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Parish News | Friday, November 09, 2018

St. Martha Concerts kick off with new name, at new location

Martha/Mary concerts will now take place at Corpus Christi Church in Wynwood

From left: tenor Matthew Maness, soprano Giselle Elgarresta Rios, pianist Paul Posnak and Anita Castiglione take their bows at end of Martha/Mary Concerts presentation of Gershwin and Bernstein works at Corpus Christi Church Nov. 4.

Photographer: COURTESY | Bob Williamson

From left: tenor Matthew Maness, soprano Giselle Elgarresta Rios, pianist Paul Posnak and Anita Castiglione take their bows at end of Martha/Mary Concerts presentation of Gershwin and Bernstein works at Corpus Christi Church Nov. 4.

Father Jose Luis Menendez, Corpus Christi's pastor, and 11 attendees lit 11 candles to commemorate victims of the Tree of Life Massacre in Pittsburgh. The candles burned for the entire Martha/Mary-Yamaha concert, the series’ inaugural performace at the church, Nov. 4.

Photographer: COURTESY | Bob Williamson

Father Jose Luis Menendez, Corpus Christi's pastor, and 11 attendees lit 11 candles to commemorate victims of the Tree of Life Massacre in Pittsburgh. The candles burned for the entire Martha/Mary-Yamaha concert, the series’ inaugural performace at the church, Nov. 4.

MIAMI | Ticketed guests fill Corpus Christi ChurchNov. 4 for the first of the 2018-2019 Martha/Mary-Yamaha Concert Series, which this season has a new name and new venue.

The series bills itself as “world class music at movie ticket prices” and started out as the St. Martha-Yamaha Concert Series, with performances at St. Martha Church, Miami Shores. Several years ago, the venue changed to the auditorium at Barry University in Miami Shores.

The series’ new home is Corpus Christi Church in Miami’s historic and arts-friendly Wynwood neighborhood, with some concerts, and all the after-concert receptions, set to take place at La Merced Chapel, a Spanish baroque building located next door to the church.

This season’s first performance celebrated the music of Bernstein and Gershwin. The concert featured the series’ artistic director, pianist Paul Posnak, pianist Anita Castiglione, soprano Giselle Elgarresta Rios and tenor Matthew Maness.

The concert took place a week after the tragic shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, so Father Jose Luis Menendez, pastor of Corpus Christi, and 11 concert attendees lit 11 candles to commemorate the victims.

The concert series also partners with Colonial Florida Cultural Heritage Center and the Barry University Music Department to foster student musicians and student artists.

“Volunteers from all of the partners in this endeavor are working hard like Martha of Bethany to bring you the Mary of Bethany spirit, a community speaking the universal language of beautiful music,” said Julie Williamson, one of founders of the concert series.

Upcoming performers include Red Priest in January, Spanish Brash with Flamenco Piano and Percussion in March and pianist Kevin Kenner in May. The concerts are normally Sunday afternoons but a new Saturday Salon series, featuring champagne, dessert and more intimate performances at La Merced Chapel, will be offered in January and May.

Tickets start at $15 for general admission, $25 for Blue Circle and $50 for the Saturday Salon series. For more information or to purchase tickets, go to

Ticketed guests fill Corpus Christi Church Nov. 4 for the first of the 2018-2019 Martha/Mary-Yamaha Concert Series (formerly known as St. Martha-Yamaha concerts). The first performance in the new venue celebrated the music of Bernstein and Gershwin.

Photographer: COURTESY | Bob Williamson

Ticketed guests fill Corpus Christi Church Nov. 4 for the first of the 2018-2019 Martha/Mary-Yamaha Concert Series (formerly known as St. Martha-Yamaha concerts). The first performance in the new venue celebrated the music of Bernstein and Gershwin.

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