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Homilies | Sunday, February 06, 2022

We must be obedient to the God who calls us

Archbishop Wenski's homily at installation of pastor at St. Malachy

Archbishop Thomas Wenski preached this homily while celebrating Mass on the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time at St. Malachy Church in Tamarac, Feb. 6, 2022.

Today, of course, I am here because you officially receive as your pastor, Father Alfredo Rolon, who is sent to you in the name of Jesus. Of course, he’s already been here a while, with the title of administrator. Whenever I appoint someone to lead a parish for the first time. I name him as an “administrator” – then, when he gets some months of experience under his belt (and he hasn’t made a mess of things), we give him the title of pastor. New title, same responsibilities, and same paycheck.

Each of today’s readings speaks of being chosen. And for Isaiah, for Paul and for Peter, — and for each one of us —being chosen is a humbling experience. The fact of being chosen reminds us of our unworthiness, of the distance between us and God, for we all are sinners in need of redemption. But God in his mysterious ways choses to need us to cooperate with him; he always needs someone for a mission; and so, like Isaiah, we reply: Here I am Lord, send me.

And, as we see in today’s scripture, and as we see in the Annunciation of the Lord to Mary, every time the Lord gives someone a mission, he is told “Fear not.” Our response must be obedience to the God who calls us. That is true for all of us — from the pope on down. And it is true for Father Rolon.

You know, Jesus never tells his disciples to play it safe. Rather, he challenges us: Duc in altum. Put out into the deep, as he told Simon Peter in today’s Gospel. He challenges us to embrace the risks of fidelity. Simon trusted Jesus — and he was not disappointed; nor will we be when we embrace the adventure of following Jesus.

To paraphrase Saint Paul in today’s second reading: By the grace of God, you are what you are. It is grace that will make it possible for Father Rolon to persevere in his commitment to the Lord and to serve you, the people of God here at St. Malachy, with an open heart and a willing spirit. Grace is totally unmerited on our part — for like Simon Peter, we acknowledge ourselves to be sinners. But, in embracing his vocation to the priesthood, he has answered like Isaiah: Here I am, send me.

Father Alfredo Rolon signs the papers officially naming him pastor of St. Malachy Church in Tamarac as Archbishop Thomas Wenski looks on. The installation took place Feb. 6, 2022, in front of a full house of parishioners.

Photographer: Screenshot

Father Alfredo Rolon signs the papers officially naming him pastor of St. Malachy Church in Tamarac as Archbishop Thomas Wenski looks on. The installation took place Feb. 6, 2022, in front of a full house of parishioners.

Father Alfredo, as your pastor, is to be a faithful steward of you, the people entrusted to his care, and he is to dispense to you — with single-minded and wholehearted devotion — the means of grace by preaching the Word and administering the Sacraments.

Father, love your people with a shepherd’s heart and feed them, lead them to Christ and teach them gently — by word and example.

Father Alfredo Rolon is entrusted with the “care of your souls,” what in Latin is called the “cura animarum.” He is to carry out his duties “not with a spirit of cowardice, but rather of power and love and self-control” (cf. Timothy).

This care of souls is a threefold task: First, he must teach you faithfully what the Church believes and teaches. Amid this changing world — with its trials, its tribulations but also with its joys and hopes — your pastor is to remind you that Jesus' words do not pass away, they do not go out of style. His words of promise remain in full force and effect. He doesn’t speak in his own name but in the name of Christ.

Second, he must lead you, like the Good Shepherd, to safe pastures; and third, he must bring you to greater holiness.

In the confessional, in the Eucharist, in his ministry to the sick and bereaved, Father Rolon will strengthen you in the grace that will have you grow in holiness before the Lord.

Jesus told his apostles: “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” Father Rolon is here for you as one who serves.

Father Rolon, I am sure, will serve you well; and he will serve not by calling attention to himself but by calling attention to the Lord; he will serve not by seeking his own interests but by putting first God’s will and his people’s good and well-being; he will serve not by trying to please everyone — for one who tries to do that usually ends up pleasing no one; rather he will serve you best by trying to please the Lord in all things.

Un pequeño resumen en español: El Señor dice a Simón Pedro: rema mar adentro. Pedro confió en las palabras de Jesús y no fue defraudado. Y Jesús le confió una misión nueva – la de ser pescador de los hombres. Hoy me complace nombrar oficialmente al Padre Alfredo Rolón su nuevo párroco. Que sepa confiar en el Señor y que sepa que el Señor, como también el Pueblo de Dios en esta parroquia, cuenta con él. Que sea un buen administrador de los bienes de la Iglesia, que sea un buen pastor que se ocupa y se preocupa por su grey, que sea el servidor de todos. Ojo, sí, el Padre debe ser servidor de todos ustedes. Pero, esto no quiere decir que tiene que complacer a todo el mundo. El que trata de complacer a todos termina complaciendo a nadie. Que procure complacer al Señor en todo y así les servirá a ustedes mejor.

I will now ask Father to lead you in the recitation of the Creed and to take the oath of the office of pastor.

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