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Homilies | Friday, June 03, 2022

A disciple follows Jesus because he loves Jesus

Archbishop Wenski's homily at installation of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs' pastor

Archbishop Thomas Wenski preached this homily at the installation of Father Ivan Rodriguez as pastor of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs in Fort Lauderdale, June 3, 2022.

Today, I am happy to be here to formally install Father Ivan Rodriguez as the “new” pastor of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. Of course, he’s been here for quite a while already serving as Administrator of this parish. But today we give him officially the title “pastor” of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. A new title but the same responsibilities, and the same salary; but by naming him pastor you get to keep him for a while longer.

Today the universal Church also honors the memory of St. Charles Lwanga and his companions: They were young African Catholics martyred in Uganda in the late 19th century. It is fitting that a parish named for Our Lady Queen of Martyrs would install its new pastor on a feast day of some martyrs. May their example of courage inspire us, and may their prayers strengthen us so that we too witness to Christ no matter the costs.

The first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, tells us how Paul was to come to Rome where he too would be martyred as Peter also would be.

The Gospel reading tells us of Jesus’ encounter with Peter after his resurrection. Jesus asked Peter three times: Peter, do you love me? And three times, Peter replied: Yes, Lord, you know that I love you. This triple affirmation of his love for Jesus contrasts with Peter's triple denial of him on the eve of Jesus' Passion.

After Jesus' Resurrection — and certainly after the Pentecost experience — Peter and the other apostles were filled with the promised Spirit who would remind them of all that Jesus told them but also the Spirit would strengthen them in carrying out the Great Commission they received from Jesus: Preach the good news to all creation. Filled with the Spirit, they and Peter were never the same. Neither can we be the same: for the Spirit of Jesus calls us to mission. We are to be “missionary disciples” who full of love for Jesus eagerly follow him.

And Peter's love as did Paul's love for Jesus led them to Rome where they preached the Gospel and where they died at the time of the persecution of Nero.

For them, Jesus' love was enough; it was the source of their joy and his love served as a template for them to pattern their own lives on: It led them to indeed walk as he walked. Peter died crucified and Paul was beheaded, and Charles Lwanga and his companions were also martyred. In this way, the way of keeping his word, obeying his commands, they came to share in God's life. And this way must be our own.

The true disciple follows Jesus not because he is looking for miracles. Nor does he follow Jesus because he wants bread, or riches. A disciple follows Jesus because he loves Jesus. And if anyone loves Jesus he will obey his teachings, he will "keep his word."

The teachings of Jesus are not just some interesting thoughts about God and the world. Rather, Jesus has revealed God and opened the way to share in God's life. The commands of Jesus are not just a set of rules like a traffic code — they are a description of a pattern of life that reflects God's own life transposed into human circumstances. Love for Jesus involves both an attachment to him and a oneness with him and his interests, which naturally leads one to obey him and walk as he walked. One obeys what one loves. In fact, our patterns of obedience reveal what we really love.

So, what does your pastor, Fr. Ivan Rodriguez, offer you here at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs? As pastor he has a wide range of responsibilities; but in all that he does he is to offer you the faith of Peter — the knowledge of Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God, who says to each one of us what he said to Peter: Follow me. As your pastor, by word and example, he is to show you the Way that leads to Eternal Life.

As your new pastor, Father Rodriguez is entrusted with the “care of your souls,” what in Latin is called the “cura animarum.” This care of souls is a three-fold task. First, he must teach you faithfully what the Church believes and teaches. He doesn’t speak in his own name but in the name of Christ. Second, he must lead you, like the Good Shepherd, to safe pastures. And third, he must bring you to greater holiness. In the confessional, in the Eucharist, in the anointings at Baptism, Confirmation and in the care of the sick, Father Rodriguez will strengthen you in the grace that will have you grow in holiness before the Lord.

Father Ivan Rodriguez will serve you well — as I said he has served you well for some time now. And Father Ivan will best serve not by calling attention to himself but by calling attention to the Lord; he will best serve not by seeking his own interests but by putting first God’s will and his people’s good and well-being; he will best serve not by trying to please everyone — for one who tries to do that usually ends up pleasing no one; rather, he will do so by trying to please the Lord in all things.

To paraphrase the great St. Augustine: “With you he is a Christian, a Catholic; for you he is a leader, a pastor of souls.” I ask you to pray for him, to give him your support, your love — and, as your Archbishop, I ask the same for me — prayers, support and love. 

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