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School News | Saturday, January 22, 2022

South Florida Catholics join March for Life

MIAMI | At least two South Florida Catholic groups literally voted with their feet in joining the March for Life, the annual protest against abortion.

On Friday, Jan. 21, students and faculty of St. Vincent De Paul Regional Seminary took part in the march at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Several faculty members led 18 seminarians on the pilgrimage, joining thousands of other Christians.

In Coral Gables, students at St. Theresa School took a symbolic march around the school track. Marching the same distance that the pilgrims did in Washington, D.C., they prayed the rosary as they walked.

Father Manny Alvarez of the parent Church of the Little Flower said it was the first time the school had held an on-campus March for Life.

The march at the nation’s capital included a Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and visits to other local religious sites and national monuments.

Faculty members of the seminary said the goal of the pilgrimage was to pray not for only an end to abortion in America, but also for those affected by the practice, especially the women involved. The seminarians prayed for greater compassion and respect for life.

At least two families from Little Flower Parish — the Santamaria and the Lopezes — also attended the march on their own. 

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