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Breaking News | Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Mass of Christian Burial for Fr. Elkin Sierra

The Mass of Christian Burial for Father Elkin Sierra will be livestreamed on Friday, April 14, 2023, at 12 p.m. from Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church.

 Reverend Elkin Sierra Funeral Mass
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
14 April 2023
Presider: The Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski, Archbishop of Miami
Honored Concelebrants: The Most Reverend John Clement Favalora, Archbishop Emeritus
The Most Reverend Enrique Delgado, Auxiliary Bishop of Miami
The Most Reverend Silvio Baez, Auxiliary Bishop of Managua
The Most Reverend Fernando Isern, Bishop Emeritus Pueblo, CO
Reverend Monsignor Dariusz Zielonka, Chancellor ADOM
Reverend Israel Mago, Pastor - Our Lady of Guadalupe
Reverend Gabriel Vigues, Pastor - Saint Louis
Concelebrants: Priests of the Archdiocese of Miami and Province of Miami
Deacons: Deacon Andrew Vitrano-Farinato (Altar)
Deacon Gustavo Santos (Word)
Deacon Saul Araujo
Deacon Rikinson Bantou
Deacon Piotr Sawicki
Pallbearers:  Reverend Monsignor Kenneth Schwanger
Reverend Michael Davis
Reverend Israel Mago
 Reverend Omar Ayubi
Reverend Jose Enrique Lopez
Reverend Andrew Tomonto
Reverend Connor Penn
Servers: John Buonocore
Gabriel Campos
George Castañeda
Carlos Luzardo
Milton Martinez
Andres Papa
Jonathan Sanchez
Readings: First Reading - Isaiah 40:1-11 (English)
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 23 (Spanish)
Second Reading - Romans 8:14-23 (Spanish)
Gospel - John 6:60-69
Order of Events
9:20am Hearse carrying Fr. Elkin arrives at Our Lady of Guadalupe.
9:25am MDFR Honor Guard removes casket from hearse and moves inside the Church.
9:30am Fr. Israel Mago receives the body of Fr. Elkin Sierra.
9:35am MDFR Honor Guard led by Fr. Mago processes down the center aisle of the Church carrying the casket to its place at the steps of the sanctuary.
9:38am Van Orsdel staff open the casket to begin the viewing. At the sametime MDFR sets the watch for the Honor Guard.
9:40am Public Viewing begins.
11:40am MDFR retires the Honor Guard.
11:45am Msgr. Zielonka, Frs. Saunders, Davis, Mago, and Vigues make final preparations before the casket is closed and sealed. Msgr. Zielonka affirms the body present is that of Fr. Sierra. Fr. Saunders will place a corporal over the face of Fr. Sierra. Van Orsdel staff close and seal the casket. Frs. Davis and Vigues place the Pall on the casket. Fr. Mago places the open Book of Gospels on the casket.
12:00pm Mass begins
1:15pm-1:30pm Priest Pallbearers follow the liturgical procession escorting Fr. Elkin’s body out of the Church with family following. Once outside - priest chant Salve Regina Priest Pallbearers place casket in the hearse.
1:35pm Funeral Procession begins to the cemetery. Lead Funeral Home Vehicle MDFR Command Vehicle MDFR Engine MDFR Rescue Truck Hearse Fr. Michael Davis in his vehicle Family Vehicles
1:40pm Arrival at Our Lady of Mercy Cemetery
1:50pm MDFR Honor Guard removes casket from hearse and transfers to Place of Committal.
2:05pm Fr. Michael Davis begins Rite of Committal
2:15pm Rite of Committal concludes and MDFR tones the bell for Fr. Sierra.

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