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Homilies | Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Today, people will follow transparent and authentic pastors

Archbishop Wenski's remarks at vespers with archdiocesan priest

Archbishop Thomas Wenski addressed the following remarks to archdiocesan priest gathered for vespers on the second day of their annual convocation, the evening of Sept. 18, 2024. The convocation is taking place Sept. 17-19.

These words we have just heard from the first letter of John harken back to Jesus’ own words during the Last Supper, when in his final discourse he told the apostles: “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.” If we claim to abide in him, John explains, then we must conduct ourselves just as he did.

St. John Paul II told priests that the people look to them for the “word lived” before the “word proclaimed.” The days are long gone when what “Father said” or “What teacher said” was law.

People today will not follow “blind guides” as Jesus described the Pharisees; but they will follow pastors whose authenticity is revealed in their transparency.

When all is said and done, it is witness that convinces, not words.

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