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School News | Monday, November 22, 2021

A 'float' of saints at Nativity

Students' Thanksgiving-themed project combined religion and technology


HOLLYWOOD | In keeping with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade theme, Nativity School’s eighth graders worked on a cross-curricular STREAM project this month: a Parade of Saints.

The students created an electronic parade "float" focused on the saints. They built and coded the cars, decorated the floats, and pictured a balloon saint on each float. They then researched their saint and narrated the saint's life and works as the float moved on the runway. The younger students lined the parade route and cheered them on. 

Prizes were given for first, second, and third places and for the two top Best Coded floats. Teachers Tara Riahifar in eighth grade, Annette Sanchez, religion, and Heidi Suero, STREAM/Curriculum coordinator supervised this creative and innovative project.

Nativity School eighth-graders guide their floats down the "parade" route while narrating their chosen saint's life to the younger students.

Photographer: COURTESY

Nativity School eighth-graders guide their floats down the "parade" route while narrating their chosen saint's life to the younger students.


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