Article Published



Statements | Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Statement on America Needs Fatima

English Spanish

Below is a statement approved by Archbishop Thomas Wenski pertaining to America Needs Fatima, active in the Miami area.


The Archdiocese of Miami fully supports the message of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Fatima and strongly promotes devotion to the Holy Rosary, especially during the month of October. Please follow Archbishop Wenski’s visits to three elementary schools to encourage praying the Rosary. 

However, the Archdiocese of Miami does not endorse nor allow the group called America Needs Fatima to solicit within the Archdiocese of Miami. This decision was made based on their apparently very aggressive fundraising and marketing strategies. Moreover, this group never requested the archbishop’s permission to exercise this “prayer ministry” within the Archdiocese of Miami. Finally, there are many complaints against the group posted online.

We encourage the parishioners to follow the message of Fatima and to pray the Rosary daily. If so desired, please consider other Marian organizations like the Legion of Mary (, the Blue Army (, orothers approved by the Archdiocese.

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