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Feature News | Monday, November 04, 2019

Locals celebrate Black Catholic History Month

MIAMI GARDENS | November is National Black Catholic History Month. To mark the start of the annual observance, Archbishop Thomas Wenski celebrated Mass with black Catholics at St. Philip Neri Church in Miami Gardens.

On Saturday, Nov. 16, local Catholics of African-American descent will gather at the Stadium Hotel, 21485 N.W. 27th Ave., Miami Gardens, for a luncheon in honor of Black Catholic History Month. For tickets and information, email: [email protected].

In 1990, the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States convened at Fordham University in New York. They voted to establish November as Black Catholic History Month because many dates important to Catholics of African descent fell within that month. The dates include:

  • Nov. 1, All Saints Day: an opportunity to acknowledge hundreds of saints of African descent in the first 300 years of the Church.
  • Nov. 2, All Souls Day: a time to remember African souls lost to cruel treatment in the Middle Passage crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Nov. 3, St. Martin de Porres’ feast day: the only saint of African descent from the Western Hemisphere.
  • Nov. 13, birth of St. Augustine: the first Doctor of the Church from North Africa.

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