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Parish News | Wednesday, December 14, 2016

San Pedro Parish honors late pastor

Father John McGrath is remembered in part for starting children's choir

TAVERNIER | Parishioners of San Pedro took time last month to honor the priest who shepherded them for nearly 21 years: Father John McGrath.

The priest, who retired in 2002 and died Sept. 26, is fondly remembered by parishioners for his homilies, his people-friendliness, his joy and his easy way with children, who tended to flock to him.

In his honor, then, they dedicated a statue Nov. 20 on the parish grounds depicting Jesus holding two children on his lap.

Taking part in the Mass that preceded the dedication were current and former members of San Pedro's children's choir, which Father McGrath started during his time at the church. It continues to this day under the direction of longtime parishioner Mary Ann Don.

The children served as lectors as well as singers during the Mass.

Comments from readers

Cheryl E. Hodowud - 12/16/2016 06:55 PM
Certainly a well deserved tribute to a beloved priest and very dear friend...Rest in Peace, Fr. John. Pray for us now as our saintly intercessor.

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