying,” he said.

Father Merosne, Gormley and Blakesley have all participated in the Steubenville conferences for youth, an outreach of Franciscan University of Steubenville.

Rosemarie Banich, archdiocesan director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, said that the event was an opportunity to bring archdiocesan youths together.

“This is the first time middle school kids participated,” she said. “It turned out beautifully.”

The kids said they enjoyed the day and learned from the event.

“I was impressed by the story of the eagle and the chicken,” said Ertho Eugene, 13, from St. Bartholomew Parish in Miramar. “If you want to do something great, you must soar like the eagle.”

“God is strong and peaceful and greater than anything or anyone,” said Chris Alston, 13, from St. David Church in Davie.

“I like to be part of the Church. It’s a nice community,” said Joshua Sum, 11, from St. James Church in North Miami.

Yvonne Romero, an adult from St. James, rode on the school bus with the young people from the parish.

“We prayed on the bus,” she said. “We constantly have programs and events for the youth at St. James so that they can maintain a connection with God and be his disciples in the world.”

Catholic youth groups came from as far away as St. Mary Star of the Sea in Key West. Other church groups included Blessed Trinity, Miami Springs; St. Agnes, Key Biscayne; St. Boniface, Pembroke Pines; Epiphany, Miami; Nativity, Hollywood; and St. Bonaventure in Davie.

Teenagers kneel during adoration at Mercy Night.

Photographer: MARLENE QUARONI | FC

Teenagers kneel during adoration at Mercy Night.

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