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Parish News | Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Knights of Columbus help displaced Puerto Rican families

Miami Auxiliary Bishop-elect Enrique Delgado poses with representatives of the Florida State Council of the Knigths of Columbus and the Weston YMCA during a recent outreach to families relocated to South Florida from Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria; from left: Rafe Lopez, Knights' state treasurer, Bishop-designate Delgado, Angie Miller, family services director of the Weston YMCA, and Scott O'Connor, Knights' state secretary.

Photographer: COURTESY PHOTO

Miami Auxiliary Bishop-elect Enrique Delgado poses with representatives of the Florida State Council of the Knigths of Columbus and the Weston YMCA during a recent outreach to families relocated to South Florida from Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria; from left: Rafe Lopez, Knights' state treasurer, Bishop-designate Delgado, Angie Miller, family services director of the Weston YMCA, and Scott O'Connor, Knights' state secretary.

WESTON | The Florida State Council of the Knights of Columbus recently distributed $100 gift cards to 40 families, mostly government workers or people who have relatives living in Florida, who were evacuated by the US Coast Guard at the end of September.

"The families, many with children, had to leave the island with only what they could carry with them," explained Scott A. O'Connor, secretary of the Florida State Council.

Present at the distribution was Miami's new Auxiliary Bishop-elect, Enrique Delgado, who did not know at the time - Sept. 29 - of his upcoming appointment. O'Connor added that Father Delgado "has been a great friend to the Knights of Columbus in Broward County. We are sure he will continue to be a good friend of ours in his new capacity as bishop."

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