Article Published



School News | Monday, March 28, 2022

Put a 'rock' in it

St. Agnes students, parents embed their names, virtues in foundation of new church

Aurora Labrada and her preK-4 class place their rocks in the foundation of St. Agnes' new church.

Photographer: COURTESY

Aurora Labrada and her preK-4 class place their rocks in the foundation of St. Agnes' new church.

KEY BISCAYNE | St. Agnes Academy students joined their parents and parishioners this month in leaving their mark in the foundation of their new church.

Before the concrete was poured — the weekend of March 13, 2022, for parishioners and March 17 for students — members of the St. Agnes community participated in a “rock ceremony” for their Building with JOY project.

Father Juan Carlos Paguaga, St. Agnes' pastor, and school  mascot Nathan the Bear pose in front of the church construction site, with Nathan's rock at the ready.

Photographer: COURTESY

Father Juan Carlos Paguaga, St. Agnes' pastor, and school mascot Nathan the Bear pose in front of the church construction site, with Nathan's rock at the ready.

Parishioners were asked to place a commemorative rock in the foundation of the new building. Similarly, each student and faculty member wrote their name or an important virtue on a rock before placing it in the foundation of the new church.

The ceremony symbolizes that each person is an important part, embedded as it were, in building the church, both physically and spiritually.

St. Agnes’ new church will hold about 200 more people than the current one; will have a larger altar and more confessionals as well as a cry room for small children; a covered entrance and parking; a larger and safer choir loft; and more restrooms including some that are accessible to the handicapped; as well as an improved hall for meetings and events.

The Building with JOY project also includes a new school gymnasium and a covered walkway to connect all the buildings. JOY stands for: Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.

The expected completion date for the new facilities is early 2023. 

Fourth graders prepare to place their rocks in the foundation of St. Agnes' new church.

Photographer: COURTESY

Fourth graders prepare to place their rocks in the foundation of St. Agnes' new church.

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