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School News | Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Marian Center students fill Hope Bags for the homeless

OPA-LOCKA | The Marian Center School celebrated its second annual Faith Day Retreat on Feb. 2 as part of Catholic School Week, with programs to reinforce the bond between faith and service.

Student Council Team candidates show campaign posters during Catholic School Week at the Marian Center School. From left are Octavis Williams, president; Jacqueline Liu, vice president, and Treasure Smith, secretary.

Photographer: Courtesy

Student Council Team candidates show campaign posters during Catholic School Week at the Marian Center School. From left are Octavis Williams, president; Jacqueline Liu, vice president, and Treasure Smith, secretary.

Theme for the retreat was "We Are The Light of the World," with a focus on the acronym of LIGHT: "Love Is Giving Hope To Others." The students presented a skit on the importance of giving to those who have both material and spiritual needs.

Faith Day Retreat also hosted Father Joseph Maalouf, administrator of St. Jerome parish in Fort Lauderdale, who presided over a Eucharistic celebration.

The retreat was the official kick-off for the school’s service project, Mission Hope. The 32 students filled Hope Bags for children and adults who do not have a permanent residence. Goal is to produce 30 bags, which will then be delivered to the Miami Rescue Mission.

Included during the week was election of new officers for the Student Council Team. The three-member team welcomes visitors and donors at the Marian Center or during fundraising events. The members also suggest creative ideas and function as role models for the other students.

During the week, the program explored the school’s mission statement: “to educate and empower persons with diverse abilities, and nurture them to wholeness, following the gospel and the church's call to love, charity and justice."

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