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School News | Saturday, March 28, 2020

Homestead center formalizes ties with Lasallians

Signing the papers that transfer the La Salle Educational Center's relationship from the Lasallians' Antilles-Mexico South district to the Eastern North America district, from left: Brother Pedro Alvarez Arena, Brother Rafael Ceron Castillo, Brother Dennis Lee and Alan Weyland.


Signing the papers that transfer the La Salle Educational Center's relationship from the Lasallians' Antilles-Mexico South district to the Eastern North America district, from left: Brother Pedro Alvarez Arena, Brother Rafael Ceron Castillo, Brother Dennis Lee and Alan Weyland.

Posing after the ceremony, from left: Lasallian Brother Dennis Lee, superior of the Eastern North America district; Brother Rodolfo Meoli, general postulator for the Lasallian Brothers, visiting from Rome; and Monica Lauzurique, director of the La Salle Educational Center.


Posing after the ceremony, from left: Lasallian Brother Dennis Lee, superior of the Eastern North America district; Brother Rodolfo Meoli, general postulator for the Lasallian Brothers, visiting from Rome; and Monica Lauzurique, director of the La Salle Educational Center.

HOMESTEAD | Brothers of the Christian Schools — Lasallians — from the districts of Antilles-Southern Mexico and Eastern North America were on hand at the La Salle Educational Center in Homestead Feb. 4, 2020, for a covenant ceremony.

The center, which had been affiliated with the Antilles district, is now affiliated with the North America district.

The covenant is a pledge to continue to instill Lasallian values in the education of the children from the agricultural camp in Homestead who attend the center after school, during summer vacations and holidays.

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