Article Published



Feature News | Monday, February 18, 2019

New Capuchin friary in Fort Lauderdale

Father Nicholas Mormando, far left, and Brother Lombardo D’Auria, second from left, are the first of an expected three Capuchin Franciscan friars who will work at the newly-erected St. Pio Friary located at St. Jerome Parish in Fort Lauderdale. They are pictured here with Archbishop Thomas Wenski and representatives of the community's New Jersey/Southeast USA Province: Provincial Minister Father Remo DiSalvatore, far right, and Provincial Council member Father Francisco Arredondo, second from right.

Photographer: COURTESY

Father Nicholas Mormando, far left, and Brother Lombardo D’Auria, second from left, are the first of an expected three Capuchin Franciscan friars who will work at the newly-erected St. Pio Friary located at St. Jerome Parish in Fort Lauderdale. They are pictured here with Archbishop Thomas Wenski and representatives of the community's New Jersey/Southeast USA Province: Provincial Minister Father Remo DiSalvatore, far right, and Provincial Council member Father Francisco Arredondo, second from right.

FORT LAUDERDALE | Capuchin Friars from the New Jersey province have erected a new friary, named after St. Pio and located in a former convent belonging to St. Jerome Parish in Fort Lauderdale. Two Capuchin Franciscans have already arrived: Father Nicholas Mormando, a former provincial, will serve as Guardian of the friary and minister in the area as a hospital chaplain. Brother Lombardo D’Auria will serve as director of Faith Formation at St. Jerome School. A third friar is expected to join them in a few months.

Comments from readers

Mar�a Elena Larrea OSF - 02/20/2019 05:15 PM
Welcome! May the spirit of st. Francis touches the heart of this young generation.

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