By Florida Catholic staff - Florida Catholic
CORAL SPRINGS | Because a smile and a warm greeting are a form of evangelization, over 100 more parish secretaries, ushers and staff received training last month as “ambassadors of first impressions.”
The training sessions took place at St. Louis Parish in Pinecrest July 19 and St. Andrew in Coral Springs July 20. This is the second year that the offices of Development, Parish Life and Human Resources team up for the half-day trainings.
About 75 people attended the training at St. Louis, and another 40 or so went to St. Andrew.
The goal of the day is to “make sure that everybody is welcomed” in our parishes, explained Grace Veloz of the Office of Development.
One big no-no: Asking “are you registered in the parish?”
That implies the Church is a private club where outsiders are not welcome. But the Church, by definition, is universal and open to all. That’s what evangelization is all about.
Hospitality, according to Veloz, is also “the first pillar of stewardship,” since people who feel welcomed and cared for are more likely to stay in the parish and help out.
Granted, dealing with the public can be difficult, which is why the training focuses on a tactic called LEAD: Listen, Empathize, Acknowledge, Do something. Using the LEAD strategy keeps people from falling back on more natural reactions such as defensiveness and hostility.
The first Ambassadors of First Impression training took place in 2015. They are typically held in summer, when vacations slow the pace of work in parishes. Those invited to attend are staff, ushers and anyone at the parish who comes in contact with visitors and the community.
So far, over 200 people have been trained. “We’ve only made a dent,” Veloz said, in the total number that could benefit.
The offices are planning a more advanced course in October for those who have received the initial training. For more information, contact [email protected].
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