By Archdiocese of Miami -

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MIAMI | The Burse Fund collection will take place in all South Florida parishes the weekend of August 3-4, 2024.
Father Milton Martinez Blass, archdiocesan director of Vocations, has written an introduction to the testimonies of three archdiocesan seminarians regarding their vocations and urging support for the Burse Fund, an endowment that underwrites the cost of their studies in the seminary.
Click on this link to read and download Archbishop Thomas Wenski's letter in English and Spanish announcing the collection.
You can also follow this link to make a donation.
Father Milton Martinez Blass

Photographer: FILE
Father Milton Martínez Blass
"Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets." - Luke 5:5
Inspired by the faith and obedience of St. Peter in Luke 5:5, the Archdiocese of Miami launches the annual Burse Fund campaign to support the formation of our future priests. Just as Peter cast his nets at Jesus' command and witnessed a miracle, we too are called to trust in God's providence.
Your generous contributions to the Burse Fund will provide essential education and resources for our seminarians, preparing them to become dedicated priests who will guide and nurture our communities. By supporting this fund, you participate directly in the mission of the Church, ensuring the celebration of the sacraments and the preaching of the Gospel.
Join us in this mission, confident that, with God's blessing, our efforts will bear abundant fruit. Let us cast our nets in faith today and support those called to serve as shepherds of tomorrow. On behalf of Archbishop Thomas Wenski, the priests and seminarians, thank you for your generosity and please continue to pray for us.
Adam Cahill

Photographer: FILE
Adam Cahill
"The priest is not a priest for himself - he is for you." Saint John Vianney
Growing up in the Archdiocese of Miami, I have witnessed numerous priests who have served their parish communities with great love and service. They have celebrated Masses, baptized, distributed First Communion, heard confessions, witnessed marriages, visited and anointed the sick and buried the dead. At every moment of your life, a priest has walked with you in faith and brought you closer to God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Through prayer, discernment and reflection on the wonderful examples of priests, I realized that God was calling me to follow Him and discern a vocation to the priesthood. Throughout my time in priestly formation, I have been cultivating a heart after the heart of Jesus by serving you - the people of God. By attending Masses, helping in the office, serving the less fortunate, ministering to our youth, and visiting the sick, I have come to believe that I am not for me, but for you.
Thanks to your generosity with the Seminary Burse Fund, I have been able to discern the priesthood, study and live without worrying about future debt. I humbly ask you to pray for your donation to the Seminary Burse Fund this year and pray for me and my brother seminarians who continue to discern God's will in our lives. God Bless you!
Cristhian David Mendieta Hernandez

Photographer: FILE
Cristhian David Mendieta Hernández
The priestly vocation is a mystery of love for those who are called and an expression of God's love and kindness towards humanity. We are all called to be instruments in God's hands for the good of others. This experience of God as an ever-loving Father and a close friend invites us to respond to Him and generously embrace the mission we are called to (cf. 1 Sam 3:10).
Every vocation is a gift and, as a result, God prepares us to be gifts to others. God wants people who are committed to His plan, and in response, I have humbly offered myself to Him through the path of the priesthood during these years of discernment and formation. Trusting in the Lord, I hope to one day serve our local Church in Miami, and this is also possible because of your prayers and support. Your role in supporting the priesthood is crucial and highly valued.
Your financial support for the Seminary Burse Fund is a vital part of our journey to follow Jesus and deepen our knowledge of Our Catholic Church. May God multiply your donations and grant you the strength to continue to pray for more holy vocations.
Spanish Version
La vocacion sacerdotal es un misterio de amor para aquel que es llamado y una expresion del amor y la bondad de Dios hacia la humanidad. Todos estamos llamados a ser instrumentos en las manos de Dios para el bien de los demas. Esta experiencia de Dios como un Padre siempre amoroso y un amigo cercano nos invita a responderle y abrazar generosamente la mision a la que somos llamados (cf. 1 Samuel 3:10).
Cada vocacion es un don, y como resultado, Dios nos esta preparando para ser dones para los demas. Dios desea personas que se comprometan con Su proyecto, y en respuesta, me he ofrecido humildemente a El a traves del camino del sacerdocio durante estos anos de discernimiento y formacion. Confiando en el Senor, espero algun dia servir a nuestra Iglesia local en Miami, y esto tambien es posible gracias a sus oraciones y apoyo. Su papel en apoyar al sacerdocio es crucial y muy valorado.
Su apoyo financiero al Fondo de Becas del Seminario es una parte vital de nuestro camino de seguir a Jesus y profundizar nuestro conocimiento de nuestra Iglesia catolica. Que Dios multiplique sus donaciones y les conceda la fuerza para seguir orando por mas santas vocaciones.